
Hey Leo, do souls exist?

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Hey Leo, do souls exist and if they don’t exist how do you know?

Anyone who says they’re enlightened on this form in anyway is not, except me I am. 

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What is a soul?

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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16 hours ago, ChrisZoZo said:

Hey Leo, do souls exist and if they don’t exist how do you know?

They are concepts.   That was actually the whole key to enlightenment for me personally- because I identified with a soul.  When I had the epiphany that a soul was a thought- enlightenment dawned.   Just food for thought. 

Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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@Leo Gura Not sure maybe the thing that watches your body get resuscitated from a distance while you’re in a medical room with 5 doctors trying to save your life.

Or maybe the thing that travels into an energy votex and manifests into an alien. As described by Bashar. 


Anyone who says they’re enlightened on this form in anyway is not, except me I am. 

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You think ur the character and then you realize ur the soul. You think ur the soul, and then of course you realize ur way beyond that too.

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On 1/18/2024 at 3:11 AM, Inliytened1 said:

They are concepts.   That was actually the whole key to enlightenment for me personally- because I identified with a soul.  When I had the epiphany that a soul was a thought- enlightenment dawned.   Just food for thought. 

I think I’m kind of stuck here. Being an intellectual person I always grasp on to “theories” and ideas and realize it’s a way of comforting myself but I have yet to transcend it. In fact I’ve been avoiding some actual work I could be doing today with these forums. But… im being forgiving of my own manic excitement because this community is the only place I can go currently for raw unfiltered interactions with people who’ve gone further than myself. In any case I’m sure once I reach higher levels of enlightenment it will show in my own ability to provide useful advice and discourse rather than random tangents on subjects that “trigger” something in me. 


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On 18.1.2024 at 11:10 AM, Leo Gura said:

What is a soul?

David Spangler, Subtle Worlds - An Explorer's Field Notes. Chapter 8: Soul

Jürgen Ziewe, Multidimensional Man. A Voyage of Discovery into the Heart of Creation. Chapter The final journey, 25th August 1980

Chris Bache, LSD and the Mind of the Universe: Diamonds from Heaven. Chapter Reincarnation and the Soul

and more on request.



Imagined and appearing of course. Like everything else. Therefor, as real or unreal as anything else...

Or, in other words, as real or unreal as ones car.

Yet, a little more durable, like in... immortal, surviving death. From life to life, dream to dream. And more important.


The epic game of forgetting and finding, played by Infinite Consciousness/Being/Reality...

Souls... very much worth taking care of on this relative level of ours. Especially when venturing to far out realms, where no man has gone before.... hic sunt dracones.


Selling Soul-Eddies in the Water by the River

PS: And like Inliytened1 wrote above: A concept. From the perspective of Absolute Truth. Like every other manifestatation, as real or unreal as anything else. As long as this concept is not seen through, no realization of Absolute Reality.

Yet, the (relative) concept 2+2=4 holds more (relative) truth than 2+2=5.

Same with the concept soul: relative, appearing truth, not Absolute Truth. But since Absolute Truth contains Relative Truth, and as we all know, relative (un-) Truth can make a lot of trouble....  "Although my view is higher than the sky (Absolute Truth), my respect for the cause and effect of actions is as fine as grains of flour (relative truth)".

Edited by Water by the River

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I've heard many definitions for the soul:

A representation of being solo, or a cut-off piece of infinity.
One of the subtle energetic bodies around yours.
A representation closer to stillness, prone to less physical influences.
A record of your lifetime(s) patterns.

It can be the link Kundalini travels through to infinity, as you raise yourself up from animal urges to be enlightened enough to give and receive. Not just take take take, where in doing so you cut yourself off from yourself, earth, life, the universe, yourself.

It's helpful to transcend the word in spiritual discussions, its more than a single angular symbol that you can cut into pieces and separate out from everything else. Whatever you believe is going to be, make it something helpful and life-giving, connected, that cycles through everything then back.

Edited by BlueOak

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Would you sell your eyes for one million?  How much more valuable your soul is. Took a knife to the heart I saw Jesus and he healed it smoothly. Nothing dosen't exist, it's heaven or hell. Sin is deadly serious in the eyes of a holy God

My soul was once thrusted out by an angel as i was getting out of bed. I could not see anything except bright white light and the outline of his being far away. He spoke one word to me in an angelic tounge, not possible to utter it in this realm as the word "faded" as soon as I were back in my body. It was such a profound word, positive with multiple meanings to it. Kinda like three sentences compressed into one word. 

Transgressions against God is already nailed to the cross for His saints. He is the alpha and the omega. 

Edited by MellowEd

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On 1/18/2024 at 11:10 AM, Leo Gura said:

What is a soul?

I am

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A soul is like gods glasses lens. It looks through it to gain a perspective. I beleive at higher levels the souls are all the same like robots perfect reflections of happiness but lower you go  they can distort themselves up into much different states and reflect inconsistencies with reality.

Edited by Hojo

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On 1/18/2024 at 4:10 AM, Leo Gura said:

What is a soul?

9 hours ago, MellowEd said:

I am

a sole fish

Edited by Yimpa

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The word Soul is very misconstrued word in today's culture, like everything nowadays everyone is making up their own definitions of words and meanings and creating individualistic ideologies that only separate them from others and everything, a sign that the intellect (dissecting tool that separates things for us to understand) is in charge.

Better to use a word like Life, Source, Grand Intelligence, Brahman, Divine..Basically Soul is the Life you have capatured within You, we are embodied beings, living in a dual material world, but have the ability to be One with everything as an Experience and everyday foundational one.

Wrapped around the Soul/Life, are Shealths, the Food, Mental, Energy, Etheric and Bliss shealths, what keeps it all together is Your Karmic Substance, its like Glue, when You die Physically, what travels to the next body is the Energy, Etheric and Bliss body which encapsulate the soul/life, which is why You are born with certain karmas/tendencies to work out in this life time, but we are born with Free Will or the possibility/potential of it and much more, we can be Conscious beings and not be bound by our physicality, or karmic substance, if You get this far (Enlightenment) then You may lose Your individuality and go back to Oneness realm and Brahman or Shiva nature (Shiva means "that which is not")

Edited by Ishanga

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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