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Keryo Koffa

Ego is an Evolution of God

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If god is perfect, why does ego exist? One can interpret billions of reasons: Maybe its imperfect which is a part of infinite perfection or maybe it's inherently perfect. From the ego's perspective, the world is imperfect. Ego is homeostatic but adaptable and mortal, a vessel for experience and perspective. God, as often described on the forum is reality devoid of interpretation, but that's senses devoid of intent and character. If that's truly god, then god is missing interpretive qualities. And then god would be lacking imagination. But everything at all times exists inside of God. God spawns all forms and perceives them inside of itself. Is God conscious or self-aware? Consciousness is inherent but self-awareness is relative. It's tricky because experience and being are not the same, for the human at least. If I perceive something, I have an idea of it and a picture inside my mind that exist independently of the reality that I have contextualized through my lens. I can study an object from multiple lenses, observe its properties in relation to its environment, I can do that holistically.

But if God tries to self-reflect, or if I do, what happens is that the self expands but I never stop being me as God never stops being God. All that I imagine is already inside of myself including myself and that applies to God also. Imagination is part of god and so is the reality generated independently to experience through infinite lenses or by itself also. Ego can constrict reality but it can also flow, ego is adaptable and generates ideas and concepts. Ego can self-reflect and understand itself and the world, for every bad quality there is a good one. Ego evolves. Ego can be good or bad and it judges itself, it can get stuck or move with compassion but both are dualities and interpretations.

This forum gives me conflicting opinions on God. On one hand its everything, on the other hand it excludes imagination. I can understand the infinite variability and arbitrariness of imagination but that is a lens inherent to reality, same as a survival drive and both exist within God. Ego is a filter, maybe God is unfiltered, but the filter creates form out of noise, without a filter there is infinite noise not meaning anything but the filter gives it meaning, ultimately its meaningless but meaning exists and is felt by the ego which then takes it on as a lens. Meaning is as imaginary as the floor, though one can further project meaning onto the floor. Feelings exist independently though they can also be projected onto another. The ego builds bridges between concepts it has interpreted into reality and tries to understand the feelings that are inherent to it through the context of all of reality. That reality exists independently but without lenses its just noise. Though by opening up, new lenses can be acquired, for infinity. It's all equally arbitrary but there seems to be a consistency to it as well. The ego prevents itself from going crazy though going crazy is a result of the fear it interprets into reality, the ego encapsulates itself.

In conclusion: I am confusion

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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You are having questions in a dream, about the dream and any answer that you get only belongs in that dream and NEVER outside of it. This dream is just a dream, none of it is the real you.


You have to stop asking these useless questions because all the answers will be useless.


The truth is outside of this dream. Once you awaken, you'll know the truth. And you won't be able to go back to sleep to explain it to other dreamy characters because all they know is the dream, just like you right now. All you know is this dream, nothing outside of it.



Does all that make sense? If so, I love you. If not, I still love you.

Edited by Anonman90

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@Anonman90 How do I stop dreaming?

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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3 minutes ago, Keryo Koffa said:

@Anonman90 How do I stop dreaming?

1- Self-inquiry

2- Deep meditation for long hours

(Do 10 hours a day for 7 days)

3- Desire it, have faith it'll workout and let go of it. Journey will take you there.


Ramana Maharashi teachings alone can help a ton. 


Once you realize it's a dream and YOU run the dream, you'll know you're God. Not in an egoistic way, in a way you realize all of it is you 

Edited by Anonman90

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30 minutes ago, Keryo Koffa said:

If god is perfect, why does ego exist?

It does not. When you so called die, so called body is here. Where are you?

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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2 hours ago, Keryo Koffa said:

@Anonman90 How do I stop dreaming?

By stopping trying to stop dreaming.

The dream is eternal. But it doesn't matter. It can't give you anything and it can't take anything away from you.

You are not the dream. But at the same time all you're experiencing in the dream is yourself. Both together is what God is. Endless Becoming that never changes.

The Secret of this Universe is You.

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