Steel Grotto

Awakening and the Criminal Misunderstanding of Biblical Meaning

13 posts in this topic

First Post I'm making here on the Forum. This Discussion should tie into the following interests of this particular branch of the Forum. 

  • Self-Actualization, Self-Improvement
  • Spirituality, Consciousness, Enlightenment, Nonduality, Meditation, Mindfulness
  • Mysticism, Yoga, Lucid Dreaming, Paranormal, Channeling, Chakras, etc.
  • Discussing & Sharing Spiritual Techniques

Perhaps I should give a bit of background of myself before I begin the topic. I was brought up in a pretty regular kind of Christianity, pretty chill, on the spectrum of types of Christians. I went to Christian Summer camps at times, attended a Christian private school for a couple years, and had/have a fair amount of relative invested in the Christian World as it generally is. As I got older, my time in public school brought me into contact with *gasp* nonbelievers, atheist's, nay! infidels, that challenged shook my belief a bit. I begin to question, look for answers online, watch online debates. I found Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, and Sam Harris. Watching the debates resulted in a sobering disillusionment in what I thought was true. Now I was an athiest! My mind unshackled by dogma and ignorance, muahahaha! (I was rather cocky whatever my views, it would seem). I attended Christian Bible studies in college and critiqued the book and beliefs that had no sense or evidence to them... yadayadayada, time went on, but Sam Harris's interest in spirituality and meditation opened a new door, that would lead to something else. My interest in meditation put me in some spiritualish lanes of information, Alan Watts, for one, a delightful discovery. I don't know if I was really just interested in the strongest conceptual club (as in weapon) I could wield, but I suppose Watts, others, and to great technical definition, Leo, changed my understanding of God. From worshipping God, laughing at the notion of God, to, apparently being God/rebecoming myself as God, aye-yaiyai! Neville Goddard's writing, it would turn out, led me to a new understanding of the Bible and connected it to the other consciousness work I was involved in.

I hope that this background info will create the understanding that I am not dogmatic about this matter or allegiant to Christianity in particular, and that this matter can be  relevant to everyone, regardless of familiarity with the book, believer, former Christian, atheist, former atheist, buddhist or what have you (perhaps it can even help the God realized O_O?)

Hello my fellow explorers and guardians of consciousness, over the last, two? years, I've come across actual comprehension of what the stories in the Bible, to a large degree are about, and was wondering how widespread the truth and ignorance of the Bible are spread in this time and place. From what I gather, for something of its impact in this time, the Bible may be the most misunderstood thing on this Earth. This may be a larger problem of the symbolism of religion being reduced to its surface feature by most of its adherents, but, from the little I've seen, and if I may risk being hyperbolic, it appears that. . . 

                                                                                                    NOBODY F*%&ING UNDERSTANDS THE BIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

heh, phew, I really need to get this off my mind, so if you would be so kind as to help me get the lay of the land here, can you share your understanding of what we now know of the Bible is all about.

I'm mainly interested in the ahistorical meaning the parables are meant to convey, which are all related to mechanics of consciousness and the mind, from what I've gathered of Neville Goddard's analyses as well as the talk of mythologist Bill Donahue. If you want to include historical and other facets of it, or even insights into other myths/parables of other religions, such as Odin, the Bhagavad Gita, Greek Myth, go ahead! (Even nursery rhymes or more humble sources could be included)

Depending on what answers are given here, I may be compelled to go on an endless tirade into elucidating the richness of those long forgotten secrets, unearthing them into the glaring light of day once more!

I'll make a list, and we can discuss the symbolism of these different, famous tales, and if they have any relevance to the consciousness work/interest of the good members of this forum and all that good ol' Awakening jazz

Things/Stories in what is now the Bible: (feel free to give your analysis, interpretation, or what have you)

