
Is great sex available after death?

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After death not sure, but in Heaven there is no duality, no body, no thoughts, only abstract love, so no human sex. Yet, I’ve had many sexual-type experiences in Heaven. Like 10000x better ones, because they are not limited by human mind and body. I,ve had thousands of beautiful female legs in stocking surrounding me and giant perfect lips kissing me while also within a hyperbolic mandala of extremely beautiful light. and the bliss was mindblowing and deep. Also extremely gentle and caring. Anyway, so no sex in Heaven, but yes sex in heaven. 😁😁

Drops of forgiveness rain over my soul. 

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On 23.1.2024 at 1:08 PM, Someone here said:

Become a muslim.  In Islam ..After you die and go to paradise..you get to have eternal sex with gorgeous heavenly chicks with lovely eyes and full breasts ...that is of course if you are a committed muslim and you perform all the worship stuff.

I'm not joking or trolling . It's literally in the quran .


“Did you ever say Yes to a single joy? O my friends, then you said Yes to all woe as well. All things are chained and entwined together, all things are in love; if ever you wanted one moment twice, if ever you said: ‘You please me, happiness! Abide, moment!’ then you wanted everything to return!” - Friedrich Nietzsche

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On 3/30/2024 at 6:48 AM, numbersinarow said:

told your entire life the female sex drive is 10x what it actually is,

Thank you, that’s what I’ve been saying. Females are clearly nowhere even remotely close to as horny as we are, even though they say they’re the much hornier ones.

On 3/30/2024 at 6:48 AM, numbersinarow said:

told that cold approach won't lead to legal action or the girl thinking you are creepy

I made a thread on exactly that topic and it got locked for “spreading fear around dating”. It’s not spreading fear, it’s reality. If there are alligators in a river, it’s not fear mongering to warn people of that, it’s simply telling them there are alligators in there because that’s an extremely important thing to know.

Getting good at pulling girls is the single most agonizingly difficult challenge that the human organism can possibly attempt.


Edited by Emotionalmosquito

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On 3/25/2024 at 4:02 PM, RendHeaven said:

Some men don't need to do any work at all to feel like Gods (exceedingly rare. NOT you. NOT me.)

That’s one hell of a limiting belief if I’ve ever heard one. You might as well start telling people they’ll never reach enlightenment. You say life is about elevating and good vibes and having fun, but for most people those are only possible with a job????? Jobs are the polar opposite of fun unless you’re super lucky.

On 3/25/2024 at 4:02 PM, RendHeaven said:

Most men need to do some degree of work before they realize their Godliness. You are in this category.

The best I’ve ever felt in my life was when I was not working. The worst I’ve felt was when I was. The second worst I’ve ever felt is my current state. There’s no reason to think I will feel more confident just from wage cucking away at Starbucks or McDonald’s. When you’re working you have all these rules and restrictions you have to follow. Not working, you have the freedom to be as you are and express fully all the time. I don’t how being what amounts to a human tampon is supposed to help my self worth. I literally feel much better not working and not having money than facing the disrespect that those places are packed with, because I’ve been through it.

If nothing else, just answer the following: If money and feeling like a god is what I need, how do you explain Elliot Rodger’s inceldom? He had way more than enough money AND you can clearly see he felt like a God by watching his day of retribution video. 

Lastly, why do you keep saying my fucked up thoughts are coming from low iq? It’s no secret im not the sharpest, but saying fucked up thoughts are an indicator of that is retarded. Are the creators of South Park or people who make high quality, well produced horror movies low IQ?

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This thread doesn't seem to be very useful since 1. You will NEVER suicide. 2. You will NEVER lucid dream or will only have one unimpressive one in 2 years, the rest of your nights bringing disappointment and 3. You will not have sex.

What's the plan here?

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@numbersinarow The plan is to consistently achieve one of the two. Since God is all powerful, He should be able to make that happen pretty easily if He really does exist.

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13 hours ago, Emotionalmosquito said:

@numbersinarow The plan is to consistently achieve one of the two. Since God is all powerful, He should be able to make that happen pretty easily if He really does exist.

A positive claim.

If you know enough to make such a claim, then surely you can explain why God hasn't already given you this?

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On 4/5/2024 at 4:29 AM, numbersinarow said:

A positive claim.

If you know enough to make such a claim, then surely you can explain why God hasn't already given you this?

