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Is Lex Fridman trust worthy?

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   Is Lex Fridman just a fake MIB lookin grifter? Why does he sound so slow and monotone and just bored with life, like he's suffering CBT?



   IMO decent roast of him.

   Man, I'm so high with my pettiness of him I'd drop a diss track on him, in a dark room retreat. I'm feeling inspired!!!😛


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Hating on Lex Fridman is like hating on white bread.

Edited by Leo Gura

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13 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Hating on Lex Fridman is like hating on white bread.

Is this good or bad? English is my second language

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@Leo Gura

11 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

He's a robot engineer. What do you expect?

Hating on Lex Fridman is like hating on white bread.

   I expected a real, authentic robot.😪

   JKs aside, This is a good point: I had in the past, putting aside strong language and hate opinions of Lex Fridman, I had an intuition or precognition that this guys...a bit iffy, just from his body language and tonality. Yet it's so perplexing to me that this guy got popular and stayed relevant for this long, for just associating hard with Elon Musk and Joe Rogan. Another important lesson here: If this guy got away with being popular despite the iffy, then professional scammers, con artists, swindlers, grifters, fraudsters, hustlers, liars, snake oil salesmen get away with WAY MORE! This situation makes me and reminds me to stay vigilant with deceptions of all kinds.

   Aside note I do like few bits of Lex Fridman, like how he at least looks professional and slow speech and listens to his guests a bit, but ain't a fan of his style overall outside of YouTube. That MIT is also fishy to me.

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@The Renaissance Man

3 minutes ago, The Renaissance Man said:

Is this good or bad? English is my second language

   That's good English, @Leo Gura was using a metaphor to compare my hatred for Lex Fridman to hatred for white bread. Also maybe has racial undertones and discrimination cuz why compare my hate to white bread? White bread, out of all other types of bread out there? Really???

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15 minutes ago, Tech36363 said:

@Danioover9000 He's a fed i never trusted him. They needed a politically correct joe rogan and came up with lex friedman 

   Really? A politically correct Joe Rogan? I thought Lex Fridman, at that time looked up to Joe?

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I think he is naive, and bases his life on some moral code, I don't think he's very spiritually aware and after awhile interviewing tons of ppl on similar topics, one can get confused what to think, I don't think Lex looks within too much to find answers that are true in nature. Yeah sure I don't think he lies much, at least on his podcasts, and comes off as a nice guy approach, but he seems to hero worship and such in subtle ways, like Joe Rogan is the be all end all (I'm sure he's a nice guy too), Joe is a guy my age that tries to be 18 again, not very mature man imo, like how many UFC has he seen and he still gets excited about a fight btwn two stupid men who in 5 yrs you'll never hear from again, and Lex looks up to him? I donno about trusting his instincts...

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1 hour ago, Ishanga said:

I think he is naive, and bases his life on some moral code, I don't think he's very spiritually aware and after awhile interviewing tons of ppl on similar topics, one can get confused what to think, I don't think Lex looks within too much to find answers that are true in nature. Yeah sure I don't think he lies much, at least on his podcasts, and comes off as a nice guy approach, but he seems to hero worship and such in subtle ways, like Joe Rogan is the be all end all (I'm sure he's a nice guy too), Joe is a guy my age that tries to be 18 again, not very mature man imo, like how many UFC has he seen and he still gets excited about a fight btwn two stupid men who in 5 yrs you'll never hear from again, and Lex looks up to him? I donno about trusting his instincts...

   I assume Lex Fridman looking up to Joe Rogan is for clout, but even more than that is Elon Musk, like for real??? You want to look up and role modal a billionaire narcissist who's right wing biased, and had a dysfunctional relationship with the father and potential mother? In fact I find it fascinating that Lex Fridman chooses to ban and silence those who ask about his father relationship or his family dynamics mentioned here, so similar to Elon Musk:

   And yes while I do IMO like and dislike Joe Rogan, he's like 56 years old trying to act like in his early 20's is a bit weird to me.

