
Marriage is a trap, I can even see relationships as the same too

13 posts in this topic

Why would I ever get married in the modern age? I mean seriously. The reason marriage even has been a thing for thousands of years is because it is a survival strategy. A man wants kids, so he marries a woman so that he knows that his genes are being passed on and the woman isn't being knocked up by another guy. In the modern day, if I don't care about having kids, I don't see a point in getting married unless you're a broke woman or an ugly guy. If you're a broke woman, especially a single mother, there's an advantage to marrying a man who has money and provides for you. If you're an ugly guy, finding a mate is much harder and therefore you want to justify marriage because of a scarcity problem so that she won't leave you. If you're not ugly and have money you will never run out of options in the dating market, and thus by marrying you would just be limiting yourself to potential better partners.


Now some will argue to marry for the sake of "love" but this is a human BS concept that I'm becoming more aware of by the day. Let me start by saying that what people think is "love" really is just an excited emotional attachment to something new and fun aka a partner. I see it all the time when in the honeymoon phase. For the first year or so every relationship seems amazing for the two people in it. Then, once the novelty wears off and people realize that each other has faults and issues, they start detaching from that person. Especially in today's hypercompetitive landscape, once that novelty wears off both partners will usually start looking subconsciously or consciously for someone else, almost always the person who has more options. 


My third point is that all too often have I seen guys who have gotten into relationships who have just turned into purposeless blobs. These people had goals and things they were working on in life before, but as soon as they found "the one" they sort of slowly gave up all of that and just turned to the average 9-5 NPC. I think this comes down to these people not having any emotional grounding or self-awareness of what they want out of life so they just get pushed around by whatever way the wind blows.


Now this gets me to my fourth point which is a highly conscious person would never even want to attach themselves to a single person anyway. If you only love yourself then you're a narcissist. If you get married then you're only loving one less person away from being a narcissist. (Besides your family or friends but you get my point) It is selfish to only love one person in this life when in fact you should love everyone and everything. If you truly believed in infinite love then you would never attach yourself to a single person. It would be inherently selfish to do so.

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In the Philippines you cannot even divorce.


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If you don't want kids then marriage makes little sense.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 minute ago, Leo Gura said:

If you don't want kids then marriage makes little sense.

Fiscal advantages.

Edited by Schizophonia

The devil is in the details.

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Marriage is far more fiscal disadvantage.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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There are many other ways to pledge love and wrapping up your money and resources with someone is just not a good idea whatever the reason. 

Marriage is pushed out of tradition moreso than actual usefulness to anyone in today’s world. 

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52 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

If you don't want kids then marriage makes little sense.

How does it matter for the children? 😳

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I think if you are OK with marriage you should also be OK with divorce. Just accept it is something that may happen and all the ramifications that come with it from both an emotional and financial perspective. If you don't think you will be able to handle going through a divorce then you should never get married. Divorce is so statistically common that it would be foolish of you to think you will be the exception. 

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3 hours ago, StarStruck said:

How does it matter for the children? 😳

As someone with two children it does make things easier and more secure, especially for lgbtq couples with adopted children. Speaking only from personal experience with this one. Both my own and others in my community.


It doesn't matter in terms of raising them but it does help with legal matters if and likely when the relationship hits rocky ground.

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This is how I imagine Leo’s wedding to unfold. Back when his development was less developed. The best man would be Owen Cook


Video is supposedly leaked footage taken in Leo’s living room with his missing camera.

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I find marriage beautiful, it's a symbolic merging of two souls that want to be near each other 

Till death do you part

Edited by Spiritual Warrior

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write your own rules obligations benefits penalties ... include finances sex family employment ...

both sign

renew and re-write every 5 years

we are not kids any more

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