
Is great sex available after death?

139 posts in this topic

4 minutes ago, Rigel said:

@Spiritual Warrior Every single example on that thread is trying to figure it out but we made it for a reason no? To understand the difference between wisdom and foolishness. I don't mean op any harm there's nothing wrong with foolishness. I do take part in it a lot.

Thats fair 

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14 hours ago, Rigel said:

Someone should probably link this thread on the foolishness exemples mega thread.


13 hours ago, numbersinarow said:

but no

What’s making y’all so sure it isn’t and a foolish idea? Do u know what is and isn’t possible in the space between lives?

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On 1/25/2024 at 8:14 AM, Squeekytoy said:

If it's between lives, then there is definitely no real live pussy.

How do you know that? Who’s to say you can’t make a simulated reality where you get to do anything and anyone before or instead of going into another life? If death means reunion with god, and god is unlimited, there’s no reason why it wouldn’t be possible.

On 1/25/2024 at 8:14 AM, Squeekytoy said:

Get a doll already.

The only reason I might start considering a job. That and hookers 

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Guys please. Out of only one or two yes’ I’ve had almost a dozen telling me no it’s not. I suspect people are just saying that to keep me from killing myself, which I’ve already said I don’t plan on any time soon.

There is NO sex to be had ANYWHERE in a smaller city unless it’s purchased, and even then it’s tricky to find and legally risky. I don’t think people are fully respecting just how insurmountably difficult it is to move when you’re in a position like mine. 

Can I please please please please PLEASE PLEASE for the love of God have this one tiny shred of hope that all sexual desire will be fulfilled after death, and in all the exact ways I want and need it fulfilled from my human perspective? 


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Someone just fucking kill me already and put me in a chad’s body somewhere in a nice part of Las Vegas while letting me keep my exact same mind and ego in the next life. If any spirits or gods are watching this PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE kill me and put me in Vegas as the exact same person but in a chad’s body. Either that or give me the ability to move there easily with just enough money to get by comfortably.

I am giving you my absolute full, 100,000,000,000% permission and requesting to be killed and reincarnated as the same person I’m now in a Chad’s body in a pussy rich environment. 

For some reason, before coming into this life I decided to pull the most heinously evil prank on myself by putting me in a small city where I’m unendingly deprived of one of the highest blisses in existence. Looking for a gf in a small town is hell. Two people in a thread on the dating sub just confirmed what I already knew. Trying to get a girlfriend in a small city makes the demons (normies) hate you for simply lacking social skills. Doing cold approach makes you seem weird to them in their twisted little minds completely devoid of compassion or consideration for virgin men. You start to build a reputation as “that creepy guy approaching all the girls” unless you have absolutely godlike charisma. Exactly why humanity literally deserves to be wiped out by an asteroid. 

A bigger city would fix most of this but nobody seems to be understanding just how monstrously, insanely, preposterously hard it is to make that big of a move. I’m no where close to being able to pull that off.

No matter what I say, nothing conveys how much this is hurting. I can’t keep doing this. I’m internally screaming loud enough to bust my vocal cords 90 percent of every day and night. EVERYTHING has failed me; life is turning into a living bad trip faster than I can control it. My physical and mental health has suffered immensely and I’ve been pushed past my breaking point. There’s no way I can express my true feelings, but this video might be the closest thing there is 


God is infinite and God is you, right? Which means absolutely no limits at all to what can be done after death, limits are only a thing of the physical. So why can’t I create a Hugh Hefner lifestyles for my next incarnation? Why wouldn’t that be possible?

Edited by Emotionalmosquito

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6 hours ago, Emotionalmosquito said:

So why can’t I create a Hugh Hefner lifestyles for my next incarnation? Why wouldn’t that be possible

You're not on the same frequency as Hugh Hefner was. He wasn't desperate. He couldn't care less about getting laid, it was all $$ for him and he wasn't desperate for that either, Stop making an ass of yourself and chill the f out and stop begging. The Universe doesn't respond to beggars, it responds to demanders. Demand not beg. Own that shit, it's yours. Say, Universe I'm so happy and grateful I got 10 strippers on my bed tonight, Universe why am I so lucky that I have all these sexy ladies begging to be with me, Universe why am I so blessed to be at the right place at the right time to meet all these sexy women who can't wait to sleep with me, thank you thank you thank you. Say this every morning and night, let it go and see what happens. You'll be thanking me later.