I do not know. My best guess is either A) He likes to stroke himself off to the sight of our suffering caused by him not giving us our greatest desires in the universe when he very much has all the power to. Or B) Because I haven’t repeated my affirmation “I have a hot and open minded girlfriend” enough times.

If it’s A), I’d love nothing more than God to embody the entirety of itself into the daughter in this video so I can be the dad. 

At the risk of this getting me warning points. I don’t fucking care anymore. I’m done. I’m just honestly expressing how I feel. (Venting is allowed) I want the fullness of everything that God is to incarnate itself into a young teen girl so I can have the experience of being her dad mercilessly beating the absolute fucking tits off her while enjoying all of her little screams of distress as payback for not giving me the harem of super hotties I so rightfully deserve! And I want my audience to be every girl who has ever acted bitchy with me, ever rejected me or ever will


Man you sure are right about the pickup community constantly telling us bs. Owen just dropped a video about the importance of being an “unhinged idiot”

I have no words 

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On 4/4/2024 at 7:49 AM, Emotionalmosquito said:

That’s one hell of a limiting belief if I’ve ever heard one.

Ok, show me your girls then. Where are they?

On 4/4/2024 at 7:49 AM, Emotionalmosquito said:

Lastly, why do you keep saying my fucked up thoughts are coming from low iq?

I don't actually know what your real iq is, of course.

Just most of what you say is unintelligent.

It's Love.

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On 4/9/2024 at 1:40 PM, RendHeaven said:

Ok, show me your girls then. Where are they?

Show me your full blown spiritual enlightenment and 30 million dollars. Where are they? 

Why the hell do you think that someone  calling something a limiting belief means they have to have the thing that the limiting belief is preventing? What kind of logic is that? Other people get girlfriends without jobs sometimes. If they can, I can. To think I can’t get hot girls without working because I’m not “that guy” is one hell of a limiting belief. If they can, I want to as well.  And you’re saying I’m the unintelligent one 🤨

You also say my fucked up thoughts are just a coping mechanism and not authentic? How do you have the audacity to say something I ENJOY DOING is not authentic? That’s the main ongoing problem here that I need to make a new thread about on the main board. People keep parroting be yourself and be authentic then when someone like me actually does it they shift the goal post by saying I wasn’t doing it in the right way or some bullshit like that 

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@Emotionalmosquito what exactly, precisely, actually etc..stopping you from having sex in this life instead of offloading it to the afterlife? 

You can literally just get a job ..make some cash..travel around the globe..go to a house of prostitution and fuck bitches. 

Dude .use common sense .

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On 5/17/2024 at 9:34 AM, Someone here said:

@Emotionalmosquito what exactly, precisely, actually etc..stopping you from having sex in this life instead of offloading it to the afterlife? 

You can literally just get a job ..make some cash..travel around the globe..go to a house of prostitution and fuck bitches. 

Dude .use common sense .

He can get a low paying painful tedious job, eventually make enough cash, travel far far away to a country in which he doesn't speak the language and then after the hassle of going to a prositution house have awkward sex with a prostitute.

You know what's better than that? A world where girls treat guys equally or at least give them equality of opportunity, and one where, if degenerates and unappealing guys get kissed/hugged without having to say a word, it also happens to men who actually deserve it.

Dude .use common sense .

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On 5/16/2024 at 10:40 PM, Emotionalmosquito said:

Show me your full blown spiritual enlightenment and 30 million dollars. Where are they? 

I never made a claim on what is and is not possible regarding spiritual enlightenment or moneymaking, so your point is moot.

You on the other hand, are claiming to know exactly what is and is not required to get women, despite what anybody else with more experience says, you insist that getting women is "an impossible challenge" because of xyz irrelevant factors. You call my advice to tangibly grow yourself in the real world through labor a "limiting belief" despite having less experience, less success, less knowledge.

So again, where are your girls? If you have none, then shut up and listen to people who know better instead of defending your ego online.

On 5/16/2024 at 10:40 PM, Emotionalmosquito said:

To think I can’t get hot girls without working because I’m not “that guy” is one hell of a limiting belief.

You're unwilling to change, you only think about yourself. That's fundamentally unattractive.

These unemployed guys banging hot girls have an essential character trait that you lack. They are hyper-adaptive, extremely sensitive to social calibration, and actually fun to be around.

