
Ik sport is healthy but is there a point to playing it if it causes brain damage?

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Basically all sports will cause a form of brain damage. I've really wanted to take up a sport, but find myself hesitant to do it. Obviously 99.9% of the time it won't give you a major brain injury, but the impacts you acquire will stack through the years, thus negatively impacting the brain, and in turn minimizing the amount of value you can churn out through life purpose.

But so many people and personal development experts recommend playing sports, so I was wondering if I should still do it.

And what kinds of sports should we avoid, if we have to pick and choose?

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There are hundreds of sports to choose from and the vast majority is not give you brain injury. Almost all sports have injury risks including the healthiest ones. If you want to stay on the safe side and reap the benefits of exercise and being social yoga, running and going to the gym are great options

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3 hours ago, Magnanimous said:

but the impacts you acquire will stack through the years, thus negatively impacting the brain,

Which sport you got in mind? I've never heard about this besides maybe some extreme sports and boxing.

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4 hours ago, Magnanimous said:

Basically all sports will cause a form of brain damage.

True all sports do cause brain damage. This is how years of doing sports can ruin one's mind:


Play safe out there folks

Edited by lostingenosmaze

My posts are not representive of the person profiled. I'm just an Ennel-Andy

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I’ve found that interacting with most humans causes me brain damage.


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27 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

I’ve found that interacting with most humans causes me brain damage.

Duh, hence that comment. Hehe

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This is so personal. You can't tell someone to go pick up swimming if they can't swim. They will first need to learn how. Someone with a weak body frame isn't suitable for boxing before they develop a stronger frame. 

It's too general of an advice to give without knowing the person's character, personality and or body type. Figure out what best suits you and stay away from the ones that are more likely to cause that specific damage like boxing or football.

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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@Magnanimous Simply choose low impact sports with very low chances of head injury... Plus, more sports you play for fitness and fun aren't played at a level that you are likely to sustain injury.

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Decide for yourself what sport you like. 

Does tennis cause head injury?

Soccer, basketball, etc.

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3 hours ago, meta_male said:

Which sport you got in mind? I've never heard about this besides maybe some extreme sports and boxing.

Heading the ball in soccer is known to cause brain damage. I would like to see which numbers he is referring to though.

Edited by Carl-Richard

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What are you talking about? Most sports won't give you brain damage unless you make a seriously wrong move that has nothing to do with the sport. Like yeah, you could fall on the ground while running & get brain damage but you won't if you just run like you are supposed to. Existing is fundamentally risky. You can't go about living your life trying to avoid all the risks.

Unless you are looking at full contact sports like hockey, football or boxing, the benefits of most sports far outweigh the risks. I've been skiing for almost 20years and I have never gotten a commotion(I mean concussion, damn you french(I mean I love you)). It's possible yeah but like is it really a concern? I don't think so. Just be smart and don't go down double black diamonds on your first try.

Edited by Rigel

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Be so strong with your life purpose that even fear doesn’t stop you from achieving your goals.

Check out my life purpose course to cement that passion into psychology, oh yeah!

Also, lovely news from Wikipedia:


Recent research has demonstrated that neuroplasticity, which allows the brain to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections throughout life, provides for rearrangement of its workings. This allows the brain to compensate for injury and disease.

Edited by Yimpa


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2 hours ago, Carl-Richard said:

Heading the ball in soccer is known to cause brain damage. 

Fair enough.

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Trying to bite a basketball for 84 years is likely to cause brain damage.

Edited by Yimpa


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4 hours ago, Carl-Richard said:

Heading the ball in soccer is known to cause brain damage. I would like to see which numbers he is referring to though.

   That is actually interesting heading a soccer ball could give some degree of CBT, especially the old school thicker rubber balls they used to have.

   What nobody is talking, especially BJJ, and some forms of wrestling and JJJ, especially the rear naked choke, is that it does cause CBT via intense artificial increase of hypotension, of blood pressure to the brain and could increase chances of stroke sooner or later as higher blood pressure, or sudden blood pressure increase to capillary bruises that capillary.

   Now take a look at how popular BJJ has gotten, and nobody but me is talking about how dangerous these chokes are to the brain. Oh yeah obviously punches, kicks, elbows, knees and even head butts to the head causes CBT, but I'd argue even worse is choke holds, repetitive in training and in competitions and matches.

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