Facets of Awakening that surprised me: Spaciousness & Symmetry

By Davino,
I've lately become conscious of the many facets Awakening has. It's more multidimensional than what I had assumed. Awakening being a Perfect Diamond, each Realization a Luminous Facet into the One.   I would like to start with Spaciousness. I had previously experienced this facet but mostly in solitary or briefly. First time I heard of such a facet was from Frank Yang, condensing the whole meditation path into: "Contraction & Expansion" (For neophytes, let's say Concentration vs Relaxation).  Michael Taft meditations really helped me to crack this nut, as the spacious facet in particular is his expertise. I also started having this Sky-like Open Wide Awake State on my Malt Trips. However, what surprised me the most was not the facet of spaciousness in itself, but the combination of this particular facet with others, casting light upon the other sides of the Diamond. To experience Consciousness with the flavour of Spaciousness , to experience Oneness with such a Wide Open Mind, to feel Love in such an Expansive state, to exist as Boundless Silence,  to recognise God in such Vastness. These combinations have been particularly inspiring, opening my mind to a diverse variety of flavours that can be combined in the Awakening Journey.    Some months ago, I started awakening to Symmetry. I find it particularly hard to describe this facet but I'll do my best to communicate it: Exquisite Symmetry has a profound sense of Beauty and Equilibrium. God-Made Balance throughout all Notes in the Infinite Piano Playing inside the Symphony of Reality. Feeling such profound levels of symmetric connection and oneness with existence, a deep desire arose in me to start watching Fractal Art and Infinity Mirrors. Doing so, proved to be more transforming than expected. Allowing regular meditation to go deeper than before while also providing tremendous anchoring. When I started introducing the psychedelic component in my prolonged Fractal contemplations, things made a profound shift into Conscious Aesthetics. A moving appretiation of the Palace of my own Mind and the never ending Beauty of Pure Creativity. Symmetry however, did not transform so profoundly other facets, as Spaciousness did, but there was a facet in particular which was extremely enchanced: Self-Awareness/Self-Inquiry/Introspection. As Symmetry started sinking in and expressing through myself, all corners of my Psyche and Mind started shining in the Light of the One. Such Holistic appretiations of the never-before explored facets of myself brought me to tears multiple times. It synergized in such a way where Trascendental and Relative where in Symmetric Understanding and Harmony, moving in One Whole Dance. Blind spots of my human character as well as existential ignorance were brought to light, as all corners in my Symmetric Mind were being illuminated by Consciousness.   Now it's your turn – what facets have you discovered that particularly surprised you?