The only way for you to compete with that is to grow yourself through labor. If not literal labor, then at the bare minimum, emotional labor. But of course you won't do that, so you can continue to complain on here and insist that I'm wrong and that you're right.

Well then, I'll patiently be waiting here for a picture of you and your "hot girlfriend."

On 5/16/2024 at 10:40 PM, Emotionalmosquito said:

when someone like me actually does it they shift the goal post by saying I wasn’t doing it in the right way

I was destructive and immature as a 10 year old. Now I no longer am. So clearly that wasn't my authentic self.

If you are still destructive and immature at your age, and you actually think that's your "authentic self", that just shows you're still a child.


It's Love.

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On 5/27/2024 at 6:05 PM, RendHeaven said:



I think you yourself are doing a good job of following the advice in that video, considering Leo can't admit to being wrong on one single thing besides vague descriptions of his previous attitudes.

On 5/27/2024 at 6:05 PM, RendHeaven said:

So again, where are your girls? If you have none, then shut up and listen


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A chad might be getting all the chicks and not care at all, no appreciation, you might have been him already and not cared. The only reason you care as much as you do is because you're subconsciously creating a massive separation internally. And that separation is so painful that you don't have the power to go after it externally. If you didn't care, there'd be no problem, but you want to care, you create a state of mind where getting it would lead to massive ecstasy exactly because of your lack, but that lack makes your life so miserable that taking action becomes excruciatingly difficult. You create a fantasy that is amazing but because it's so amazing your life sucks compared to it and because it sucks so much, you don't have the energy to go after it, but since you believe in its reality and objectiveness so much, you reinforce your separation from happiness and deprive yourself of willpower, intellect and determination as a result of your scarcity mindset stemming from your separation from joy and peace, counterintuitively reducing your chances of fulfilling that fantasy but also unnecessarily making yourself miserable too.

We are not entitled to anything and only have control over our state of mind which materializes external actions 

There are multiple ways this can go down:

1. You keep complaining and waste your life being miserable, relying on the uncertainty of death to fulfill your desire.

  • 1.1 Your desire isn't fulfilled, it simply ceases to exist as you lose the personality and lack that propels you to want it.
  • 1.2 Your desire is instantly fulfilled without the dream scenario manifesting and you feel great but disappointed.
  • 1.3 Having built up so much negative energy of lack, the bliss of having getting your dream scenario is immeasurable.
  • 1.4 You have the power to fulfil your desires but would have to simultaneously become the girls you have sex with.
  • 1.5 You get what you want, are happy forever, but would have preferred to have lived your life happily until then.

2. You get sex and feel worse because it feels great but you can't have it 24/7 and you suffer every second you don't get it.

  • 2.1 You become reckless, do something stupid and end up in jail, unable to have sex and suffering forever.
  • 2.2 You get a girlfriend who is as much a sex-addict as you and try to figure out how you two can live that life 24/7.
  • 2.3 You find a way to get money and spend it on hookers every night, hating your life outside of that time.
  • 2.4 Your life falls apart as your feeling of disconnection increases exponentially and your mental state declines.
  • 2.5 You live as you always had, now knowing how to get casual sex but always relying on it for being happy.

3. You get sex, fulfill your desire and no longer care and now have to face the nihilistic void of losing your sole life purpose.

  • 3.1 You enter a "Dark Night of the Soul", become depressed for a few months and eventually come out transformed.
  • 3.2 The immeasurable disappointment makes you end your life but have nothing to look forward to in the afterlife.
  • 3.3 You discover the limitation of sex but still feel a craving for love that makes you fall into another trap like romance.
  • 3.4 You discover that sex is merely a small part of a loving relationship and become a better more caring person.
  • 3.5 You question whether you experienced it all and get into all kinds of kinks, but these lead to the same conclusions. 

4. You get your life together, so much so that you can enjoy sex regularly without it messing up your mood and self-worth.

  • 4.1 You live a good life with either casual or stable relationships like most other people and are content with that.
  • 4.2 You become disillusioned with the transformation being so easy and unconsciously self-sabotage your current life.
  • 4.3 You live a normal stable life for a while and enjoy it but eventually bore of it and end up with the same compulsions.
  • 4.4 You have a family and kids, the sex life with your with is satisfying but you find a greater purpose beyond it you love.
  • 4.5 You start enjoying hobbies, activities, friends, create a job you find value in and slowly gravitate away from the sex.

