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I want to gain massive diverse experiences starting this summer. Any ideas?

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Right now in my life, I really feel drawn to exploring any and everything life has to offer. I am not talking about just traveling, I mean any diverse experiences that would get me out of my comfort zone. I am very inspired by Leo's video on gaining massive experience in life and I think this was his single most transforming practical life advice for me. I want to begin traveling a lot this spring and summer, but I need a good list of ideas of experiences that are unique, transforming, or just generally would help me gain new perspectives/get out of my comfort zone. I would also like to meet new people and make new connections along this journey Any Ideas? 

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Travel, pick up several hobbies both introverted and extroverted, do some sports, learn cooking, try art class. At least this is what I would do

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September '23, my older brother came to visit. One of the days we went to the coast and took acid while hiking in the rain for hours, the conversation led him to recognize how much more he wanted out of his life. On the way home we listened to part of Leos video on gaining massive experience. 

I had no clue how impactful that was on him, until a few months later he announces that he is moving to southeast Asia starting in the Philippines. He has quit his job, ended his lease, sold most of his things, and is heading into this year with the overarching goal to gain as much experience as possible. In fact, he flies out in less than a month. 

I dont know exactly what would fit for you, what experience calls to you, or even who you are. But I think that you are the only one that can know which experience is right to gain. 

What experience, if gained, would evolve you the most?
If you were to make some big changes in your life, what would be the most impactful?

Waking Call The Inspiration, Music and Perspective for an Authentic Life.

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I follow this fellow on Youtube, he's 31 Swedish guy, went to school in the states, but was kicked out for working without a permit, now he travels all over the place sharing his experiences when travelling and information on the places he travels too. When You watch him long enough you begin to realize he's lonely as hell, but has the need to be active and stimulated all the time. Once inawhile a girl he met in Texas when at school (his on/off again GF) will met up with him and they travel together for awhile then she has to go back home for work and normal life..

They do interesting stuff and he philosophizes once inawhile about Life and not being stuck in a 9-5 week after week job situation and how that would suck, then he will say how he is thining about what to do with his life and if he wants to continue to travel or not, while sipping on a margarita in Mexico on the beach. Me sitting watching him in the middle of a cold Canadian Winter thinking he's in paradise, well in the end its all relative, you can get bored and lonely being a Billionaire with top models beside you in a daily basis..

So be careful what You wish for, its cool to have goals, ambitions and such, but they won't complete Your life, that only happens when You go within Yourself and find the Truth..

Edited by Ishanga

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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1. Travel 
2. read books about various topics - like literally just read everything you get your hands on.
3. documentaries & different types of movies - from different types of movies and cinema , you can get an idea of different things from that particular movie or documentary , which you can research about
4. relationships 
5.going out and basically just talking to anyone

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Expose yourself to many different characters and realize how they all interconnect


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2 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

Expose yourself to many different characters and realize how they all interconnect

You're me.

Everyone is me. :P

Edited by Schizophonia

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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