
I'm very impressed with Latin women

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I would never ever in my life want to date a typical Russian woman you see in Moscow, Saint Petersburg or elsewhere

Why do you want them when you have such amazing developed women in the west with so many green+ communities who are actually in tune with their femininity and other important things? 

I just don't get it


Edited by Hello from Russia

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@Hello from Russia The guys who say that are themselves deep in Blue or Orange values. They don't like Green girls because they are not Green themselves.

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56 minutes ago, Hello from Russia said:

I would never ever in my life want to date a typical Russian woman you see in Moscow, Saint Petersburg or elsewhere

Why do you want them when you have such amazing developed women in the west with so many green+ communities who are actually in tune with their femininity and other important things? 

I just don't get it


Guess the grass is greener on the other side(;

I am sure there are a lot of high quality developed girls in those elite Russian cities. So development is not the issue for you.

For me after I have dated Russian girls there is no going back to plain and boyish western girls :P

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1 hour ago, Girzo said:


40 minutes ago, Vrubel said:

 am sure there are a lot of high quality developed girls in those elite Russian cities. So development is not the issue for you.

But it is a huge issue

I just can't stand them when they start talking or when they give a reaction to various phenomena. It's just such a shitty match for me, no amount of genetic beauty will cover for that

Moreоver wiser more developed women usually easily learn how to take proper care of their bodies, so physical attraction is not really an issue while the energetic "feel" is like night and day difference 

There are some rare gems for sure and some of my conscious friends have found amazing russian women, but it's a rarity

Edited by Hello from Russia

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Intelligence is such an important factor in your partner

Why do you want to give that up so easily? 

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1 hour ago, Hello from Russia said:

I would never ever in my life want to date a typical Russian woman you see in Moscow, Saint Petersburg or elsewhere

Why do you want them when you have such amazing developed women in the west with so many green+ communities who are actually in tune with their femininity and other important things? 

I just don't get it


The Russian women I met were more developed in many ways, often they were carrying with them a very dense book whereas western women often just scroll Instagram all day.

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8 minutes ago, Raze said:

The Russian women I met were more developed in many ways, often they were carrying with them a very dense book whereas western women often just scroll Instagram all day.

Lol, 95% of women here do exactly that - scroll Instagram all day

Where did you meet them? At some western university? That's a different breed

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46 minutes ago, Hello from Russia said:

Intelligence is such an important factor in your partner

Why do you want to give that up so easily? 

Russian women are educated and intelligent, more so than Western women. 
Russian education system and the cultural value put on classic and general knowledge is top notch. 

But I understand if you find Russian girls a little rough. I am sure inevitably there will be pretty low brow women as well. Their stance on Ukraine is a good litmus test. None of the girls I dated supported the invasion.

Edited by Vrubel

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1 hour ago, Vrubel said:

Russian women are educated and intelligent, more so than Western women. 
Russian education system and the cultural value put on classic and general knowledge is top notch. 

But I understand if you find Russian girls a little rough. I am sure inevitably there will be pretty low brow women as well. Their stance on Ukraine is a good litmus test. None of the girls I dated supported the invasion.

That already narrows down candidates a ton

Most people here support it, despite being educated (or more like indoctrinated) and all or at least are fine and neutral about it

Edited by Hello from Russia

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27 minutes ago, Hello from Russia said:

Most people here support it, despite being educated (or more like indoctrinated) and all or at least are fine and neutral about it

How many people can openly oppose it?

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1 hour ago, Hello from Russia said:

That already narrows down candidates a ton

Most people here support it, despite being educated (or more like indoctrinated) and all or at least are fine and neutral about it

Oke, I am more familiar with the Russian women in my country. Yeah for me a girl needs to be “global” not some provincial and especially not brainwashed by Russian propaganda. 
Though I still think most Moscow girls of the younger generation are absolutely fine in that regard.

Edited by Vrubel

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17 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

It's not racist to point out that people from less developed countries are less developed on average.

Which is exactly why sex tourism works.

You can act outraged over this all you like, but the reality of dating 3rd world women may one day hit you.

With that said, of course you can find good and bad women in any country.

You are acting like I said something shallow when actually I said something deep, which you have yet to comprehend. Your sex tourism will have a cost. Contemplate what that cost is. Just like when you shop at Walmart, that has a cost.

If you are into self-actualization, you will ultimately need a woman who is beyond stage Blue & Orange to satisfy you. And it is a scientific fact that there are less stage Green+ women in Colombia or the Philippines. Less, not none. Don't strawman me.

None of this has anything to do with racism.

What's disappointing is that people reading my comments are not nuanced and developed enough in their thinking to distinguish between racism and development levels.

I presented you with a Yellow perspective and you responded to me with a Green persepective. Typical, but I expect better of those who know my work.

The reason men travel to South America, Asia, and Eastern Europe to get girls is because it's easier. And the reason it's easier is all about relative developlement levels. But these men are just using these less developed girls for sex so to them the girl's development level is irrelevant. Unless they accidently end up marrying one. But if you are into self-actualization this may not work out so well for you. Or, hey, maybe you find the wife of your dreams in Somalia. Don't let me stop you.

What you're doing is sex outsourcing. I'm aware of that game. Outsourcing has its pros and cons. That's all this discussion was pointing out.

Fine. Maybe the overall development in a country is lower than another. 

However you’re basing your opinion on a model. Have you ever actually been to Latin America and had conversations with these people. I’d bet you’d be impressed and probably fall in love and never date an American girl again 😂

Id argue that you can just as easily get “tricked” by dating (or marrying) a Western girl who ends up being less developed than she lead on. Or having some serious neurosis. Also, development isn’t a stagnant thing you can become more developed, stop developing or even regress. 

The one thing I find more easy about being with Latin Women is they are simply much less Nuerotic  it’s so much easier for them to just enjoy life and be chill 


but whatever, I know my truth I know what I’ve seen and experienced and I stand by my truth. It’s not about getting my dick wet, although that’s a great perk 


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I stopped looking for women out there. I am a beautiful woman and will develop myself to the fullest.

I am a model. And every wet dream ever imaginable.

Edited by Yimpa

(but also, Linktree @ joy_yimpa ;-)

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Stop looking at developmental charts and actually travel. It's 2024 and women from 3rd world countries have caught up. They speak multiple languages, have broad skill sets and knowledge, are less naive, work hard as hell while keeping their femininity, don't have too much mental illness, and are super nice kind and good manners

If you are a hard working man but you still pick a westernized woman you must have some hatred for yourself to punish yourself like that

But the passport bro debate will never end because people would rather argue theory then travel and see for themselves 

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