5. You self-actualize to get to the source of the desire and integrate that lack, being at peace with yourself and not need it.

  • 5.1 You discover your need comes from deep childhood trauma and process that pain that then dissolves the desire.
  • 5.2 Your realize your desire is not actually your own, but merely a reflection of the culture and become disillusioned.
  • 5.3 Your desire is valid but overblown, you can appreciate sex but don't rely on it and get it because of that mindset.
  • 5.4 The desire might be past karma from another life and realizing that you create distance and are less attached.
  • 5.5 A disconnection from your feminine/female side manifests external sexual desire, so you get in tune with that. 

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I just thought I would actually help this poor man get some real results in real life.

You seem to dismiss the importance of changing attitudes. Well, that's a trap.

Even if you somehow had all of the correct information (which you don't), if you had the wrong attitude, your life will still be in shambles.

The best thing that OP could do here is to stop debating his ideals online and to go take action IRL.

That is the fundamental attitude change that needs to take place. That is what I am pointing to.

It's just a distraction to begin nitpicking logical fallacies at this point, because NONE of that gets anyone closer to BANGING HOT GIRLS.

If we agree on the goal, then let's cut the fluff and draw a straight line between A and B.

From your other posts, I can tell that you lack experience with women.

If you want HOT SEX, then get off this forum, burn all your beliefs and ideas, and start building real-world experience with real humans.

This will be laborious but worth it.

It's Love.

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Could be why not?

But don't think about it now

Somethings are better left unknown until it's time

Rationality is Stupidity, Love is Rationality

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On 6/3/2024 at 9:01 PM, RendHeaven said:


I just thought I would actually help this poor man get some real results in real life.

You seem to dismiss the importance of changing attitudes. Well, that's a trap.

Even if you somehow had all of the correct information (which you don't), if you had the wrong attitude, your life will still be in shambles.

The best thing that OP could do here is to stop debating his ideals online and to go take action IRL.

That is the fundamental attitude change that needs to take place. That is what I am pointing to.

It's just a distraction to begin nitpicking logical fallacies at this point, because NONE of that gets anyone closer to BANGING HOT GIRLS.

If we agree on the goal, then let's cut the fluff and draw a straight line between A and B.

From your other posts, I can tell that you lack experience with women.

If you want HOT SEX, then get off this forum, burn all your beliefs and ideas, and start building real-world experience with real humans.

This will be laborious but worth it.

We completely agree about how talking about this is worthwhile. And talking about it without logical fallacies is better which is why I pointed it out.

Pointed it out, not nitpicked, because it's not even that the core of what you're saying is an appeal to accomplishment, it's that everything you're saying now is tainted with an appeal to accomplishment fallacy.

I COULD go full-on braindead, forget every thought, and just barely keep the idea that I should cold approach and that we don't live in a cold asexual world and that there are opportunities. Even then I would be keeping some thoughts in my head, it's just that they would be bluepilled. But even if I hypothetically didn't have any thoughts, as opposed to replacing them with the bluepill which I have no reason at all to, what I would be doing would be a complete disaster assuming the blackpill is true, regardless of if I forgot about the blackpill or not. Why should I choose, from this state, to forget about the blackpill?

My other posts don't tell you anything beyond things that I've found out are simply true and have nothing to do with myself. You're wrong if you think I have 0 experience with girls, I do. But I have zero experience cold approaching past the education system. But remember, logical fallacies are apparently off the table so there's no arguing for a worldview where me not cold approaching is bad, it's actually good since it shows I am wise enough to not fall for an internet meme from my perspective, and someone else's perspective can't have an influence without going from a common point P to a point Q.

There isn't even a 0.001% chance of the bluepill being true in my mind.

As for the attitude thing, I would link you that video of elliot rodger getting hugged without having to say a word if it wasn't taken down.

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An ego would rather comically waste it's time and take logic off the table than admit being wrong on the most wrong position imaginable. The fact that any female could prefer someone like that is a bigger blackpill than anything I could have said. Even if you had sex 100 times a day, imagine having the type of mind that is stuck for the rest of it's life trying but not being able to convert the people that shatter it's worldview. The sex would just exacerbate the problem.

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