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Many studies show that massive portions of this species are deficient in this essential nutrient because our salt tends not to be iodized. 

What do you take for Iodine. Do you guys sup or use fortified salt?

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If you eat an omnivorous diet, you will most likely get enough iodine.
Ocean-caught or ocean-farmed fish and shellfish tend to be naturally rich in iodine. Other good sources include milk, cheese, yogurt, eggs, and vegetables grown in iodine-rich soil. Multivitamin pills that also contain minerals usually provide 150 micrograms of iodine.

If you don't eat animal products, fortified salt usually covers you need completely.
It only takes about half a teaspoon of salt, which is around 1,5g.

MD. Internal medicine/gastroenterology - Evidence based integral health approaches

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- Rainer Maria Rilke

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