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God doesn't want to wake up

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Okay guys, for the last 2 years I was trying to awaken because I was blindly following spiritual teachers advice and I believed that I had to wake up and that's what God wants. 

After having multiple break troughs on 5MeO-DMT I realized that God actually enjoys the illusion and doesn't want to wake up at the moment. I even recorded videos of God talking to myself (basically me talking to myself in a human form) saying that God doesn't want to wake up. 

When I woke up for the first time on 5MeO-DMT it was so radical I video called my best friend and told him that he wasn't real and I created him in order to experience friendship. As I was talking to him, I was conscious that the guy didn't have consciousness. I actually though that I broke the illusion forever. I was asking him to help me to go back, to tell me some stories :) You should've seen his face. 

Anyways, it was extremely difficult to deceive myself, but I desired it from the bottom of my being, and as you can guess god's will is all that there is. I re-created myself. I gave birth to myself. 

All this time I was fooling myself thinking that I wanted to wake up. I don't need to wake up. I'm here to play the game. 

Eventually I will wake up when I imagine my "real death" or maybe I won't :)

I've always been and will be God. 


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2 hours ago, TheGod said:

I realized that God actually enjoys the illusion and doesn't want to wake up

You may be on to something here but not in the way you think. In the spirit of leaving no stone unturned I have to ask myself: what if it was that what 5Meo-DMT actually does is create a temporary manic state or 'episode of schizophrenia' that causes one to have Delusions of Grandeur? Delusions of being God? This was my thought when I first saw Leo's video of him 'tripping' on 5Meo. What if the human ego is simply unable to except the fact that God is actually -nothing?

 * Don't hate me for asking this. But it needs to be called into question. Take 5Meo and anyone can instantly become God? 

Edited by cetus

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32 minutes ago, cetus said:

You may be on to something here but not in the way you think. In the spirit of leaving no stone unturned I have to ask myself: what if it was that what 5Meo-DMT actually does is create a temporary manic state or 'episode of schizophrenia' that causes one to have Delusions of Grandeur? Delusions of being God? This was my thought when I first saw Leo's video of him 'tripping' on 5Meo. What if the human ego is simply unable to except the fact that God is actually -nothing?

 * Don't hate me for asking this. But it needs to be called into question. Take 5Meo and anyone can instantly become God? 

God can know itself as God. In that state nothing exists, because what exists is nothing. Everything is nothing or nothing is everything. Human language is a pure imaginary and it's a complete delusion. Absolute knowledge can only be experienced. Once you are the knowledge you understand what exactly going on, because you become the thing that you're trying to understand.

God is way too paradoxical, illogical and magical. There is no end to its mystery. 



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3 hours ago, TheGod said:

because you become the thing that you're trying to understand.

Which is nothing? Or 'No-thing' with a capital 'N'? If that is what you are saying, then I agree.

Edited by cetus

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41 minutes ago, Squeekytoy said:

The ultimate irony, isn't it.

Loving the game of not loving the game. And round and round we go.

Maya really knows what she's doing...

Maya is a very hot European porn actress. She definitely knows what she's doing.

I like her big tits, check her out you'll like her too. 

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6 minutes ago, cetus said:

Which is nothing? Or 'Nothing' with a capital 'N'? If that is what you are saying, then I agree.

o yeah, capital "N" definitely explains the nature of what I am ;)


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1 hour ago, cetus said:

You may be on to something here but not in the way you think. In the spirit of leaving no stone unturned I have to ask myself: what if it was that what 5Meo-DMT actually does is create a temporary manic state or 'episode of schizophrenia' that causes one to have Delusions of Grandeur? Delusions of being God? This was my thought when I first saw Leo's video of him 'tripping' on 5Meo. What if the human ego is simply unable to except the fact that God is actually -nothing?

 * Don't hate me for asking this. But it needs to be called into question. Take 5Meo and anyone can instantly become God? 

No offence but why are you a mod following Leo's work, you're totally clueless... You have no idea what god is after 5000 posts, mod status, and being 40 or 50+. God is like right here and is easy to find and see, but some of you keep putting limits on themselves and keep wanting to be blind. I know why this is in fact and that i'm talking to myself. But this is cringe.

And to answer your question it's entirely up to you since you're everything. The tools like 5 meo or lsd are basically part of materialistic world designed by your higherself to start removing limits. If you want to find god or your true self is like accepting death/surrendering and giving up your ego. If you don't go that far then you will use these tools to just play around with yourself in your/gods dream.

Edited by Jowblob

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3 hours ago, TheGod said:

Okay guys, for the last 2 years I was trying to awaken because I was blindly following spiritual teachers advice and I believed that I had to wake up and that's what God wants. 

After having multiple break troughs on 5MeO-DMT I realized that God actually enjoys the illusion and doesn't want to wake up at the moment. I even recorded videos of God talking to myself (basically me talking to myself in a human form) saying that God doesn't want to wake up. 

When I woke up for the first time on 5MeO-DMT it was so radical I video called my best friend and told him that he wasn't real and I created him in order to experience friendship. As I was talking to him, I was conscious that the guy didn't have consciousness. I actually though that I broke the illusion forever. I was asking him to help me to go back, to tell me some stories :) You should've seen his face. 

Anyways, it was extremely difficult to deceive myself, but I desired it from the bottom of my being, and as you can guess god's will is all that there is. I re-created myself. I gave birth to myself. 

All this time I was fooling myself thinking that I wanted to wake up. I don't need to wake up. I'm here to play the game. 