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He speaks slowly since he said he has a speech condition. this could be true.

He seems intelligent and is no doubt learned academically.

Though whilt this may seem harsh, I feel his "peace and love" vibe as in the Youtube Gandhi is fake. yes, of course, people can be kind and want good. But he seems unrealistically good. Most good people still have failings. Most bad people still are capable of charity. 

I have nothing against him, really. His interviews are well-crafted and hit the right points, mostly. 

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4 hours ago, Ishanga said:

I think he is naive, and bases his life on some moral code, I don't think he's very spiritually aware and after awhile interviewing tons of ppl on similar topics, one can get confused what to think, I don't think Lex looks within too much to find answers that are true in nature. Yeah sure I don't think he lies much, at least on his podcasts, and comes off as a nice guy approach, but he seems to hero worship and such in subtle ways, like Joe Rogan is the be all end all (I'm sure he's a nice guy too), Joe is a guy my age that tries to be 18 again, not very mature man imo, like how many UFC has he seen and he still gets excited about a fight btwn two stupid men who in 5 yrs you'll never hear from again, and Lex looks up to him? I donno about trusting his instincts...

Enjoying physical contact or sport is immature...

People of any age can enjoy seeing elite sportspeople in a contest. 

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The last roast on Earth I want to hear is from that moron TechLead.

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On 2024-01-22 at 2:31 AM, bebotalk said:

He speaks slowly since he said he has a speech condition. this could be true.

He seems intelligent and is no doubt learned academically.

Though whilt this may seem harsh, I feel his "peace and love" vibe as in the Youtube Gandhi is fake. yes, of course, people can be kind and want good. But he seems unrealistically good. Most good people still have failings. Most bad people still are capable of charity. 

I have nothing against him, really. His interviews are well-crafted and hit the right points, mostly. 

   The main problem is it's clearly a grift to me, and hypocrisy runs deep. Apparently if this video's research is true:

   And Lex Fridman bans and deletes user's messages asking about his father-son relationship, then why does Lex Fridman get the right to ask Daniel Schmachtenberger his father son relationship? Just because Daniel talks about his relationship, that Lex thought it's fine, yet Lex doesn't talk about his relationship with his Dad???

   I call CAP, CAP, CAP!!! You have no right asking others of something you yourself BAN and delete user messages of! That's intellectually dishonest, double standards and kind of swindler to do. Also finish your MIT first before assuming public figure role.

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On 2024-01-22 at 4:31 AM, Girzo said:

The last roast on Earth I want to hear is from that moron TechLead.

   I don't like him either, but his roast is correct. What can I say? Lex Fridman just opens himself up to stuff like this:


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   OMG! WTF?! Dude just STOP!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

   I'll listen to debate later with the two men I at least don't like lately. Maybe good debate? But Andrew Wilson from Crucible still stomps on these guys it's insane, on just arguing and debating Andrew is really solid, he'll make these two look soft AF!

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On 21/01/2024 at 9:19 PM, Danioover9000 said:

   Is Lex Fridman just a fake MIB lookin grifter? Why does he sound so slow and monotone and just bored with life, like he's suffering CBT?

That's not the basis for judging somebody, most people figure this shit out in middle school.

So what if most of his guests are Jewish, I sure haven't heard anything bad come from that, Lex's podcast has the most atheistic topics ever, it doesn't get less religious than discussing technology, robots, and aliens.

Chances are these ranty reaction YouTubers you linked to are way more full of shit than Lex. 

Edited by MarkKol

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2 hours ago, MarkKol said:

That's not the basis for judging somebody, most people figure this shit out in middle school.

So what if most of his guests are Jewish, I sure haven't heard anything bad come from that, Lex's podcast has the most atheistic topics ever, it doesn't get less religious than discussing technology, robots, and aliens.

Chances are these ranty reactions YouTubers you linked to are way more full of shit than Lex. 

   Sure, but they are full of personality at least, and feel human and flawed. Meanwhile this guy...I don't know.

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