You're waiting on that trip to a big city when that lay is waiting for you up the street, but you can't see her because you're too busy begging and crying. Your begging energy is so powerful you're begging and begging and begging. Thats the frequency you're putting out. You'll be begging forever. You don't have to move anywhere, she'll come to you if you command it. 

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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Let me make a simpler reply than my last.

You will not have bodily urges without a body. You will forever seek unity until you are whole.

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BTW as someone who lives in a small town, where everyone knows each others business, its no easier at all for the men to date here either  I know where you are coming from in that regard. Especially if you are like me and are repulsed at the modern idea of sex being a game. I just be myself, I am comfortable with myself, it takes no special effort or learning, I tend to be a serious person and so I attract women who look for that when I am putting myself out there. I am not currently doing so or wanting a relationship, mostly because of finances.

If I really wanted casual sex like I did in my 20's, i'd use tinder and message 20 women at once, then another 20, then another 20. if I wanted more of an authentic experience, i'd go on speed dating nights. You get 5 minutes to make an approach speed dating, to maybe two or three dozen women, and its over so fast that you don't have time to be nervous, or overthink anything. It's like cramming much experience into a few nights out, with no pause for breath.

I don't have special charisma, i'm average-looking, I am honest and I do listen, I got the nickname 'lucky' at university, (I never felt lucky) but it was only because I approached a lot of women that I got to talk to more of them than my friends who didn't approach much. I wasn't even that lucky, I got one decent relationship with a sweet girl and I was happy with that till I blew it.

Edited by BlueOak

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Of course! Don't you know that if you've lived a pious life, you receive 72 virgins in a harem all to yourself?

أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن ليو رسول الله

Translation: I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and Leo [Gura] is the messenger of Allah.

"Love is the realization that there no difference between anything. Love is a complete absence of all bias". -- Leo Gura

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On 1/31/2024 at 9:05 AM, BlueOak said:

You will not have bodily urges without a body. You will forever seek unity until you are whole.

No. But we all had to get into these bodies somehow. So why can’t it be possible to make another very similar life but with more opportunity for fulfillment of desires we don’t have access to now?

On 1/31/2024 at 5:57 AM, Princess Arabia said:

Your begging energy is so powerful you're begging and begging and begging. Thats the frequency you're putting out. You'll be begging forever.

I’m not begging for the women themselves, I’m begging for people to tell me the premise of this thread is easily doable, and mean it. And to be put into a better position to get laid a bunch. Because then it’ll be easier for me to believe which will make it easier to manifest. I need more yeses and less no’s 

On 1/31/2024 at 5:57 AM, Princess Arabia said:

Demand not beg. Own that shit, it's yours. Say, Universe I'm so happy and grateful I got 10 strippers on my bed tonight, Universe why am I so lucky that I have all these sexy ladies begging to be with me, Universe why am I so blessed to be at the right place at the right time to meet all these sexy women who can't wait to sleep with me, thank you thank you thank you. Say this every morning and night, let it go and see what happens. You'll be thanking me later.

Only one problem. To demand is to expect an outcome. To let go is to let go of any and all expectations of outcome. So how does one demand and let it go simultaneously? Or did you mean let go of everything except the demand?

Again, my only begging was to be told it’s entirely possible to create future incarnations based on what you want now. I am and have been demanding to be given what I want for quite a while, still nothing. Like when I said 

On 1/30/2024 at 11:21 PM, Emotionalmosquito said:

I am giving you my absolute full, 100,000,000,000% permission and requesting to be killed and reincarnated as the same person I’m now in a Chad’s body in a pussy rich environment. 

Maybe I should have said demanding instead of requesting right there. Because that’s definitely what I meant.

