When You Support Free Palestine, You're Supporting Genocide Of Hope And Dreams

By Mesopotamian in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events,
Let's think about it, What do majority of undeveloped countries (Muslim countries included) do? What are some of their values are? And one answer is that it's survival-based, ultra-moralistic societies.  And what tend to happen with those kind of society is that oppression becomes the norm. They tend to oppress free thinking, and free speech, and that would in turn suppress creativity, to a degree that people just race in order to fill a job that give them food and work in the only available field more or less, the survival business. The thing with that though is that there are only limited seats that can be filled. The country has few job spots, and you can only have certain amount of people filling those spots, but when it comes to creating new sectors of business, this is non-existent! and that's because the lack of freedoms!  You can't create something new when all your society is brainwashed to think that survival is all there is out there! In my opinion, when you support the right for nations like Palestine to exist, you're already genocide dreams and killing any hope for progress for those nations. You're basically wanting to keeping them in boxes that are called "Countries", hoping that they will progress somehow maybe, knowing what type of values they're operating under. Those countries indeed need freedom, and need some push back against the prevailing values there. Their youth need protection, and you have to wonder, what's the point of supporting other nations to thrive while their sons and daughters are going to be brainwashed already, multiplying in number and thinking that survival is all there's out there!
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