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Is 1+1 really 2?


Let's say you bring two people together. Do we really just have two people? 

What if there is bad vibe between the 2 persons, where one feels uncomfortable towards the other. 
Then you brought 2 people together, but one person makes the other one hide his true self so you end with less then 2 people. 

Or take for example a couple or 2 best friends. 
Bring these two together, do we really just have the addition of one person on top of another? 
Or do we have a connection where each individual brings out the best out of the other individual?  
And thus we end up with more then 2.  

this topic is an ode to relieving our look at the physical side of things, and be more aware of the spiritual side of an event.  


is smiling at a stranger really just an objective event in which you smiled at a stranger?  
You could smile at a stranger, and it turns out that that person was feeling very suicidal inside and your smile, gave them the will to give life another chance.  
A smile could save a life, that is for sure, for it is not just the movement of the mouth, but a real act of love. 

Our daily actions have a lot of meaning. 



Stellars interact with Terrans from ÓB (Earth’s Low Orbit).!

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you are looking too much into it lol

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If I hate you and if you hate me, omg, what a hateful world we would create. Result  negative. 

If I love you but you hate me, how awful. The result is zero because we cancel each other out. 

If I love you and you love me, wow, we create a wonderful world free of hostility. Result is infinity. 

  1. Only ONE path is true. Rest is noise
  2. God is beauty, rest is Ugly 

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5 hours ago, Loreena said:

If I hate you and if you hate me, omg, what a hateful world we would create. Result  negative. 

What if I told you that minus with minus is a plus?  LOL ?

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