On 1/31/2024 at 5:57 AM, Princess Arabia said:

when that lay is waiting for you up the street, but you can't see her because you're too busy begging and crying.

I see every single one that enters anywhere within my field of vision. I’m not missing opportunities from crying too much. I’m crying so much because all my opportunities fail. Key distinction.

On 1/31/2024 at 5:57 AM, Princess Arabia said:

You're waiting on that trip to a big city when that lay is waiting for you up the street

On 1/31/2024 at 5:57 AM, Princess Arabia said:

she'll come to you if you command it. 

“Hey, pretty! I command you to get the fuck in the car right now!” Surely you’re not suggesting I start commanding women to sleep with me, right? You mean I demand it to the universe and it sends them my way by itself. Right?

On 1/31/2024 at 5:57 AM, Princess Arabia said:

Say, Universe I'm so happy and grateful I got 10 strippers on my bed tonight, Universe why am I so lucky that I have all these sexy ladies begging to be with me, Universe why am I so blessed to be at the right place at the right time to meet all these sexy women who can't wait to sleep with me, thank you thank you thank you. Say this every morning and night, let it go and see what happens. You'll be thanking me later.

Game on. I’m holding you to that promise. I’ll say it constantly for the next two weeks, thousands of times a day. If it still doesn’t work after all that, well, so much for askfirmations being the least bit effective. But I’ll go in expecting it to work to the best of my ability.


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4 hours ago, Emotionalmosquito said:

No. But we all had to get into these bodies somehow. So why can’t it be possible to make another very similar life but with more opportunity for fulfillment of desires we don’t have access to now?

I’m not begging for the women themselves, I’m begging for people to tell me the premise of this thread is easily doable, and mean it. And to be put into a better position to get laid a bunch. Because then it’ll be easier for me to believe which will make it easier to manifest. I need more yeses and less no’s 

Only one problem. To demand is to expect an outcome. To let go is to let go of any and all expectations of outcome. So how does one demand and let it go simultaneously? Or did you mean let go of everything except the demand?

Again, my only begging was to be told it’s entirely possible to create future incarnations based on what you want now. I am and have been demanding to be given what I want for quite a while, still nothing. Like when I said 

Maybe I should have said demanding instead of requesting right there. Because that’s definitely what I meant.

I see every single one that enters anywhere within my field of vision. I’m not missing opportunities from crying too much. I’m crying so much because all my opportunities fail. Key distinction.

“Hey, pretty! I command you to get the fuck in the car right now!” Surely you’re not suggesting I start commanding women to sleep with me, right? You mean I demand it to the universe and it sends them my way by itself. Right?

Game on. I’m holding you to that promise. I’ll say it constantly for the next two weeks, thousands of times a day. If it still doesn’t work after all that, well, so much for askfirmations being the least bit effective. But I’ll go in expecting it to work to the best of my ability.


After your last grossly grotesque post, it is obvious to me now why you're not getting laid. The Universe is trying to find you a match and it's having a hard time matching you with someone on that frequency. You know which post I'm referring to. You seem to not understand that everything is energy, frequency and vibration. Not too many people will match that particular type of frequency and are vibrating on that level when it comes to sexual energy. 

I only said grossly grotesque so you know which post I'm referring to, not judging (even though it was gross, but that's just my taste - or not). 

Even though my response above was just me going on and on just going off on a rantless rant, when I say demand I meant to own it, never beg the Universe for anything because its already yours, you just have to place the order and start to vibrate on the same frequency that the order is at in "escrow". They're not too many women matching your frequency on a sexual level so you would have to tone down your sexual fantasies a bit and maybe become a little teeny weeny weeny bit more "normal" which for you is still on the wild side so I'm not saying to be "normal".

You might think I'm saying everyone that has sex is on the same sexual level as their partner but it's a bit more nuanced than that which I can't get into here as it takes a bit of explanation, some of which I'm still exploring when it comes to this topic but I'm aware of how the yin and yang works when it comes to sexual energy. 