  • Eden (This includes a lot of stuff, such as what is the Garden, what is/who is Adam, the serpent, Eve, the two trees, the two fruits of the trees, and the Fall out of Paradise)
  • What's up with Cain and Abel
  • What is the meaning of Noah's Ark and the Flood
  • Sodom and Gomorrah 
  • Joseph, of the Coat of Many Colors
  • The Exodus Story, who is Moses, who is Pharoah, and what is it all about? Very comparable to the Bhagavad Gita, methinks. Desert stuff... What is the Ark of the Covenant?
  • David and Goliath (and all the subsequent David narrative if you prefer, David does a lot o' stuff)
  • (Elvis Singing)Joshua fought the Battle of Jericho, Jericho, Jericho. Joshua fought the battle of Jericho, and the walls came atumblin' down (favorite of mine)
  • What's all the miraculous births about? The whole trifecta of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob has a lot to it (in particular, Isaac's vs Ishmael's birth, the fight for old blind Isaac's blessing between Jacob and Esau)
  • oh! and the often puzzling story of Job and his ordeal

New Testament

  • Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
  • Who is he, what is he, what the hecks he talkin bout, what do his miracles mean/represent. What is the Cross, what is the Manger, what is the Virgin Mary, what's up with the fish, bread and wine, the walkin' on water, and the Disciples. Was it historical, what relevance does it have to me and you, and the biggee, What is the Crucifixion (what is the Cross?) and the Resurrection. Lot's of Jesus stuff available to discuss. (Odd observation in the similarity between Odin and Christ in parts, it seems they share deeper aspects. An irony, given the historical hate between the two faiths.
  • *Bonus content, Misc. New Testament stuff, Paul n' stuff
  • Revelations O_O (not too deep into this, tell me if you got any insight here)

Major Themes (Please chime in on these)

What is the Biblical God? Why does it introduce itself as "I AM that I AM"?

PRAYER*!!! What is prayer, why do it, does it work, how to do it properly, prayer! prayer! prayer! Huge insights available when you realize what Prayer is about

Bonus Points

Numerology in the scriptures (I'm sure you could easily remember several numbers that come up again and again in the Bible, I was surprised at the system in place for this, finally find out what 666 means! :O! o~ooooh! Spooky!)

Astrology mentions in the Bible

Historical Origins (Tail end, tangential topic)

Discuss how the Bible stories stole their wisdom from Egypt and Zoroastrianism, myths and all! :D

In closing, what is the Bible? Is it important, especially to you in your modern, non desert life? What's it about? Can we get any use out of it? Does it have anything to do with other thing we talk about here at Find out Next Time, on the Next Exciting Episode of Dragon Ball Z !!!

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6 hours ago, Steel Grotto said:

PRAYER*!!! What is prayer, why do it, does it work, how to do it properly, prayer! prayer! prayer! Huge insights available when you realize what Prayer is about

I guess I could say something here. 

1.Prayer is to set the heart free by allowing the energy of heart's desire to flow unobstructed. To let it fill the whole being and brake through all the resistances made of fear. 2.It is to surrender all egoic control and replace it with love's gentle (sometimes not so gentle) guidance and wisdom. 3.And finally it is to become a Creator of the reality you experience. 

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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Michael Heiser, The Unseen Realm

Muraesco, The Immortality Key: The Secret History of the Religion with No Name

Carl Ruck, The Apples of Apollo: Pagan and Christian Mysteries of the Eucharist

Strassman, DMT and the Soul of Prophecy: A New Science of Spiritual Revelation in the Hebrew Bible 


Edited by Water by the River

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there is a more recent testament, A course in miracles, and for a taster read The disappearance of the universe

the bible describes the god the ego needed in order to keep us here endlessly in hell with no chance of heaven

god is truth and knows nothing about falseness because all is truth, you have never left heaven but would love to forever dream otherwise

however forever is impossible for the false so one day you will get the message

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12 hours ago, Steel Grotto said:

First Post I'm making here on the Forum. This Discussion should tie into the following interests of this particular branch of the Forum. 

