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There's simply NO death... Or birth

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You see someone dying, and you think there's something called DEATH.


You see a baby born, you think there's something called BIRTH.


Both of those are real to the ignorant. The ignorant is one who takes the dream seriously and calls it "Life". 

And it doesn't help with all this new age bullshit spirituality that soul leaves body and wonders around earth looking for a womb to enter. Stay away from these fake gurus.

When conciousness raises, you realize, there's no death nor birth. You shift from ONE dream to another. And dream starts in the Middle. When it starts in the Middle, within the dream you will have certain memories of the past. 


Your physical body will get old, and at some point it'll give up on this dream.

It'll wake up in a different dream according to your path and Karma, could be a different timeline, different age, or could be the one as your last life but different ways. If you regretted something, you'll go back and do it. Then you'll have more regrets and desires in that dream, so you keep doing "life" over and over again.


The process is very similar to falling asleep and waking up the next day. You'll wake up younger, mostly after teenage years.


You have done this trillions of times, but because you have limited yourself to this ONE body, you only remember memories of this body.

You are already DEAD by not knowing who you are. 

Only when you awaken spiritually, is when your body dies for good and you put an end to the dream and merge into infinite LOVEEEEEeeeeeEEEEeee



Edited by Anonman90

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1 hour ago, Anonman90 said:

Only when you awaken spiritually, is when your body dies for good and you put an end to the dream and merge into infinite LOVEEEEEeeeeeEEEEeee

Sadhguru disagrees. :D


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1 hour ago, jimwell said:

Sadhguru disagrees. :D


Actually as a disciple of Sadhguru I would say that the statement is correct, when most ppl reach Enlightenment their body drops off, mahasamahdi happens, their individuality and Life force merges with Oneness and that realm...

In one sense the OP is correct, but there are levels to reality, there is Ultimate Reality, that is Brahman, or Shiva (that which is not), complete Oneness realm, no individuality or duality, but there is also creation, we are a part of that realm but have the possibility to experience within ourselves Shiva or Brahman and high levels of Consciousness/Awareness, only if You are a Guru Master, can create Karma for themselves or know the mechanics of Life to stay on here with a body and be Enligthened, most of the spiritual teachers  (Tolle, Watts, Spira, etc) are not fully enlightened I would say, they have a level of high consciousness and may be considered Saints, but not full on Masters imo...

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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2 hours ago, Anonman90 said:

Only when you awaken spiritually, is when your body dies for good and you put an end to the dream and merge into infinite LOVEEEEEeeeeeEEEEeee

Yes, and then? 

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18 hours ago, Ishanga said:

Actually as a disciple of Sadhguru I would say that the statement is correct, when most ppl reach Enlightenment their body drops off, mahasamahdi happens, their individuality and Life force merges with Oneness and that realm...

In one sense the OP is correct, but there are levels to reality, there is Ultimate Reality, that is Brahman, or Shiva (that which is not), complete Oneness realm, no individuality or duality, but there is also creation, we are a part of that realm but have the possibility to experience within ourselves Shiva or Brahman and high levels of Consciousness/Awareness, only if You are a Guru Master, can create Karma for themselves or know the mechanics of Life to stay on here with a body and be Enligthened, most of the spiritual teachers  (Tolle, Watts, Spira, etc) are not fully enlightened I would say, they have a level of high consciousness and may be considered Saints, but not full on Masters imo...

You will never know who is enlightened or not since in higher consciousness there will be only you and not the body. Even if you stay in your body, the reality all around will be only you. The reason there are others is because you imagine them out of godly love. Now i enlightened you

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21 hours ago, Anonman90 said:

Only when you awaken spiritually, is when your body dies for good and you put an end to the dream and merge into infinite LOVEEEEEeeeeeEEEEeee

18 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

Yes, and then? 


Laundry, then feed the Fossa.


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37 minutes ago, Jowblob said:

You will never know who is enlightened or not since in higher consciousness there will be only you and not the body. Even if you stay in your body, the reality all around will be only you. The reason there are others is because you imagine them out of godly love. Now i enlightened you

That is true, but with someone like Sadhguru, for me the proof is in his words and actions combined, to me he seems very wise, blissful, and energetic and very active while keeping an ability to be logical when need be and compassionate/loving when need be, so for me that is enough example to say he has something going on within him that is not normal, "To Be Human is Super" is one of his sayings, Enlightenment is probably what is his state of being is I would say...

Reality is only Experienced within Yourself, so when embodied and with enlightened sense of being, you recognize both individuality (other bodies/minds) as well as Oneness and Connection with everything alive, on this realm there is indivduality and separate body entities but that is only on the level of physicality, within You can experience Oneness and Completeness, nothing is imagined, i am not an image, you are not a image... 

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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When you die you lose everything but you have remaining feeling that you must work through. Even the void is concious but in order to reincarnate you will have to become void.

The void has a quality of being awake and asleep as well so you can be awake in the void and feel what you need and then you sleep in the void which is just void.

This can go on for thousands of years until awake in the void has the same quality as asleep in the void. Then awake is void and sleep is void and you are pure void  then you can reincarnate.

If you can do this now you will be in the void for less 'time'.

Some hit the void instantly become it and move on. Some go to the void freak out and panic for thousands of 'years' then respawn.

Edited by Hojo

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