I'm being serious here about your 'grotesqueness' with what your post suggested. You might think I'm trying to be smart or trying to put you down but it suggests a lot of imbalance. Lots of people are not balanced and have weird fantasies but when it comes to the whole package you're gonna have a hard time finding someone who matches that on a mental level. It's not the content I'm suggesting that makes it unbalanced but the head space of someone who does those things. You could eat someone's shit or drink someone's piss, doesn't matter to the Universe but the headspace of someone who enjoys that stuff carries a certain frequency and for all the stuff you mentioned, again, not judging, plus how you feel about women plus how you feel about yourself your mental space...it has to be aligned with whomever with whomever will find that attractive, doesn't matter if its good or bad, just energetically aligned.

What i'm trying to say is a little more than what I'm saying but I can say but so much because it would be a book. Again, lots of people have different sexual fantasies or do "weird" shit so it's more than that and not saying anything wrong or right with it, it just is. And its not just about the content of the sexual fantasy but what caused that whole shebang to be woven into your consciousness to begin with and the particular threads that sewed it all together. It's a mindset and a particular state of consciousness that caused that to emerge within you.

I'll stop here, but now I'm understanding more now about your state and you probably have a lot of trauma built up which needs to be addressed. You probably need to go to a kink house to find you a match.

P.S. Incase you're wondering what post I'm referring to, its in the "share weird things you do" thread started by someone_here in the "off-topic" section.

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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There is no logic to when or where great sex should occur.

I AM reborn

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On 2/2/2024 at 10:11 AM, Emotionalmosquito said:

No. But we all had to get into these bodies somehow. So why can’t it be possible to make another very similar life but with more opportunity for fulfillment of desires we don’t have access to now?

That's what people spend eternity doing until they are ready to stop having reincarnation loops.

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On 23/01/2024 at 2:08 PM, Someone here said:

Become a muslim.  In Islam ..After you die and go to paradise..you get to have eternal sex with gorgeous heavenly chicks with lovely eyes and full breasts ...that is of course if you are a committed muslim and you perform all the worship stuff.

I'm not joking or trolling . It's literally in the quran .

Recently, i come to know the intended meaning of the huur (aka gorgeous heavenly women) and Jannah etc.  It is completely different model then the one we know.

You can't imagine the shock i went through, it took away my fantasy and left me dry. 

Still going through transformation but it was eye opening. 




And no its not in Quran and you are joking for that matter. Quran never spoke about sex or women distinctively. 

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9 minutes ago, Jac067 said:

Recently, i come to know the intended meaning of the huur (aka gorgeous heavenly women) and Jannah etc.  It is completely different model then the one we know.

You can't imagine the shock i went through, it took away my fantasy and left me dry. 

Still going through transformation but it was eye opening. 




And no its not in Quran and you are joking for that matter. Quran never spoke about sex or women distinctively. 

No it is in the quran.  It says we shall make them marry the huur. 

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44 minutes ago, Someone here said:

No it is in the quran.  It says we shall make them marry the huur. 


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On 1/31/2024 at 4:29 AM, Emotionalmosquito said:

There is NO sex to be had ANYWHERE in a smaller city unless it’s purchased, and even then it’s tricky to find and legally risky. I don’t think people are fully respecting just how insurmountably difficult it is to move when you’re in a position like mine. 

They aren't respecting it in the slightest.

People who rightfully point out rent prices are INSANELY unreasonable in an economic context against conservatives, will tell you that you need to self-improve in order to move out. Okay, with what? In order to go to college you will already need to have that money for moving, not even mentioning bizarre university costs in the US.

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I completely agree, convince yourself that you chose this life and that you will get a new character creation screen where, for some reason, the overwhelming majority give themselves extreme disadvantages, in order so that you can... die and not get sex? Also your reasons for why it's not going to be (basically) just as hard in a big city are unconvincing. If you're going down this route, just try making a deal with entities that appear during trips instead of doing this.

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I like the first picture more, just pure empty cold indifferent depressing experience and the hanging rope showing you just a glimpse of hope. Only talking about aesthetics. (It's possible that people get to experience infinite heaven in the space between lives and only choose to start lives because they say "f it may as well get a challenge," but there are also infinite other possibilities.)

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