  • Self-Actualization, Self-Improvement
  • Spirituality, Consciousness, Enlightenment, Nonduality, Meditation, Mindfulness
  • Mysticism, Yoga, Lucid Dreaming, Paranormal, Channeling, Chakras, etc.
  • Discussing & Sharing Spiritual Techniques

Perhaps I should give a bit of background of myself before I begin the topic. I was brought up in a pretty regular kind of Christianity, pretty chill, on the spectrum of types of Christians. I went to Christian Summer camps at times, attended a Christian private school for a couple years, and had/have a fair amount of relative invested in the Christian World as it generally is. As I got older, my time in public school brought me into contact with *gasp* nonbelievers, atheist's, nay! infidels, that challenged shook my belief a bit. I begin to question, look for answers online, watch online debates. I found Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, and Sam Harris. Watching the debates resulted in a sobering disillusionment in what I thought was true. Now I was an athiest! My mind unshackled by dogma and ignorance, muahahaha! (I was rather cocky whatever my views, it would seem). I attended Christian Bible studies in college and critiqued the book and beliefs that had no sense or evidence to them... yadayadayada, time went on, but Sam Harris's interest in spirituality and meditation opened a new door, that would lead to something else. My interest in meditation put me in some spiritualish lanes of information, Alan Watts, for one, a delightful discovery. I don't know if I was really just interested in the strongest conceptual club (as in weapon) I could wield, but I suppose Watts, others, and to great technical definition, Leo, changed my understanding of God. From worshipping God, laughing at the notion of God, to, apparently being God/rebecoming myself as God, aye-yaiyai! Neville Goddard's writing, it would turn out, led me to a new understanding of the Bible and connected it to the other consciousness work I was involved in.

I hope that this background info will create the understanding that I am not dogmatic about this matter or allegiant to Christianity in particular, and that this matter can be  relevant to everyone, regardless of familiarity with the book, believer, former Christian, atheist, former atheist, buddhist or what have you (perhaps it can even help the God realized O_O?)

Hello my fellow explorers and guardians of consciousness, over the last, two? years, I've come across actual comprehension of what the stories in the Bible, to a large degree are about, and was wondering how widespread the truth and ignorance of the Bible are spread in this time and place. From what I gather, for something of its impact in this time, the Bible may be the most misunderstood thing on this Earth. This may be a larger problem of the symbolism of religion being reduced to its surface feature by most of its adherents, but, from the little I've seen, and if I may risk being hyperbolic, it appears that. . . 

                                                                                                    NOBODY F*%&ING UNDERSTANDS THE BIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

heh, phew, I really need to get this off my mind, so if you would be so kind as to help me get the lay of the land here, can you share your understanding of what we now know of the Bible is all about.

I'm mainly interested in the ahistorical meaning the parables are meant to convey, which are all related to mechanics of consciousness and the mind, from what I've gathered of Neville Goddard's analyses as well as the talk of mythologist Bill Donahue. If you want to include historical and other facets of it, or even insights into other myths/parables of other religions, such as Odin, the Bhagavad Gita, Greek Myth, go ahead! (Even nursery rhymes or more humble sources could be included)

Depending on what answers are given here, I may be compelled to go on an endless tirade into elucidating the richness of those long forgotten secrets, unearthing them into the glaring light of day once more!

I'll make a list, and we can discuss the symbolism of these different, famous tales, and if they have any relevance to the consciousness work/interest of the good members of this forum and all that good ol' Awakening jazz

Things/Stories in what is now the Bible: (feel free to give your analysis, interpretation, or what have you)

  • Eden (This includes a lot of stuff, such as what is the Garden, what is/who is Adam, the serpent, Eve, the two trees, the two fruits of the trees, and the Fall out of Paradise)
  • What's up with Cain and Abel
  • What is the meaning of Noah's Ark and the Flood
  • Sodom and Gomorrah 
  • Joseph, of the Coat of Many Colors
  • The Exodus Story, who is Moses, who is Pharoah, and what is it all about? Very comparable to the Bhagavad Gita, methinks. Desert stuff... What is the Ark of the Covenant?
  • David and Goliath (and all the subsequent David narrative if you prefer, David does a lot o' stuff)
  • (Elvis Singing)Joshua fought the Battle of Jericho, Jericho, Jericho. Joshua fought the battle of Jericho, and the walls came atumblin' down (favorite of mine)
  • What's all the miraculous births about? The whole trifecta of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob has a lot to it (in particular, Isaac's vs Ishmael's birth, the fight for old blind Isaac's blessing between Jacob and Esau)
  • oh! and the often puzzling story of Job and his ordeal