Eventually I will wake up when I imagine my "real death" or maybe I won't :)

I've always been and will be God. 


Everything that you say is truth, i have had simillar experiences. In higer consciousness you start getting responsebility of reality, and others are only there to keep you in the play. You can even make them dissapear by your will. God does enjoy the play indeed since at gods level there is only he himself and his omniscience.

Edited by Jowblob

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2 hours ago, Jowblob said:

No offence but why are you a mod following Leo's work, you're totally clueless... You have no idea what god is after 5000 posts, mod status, and being 40 or 50+. God is like right here and is easy to find and see, but some of you keep putting limits on themselves and keep wanting to be blind. I know why this is in fact and that i'm talking to myself. But this is cringe.

And to answer your question it's entirely up to you since you're everything. The tools like 5 meo or lsd are basically part of materialistic world designed by your higherself to start removing limits. If you want to find god or your true self is like accepting death/surrendering and giving up your ego. If you don't go that far then you will use these tools to just play around with yourself in your/gods dream.

smackdowns are unhelpful and unbecoming and in spite of your powerful words show you are coming from an angry desperate place

he is truly kind and patient and gives of himself unconditionally and i truly appreciate what he puts into words perceptively

you are a lot better than this jowblob

Edited by gettoefl

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2 hours ago, Jowblob said:

The tools like 5 meo or lsd are basically part of materialistic world designed by your higherself to start removing limits. If you want to find god or your true self is like accepting death/surrendering and giving up your ego.

@Jowblob I've known this, probably since before you were born. Been there, done that. Without the use 5Meo. But thanks for helping me understand what the experience of 5Meo is like. Never did it. But it sounds totally valid.

2 hours ago, Jowblob said:

God is like right here and is easy to find and see,

Exactly! Was just saying exactly this the other day to a neighbor who is very, very sick and most likely doesn't have much time left.

*My exact words to him, since he is a religious kind of fellow, were: "Heaven surrounds you now"

Edited by cetus

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2 hours ago, gettoefl said:

smackdowns are unhelpful and unbecoming and in spite of your powerful words show you are coming from an angry desperate place

he is truly kind and patient and gives of himself unconditionally and i truly appreciate what he puts into words perceptively

you are a lot better than this jowblob

You're projecting unto me, his words hurt me just the same as someone who would say ' i don't believe in god'.

 He's using materialistic  psychological terms for things he doesnt understand,while having a fear for the unknown, otherwise he would've tried those things already. Leading someone into a wrong path is dangerous and prevents awakenings/understanding.

God is a hallucination, just as Leo has said. 


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51 minutes ago, Jowblob said:

You're projecting unto me, his words hurt me just the same as someone who would say ' i don't believe in god'.

 He's using materialistic  psychological terms for things he doesnt understand,while having a fear for the unknown, otherwise he would've tried those things already. Leading someone into a wrong path is dangerous and prevents awakenings/understanding.

God is a hallucination, just as Leo has said. 


a thicker skin would suit you well i say ... he speaks to plenty exactly where they are at in their journey myself included

i enjoy what you share for the most part and wish you a nice day

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From God's eyes - if you will - there is no illusion, delusion, trickery, or anything like that. There is no lie, only truth. 

God is simply enjoying it's creation. Losing itself in the sheer epicness of it all. 

Edited by ivankiss

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5 hours ago, ivankiss said:

From God's eyes - if you will - there is no illusion, delusion, trickery, or anything like that. There is no lie, only truth. 

God is simply enjoying it's creation. Losing itself in the sheer epicness of it all. 

False, as god you can become completely aware how you tricked yourself. As Op has stated, nobody will have consciousness. In that kind of state you're literally witnessing how you're projecting everyone with your own consciousness , and your consciousness is the only truth.

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7 hours ago, ivankiss said:

From God's eyes - if you will - there is no illusion, delusion, trickery, or anything like that .

Delusion is huge. 

Me being on this forum and creating posts is a good expample 

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17 minutes ago, Squeekytoy said:

Some people here have a real issue with this notion that creation exists only for god's entertainment (in a manner of speaking, insofar as it can be spoken at all).

Some people here believe that there are some people 

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15 minutes ago, TheGod said:

Some people here believe that there are some people 



I have experienced a simillar state, witnessed how i was projecting/hallucinating a different reality/dimension. The "others" that walk on the street , i could literally make them dissapear. The "bird" that would fly i could make it replay like 5 times just by using my intention in the same path, and same frame time. The neighbours house , i could literally shape its appearance. The sun that was very bright, looking at it with fully open eyes didn't have any effect. And much much more.

I still have trouble with the solipsism thing and how everything became part of me and my consciousness and how i was projecting everything, this is the hardest part to accept/witness. It's ofcourse possible to wake up/go even deeper, but it's always this loneliness that hits me hard witnessing that there is actually nobody else. I don't know how to accept this, or what's next. This experience lead me to hold into my ego even more, as i want reality to be happening not having any control of it.

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16 hours ago, cetus said:

what if it was that what 5Meo-DMT actually does is create a temporary manic state or 'episode of schizophrenia' that causes one to have Delusions of Grandeur?

I have had an almost exact experience without the dmt. And I used mild anxiety on bad days, nothing other than that. 

I smoked some hasish (not too much), and went into deep meditation where I focused intensely on my breath. It is also worth mentioning that I had spent 8 months prior to that experience building my concentration and mindfulness with mindfulness meditation and other techniques.

Edited by HMD

"The wise seek wisdom, a fool has found it."

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