New Testament

  • Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
  • Who is he, what is he, what the hecks he talkin bout, what do his miracles mean/represent. What is the Cross, what is the Manger, what is the Virgin Mary, what's up with the fish, bread and wine, the walkin' on water, and the Disciples. Was it historical, what relevance does it have to me and you, and the biggee, What is the Crucifixion (what is the Cross?) and the Resurrection. Lot's of Jesus stuff available to discuss. (Odd observation in the similarity between Odin and Christ in parts, it seems they share deeper aspects. An irony, given the historical hate between the two faiths.
  • *Bonus content, Misc. New Testament stuff, Paul n' stuff
  • Revelations O_O (not too deep into this, tell me if you got any insight here)

Major Themes (Please chime in on these)

What is the Biblical God? Why does it introduce itself as "I AM that I AM"?

PRAYER*!!! What is prayer, why do it, does it work, how to do it properly, prayer! prayer! prayer! Huge insights available when you realize what Prayer is about

Bonus Points

Numerology in the scriptures (I'm sure you could easily remember several numbers that come up again and again in the Bible, I was surprised at the system in place for this, finally find out what 666 means! :O! o~ooooh! Spooky!)

Astrology mentions in the Bible

Historical Origins (Tail end, tangential topic)

Discuss how the Bible stories stole their wisdom from Egypt and Zoroastrianism, myths and all! :D

In closing, what is the Bible? Is it important, especially to you in your modern, non desert life? What's it about? Can we get any use out of it? Does it have anything to do with other thing we talk about here at Find out Next Time, on the Next Exciting Episode of Dragon Ball Z !!!

What you understand,/conclude from anything, that's the way that you are. 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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Thank you for sharing some of your story in search for truth and providing a list with honorable stories to be discussed. 

In my search for truth I claimed to be nothing, everything, consciousness, and eventually God.. I read the books, did the work and consumed the mindbenders. Back then I even told people that death didn't scare me.

In my blindness and therof lack of humbleness I began to search for truth in the occult. Turned out the diabolic realm is very real. The evil and seduction from theese beings can't even be comprehended by a human. The world is structered like an evil pyramide, and the entities spawned and worshiped at that time is still seducing and affecting mankind. 

In my arrogance I enden up with a knife to the heart. I got really hurt and thougth I was going to die early. In my hopelessness I cried out for God. Jesus healed my hearth smoothly, and has since then guided me with His mighty eye and showed me great and hidden things I did not know. All the psychadelics in the world is diminutive compared to God. His voice can make you tremble. I shiver just thinking about me claiming to be God. Now I want to die and enter paradise, but I enjoy being here learning His ways, and honour the holy calling He bestowed unto me.


Here are some thoughts and insight on a couple of the topics you provided. I am going to add some scipture along with it.

Adam and eve - God knew that adam would eat of the apple as He is all knowing and in His word it says when you eat of the apple you will surely die. Before Adam had the knowledge of good and evil everything was clean for him. By eating the fruit he had disobeyed the word of God and was no longer in perfect love. Fear had entered and along with it shame. Now Adam and Eve try to hide their nakedness from the Lord. It's interesting how Adam points finger at God by telling Him that Eve ate the fruit wich He created for Him. 

»No fear exists where his love is. Rather, perfect love gets rid of fear, because fear involves punishment. The person who lives in fear doesn’t have perfect love.« ‭‭1 John‬ ‭4‬:‭18‬ 

David and Goliath - In the Bible we can see how God uses what is considered low in the world to humble the pompous. It didn't matter that David was a boy in no armour against Goliath. God himself fought for him, like Jesus who gave everything for his saints. God gained honour through David when he chopped his head off. however strong the opponement is won't matter compared to His power. In the book of judges we can see how God guided 300 chosen men with honour to defeat the 135,000 Midianites. 

»But God chose what the world considers nonsense to put wise people to shame. God chose what the world considers weak to put what is strong to shame.«‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭1‬:‭27‬ 

Job - Through all of Jobs intense sufferings he never cursed at God nor did he give up his faith. He respected God even in His misery. His friends observed Job's suffering and thought higher of themself. They assumed God punished Job for his sins. On the contrary God looked at Job's heart and saw a blameless man. It reminds me of the pharasiee who thought better of himself compared to the tax collector in Luke 18:10-14. Thouh Job was to hasty in cursing his existence as God blessed him abundantly after being put to the test.

»The Lord is near to those whose hearts are humble. He saves those whose spirits are crushed. The righteous person has many troubles, but the Lord rescues him from all of them.« ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭34‬:‭18‬-‭19

New testament - Jesus is God incarnated from heaven to save His chosen people from a broken world. He is the promised messiah that has been prophetised about for centuries. In the bible there is subtle propheties about Him like Psalm 69:22 and obvious ones like Isaiah 53. The cross is our salvation. It is Gods wrath being poured out on himself, it is His mercy. He is the good shepherd who dies for his sheep. The transgressions against God is nailed to the cross for His saints. As He is all knowing Jesus take upon himself the sin of the world. He is the ultimate truth, the alpha and the omega, the only way to everlasting life. John 6:49-58 goes in great detail about the bread and wine. Jesus promise that through faith one receive His holy spirit.

Past --> Jesus on the cross <-- Future

»and he has identified us as his own by placing the Holy Spirit in our hearts as the first installment that guarantees everything he has promised us.« ‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭1‬:‭22‬ ‭NLT‬‬

»And this is the plan: At the right time he will bring everything together under the authority of Christ—everything in heaven and on earth.« ‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭1‬:‭10‬

Revelations - It's strange how people are not noticing the end times propheties being fullfilled. I believe the mark of the beast is on it's way, humans merging themself with artificial inteligense. Also it would make sense for the government to claim alien abduction after the rapture, hence all the UFO videos. 

The bible is so complex, I have been studying the book every day for over a year now and it feels like I haven't even scratched the surface of it. God is a master designer!


Edited by MellowEd

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The matter of Adam and Eve is very interesting, it means that humans leave the Garden of Eden, the perfect purity of wild life, by eating from the tree of wisdom, by acquiring the mind that knows. This separates us from true life and places us in a kind of purgatory. 

The issue of Cain and Abel is the same, humans are brothers but envy always arises, and from it war and murder. It doesn't matter if we have a good life, we compare and hate.  


job says: blessed are those who suffer because they will see god. True suffering puts humans in such a situation that forces them to search within themselves, go deeper, and open themselves to divinity. 

For me the Jesus tale sais: 

Humans are doomed to war and hell in life, it is inevitable, but a messiah will arrive to save humanity with his martyrdom and begin a time of brotherhood and love. For me this means that a moment of extreme suffering will come, perhaps the Second World War, the Holocaust (Jews, seems a joke but...), or perhaps it is yet to come but I would say that it has already arrived, in which humans will see that envy, hatred, predation, exploitation, they are stupid, it is beating yourself, and they realize that the only way is brotherhood and love.

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Have any of you heard about Mauro Biglino  the Vatican biblical translator, who, fairly recently did some deep translations and has come to the conclusion, that when ever you see the word Elohim which until now always meant the Hebrew name for GOD basically, and that these previous translations are totally incorrect… He is convinced that the Elohim word really is the name / race of alien beings… The “EL”. If he’s right, it changes everything… Even just that it can be interpreted as plural, not singular in meaning kind of adds a strange dynamic into the ancient scriptures.  I’m not trying to bash on Christianity, I like Christianity, but its just lot of new of data that has emerged and is something to consider. Here’s a video about it… I know the beginning seems kind of hokey, like an episode of Ancient Aliens, but give it a chance, guy makes a strong case or do some of your own research on it…. There’s a growing body of information building on the concept of mis-translation of the meaning of “Elohim”.   



Edited by Cosmic-Resplendence

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@Steel Grotto   This video is totally on point with this subject from an enlightened perspective. Well worth taking a look see!   

@9:30 discuses the biblical understanding (conceptual knowledge) vs. consciousness.


Edited by cetus

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I am into Study of Rudolf Steiner Teachings of Antrophosophy , and since he is one that includes Christianity into his Science I think you would get  alot of wisdom from it. Never forget to keep the sense of Actuality when you study this Occult stuff since things can get really weird ,

The videos of Formscape are also very interesting for who is in this journey of integration of their Chrsitian worldview

When Are We? (Part 1) - The Destiny of Western Civilization - YouTube

this is the video I am currently watching, there is maybe other videos more in line of what you are looking for if you check the channel


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