
I'm very impressed with Latin women

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1 hour ago, BlessedLion said:

Brazilian women in particular are just mind blowing in their femininity, authenticity and sexuality. I’m going back in May 

This is completely irrelevant to development.

Yes, you can find a hot girl in Colombia. But what is her development level? Is she brainwashed with Catholicism?

In this case you are the one thinking with your dick and I am the one thinking long term. These developmental issues will not manifest themselves until late into the relationship, by which time it will be too late. You will be trapped with your dick caught in the cookie jar.

If you are serious about self-actualization then you should be very careful what kind of woman you attach yourself to. You want the highest quality woman you can find. And by quality I don't mean how hard she makes you.

Edited by Leo Gura

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@Leo Gura If you had to guess, what percentage of girls in third world countries have totally transcended blue into Orange+?

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10 minutes ago, Yali said:

@Leo Gura If you had to guess, what percentage of girls in third world countries have totally transcended blue into Orange+?

Hard to say. Less than people might think. Blue religion runs deep in such places.

It's easy to get a veneer of Orange and Green, but her core may be very Blue and you will be fooled until deep into the relationship.

It's really hard to advance solidly beyond Orange and Green. In any country. But especially in the 3rd world.

Edited by Leo Gura

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I think there is an important difference to make here:

Are you in a relationship with a stage blue Latin girl because you are lazy and it is easier to get and you can easily control/abuse her?

Or because you can work/integrate healthy blue stage values like masculinity, stoicism, respect and love lower stages, etc?

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If your love was so deep would you really need to fly around the globe looking for easy targets upon which to unleash it?


Edited by Leo Gura

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I like to lick into microphones like a cat. Meow!

(but also, Linktree @ joy_yimpa ;-)

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5 minutes ago, Squeekytoy said:

Nor do you get to question it.

I will certainly question anything you dare to call love.

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 @Leo Gura

On development,

Your perspective can be 'everyone is equal' if that's not made up by you. It's the same as being a Nazi, not a single difference. You have adopted an ideology based on your environment.

 There are only two stages: being non aware of your own mental delusional frame only here to maximize what you perceive as a net good for your own mental fitness // or being self aware.


Will rework this part

Edited by AerisVahnEphelia

nowhere in the bio  @VahnAeris 

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18 minutes ago, Squeekytoy said:

I forgot, you have a monopoly on truth, and everyone knows me better than I do.

Nah, I'm just in the business of sniffing out human BS. And love is some of the smellyist BS humans produce.

Edited by Leo Gura

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@Leo Gura Most foreign girls I have dated are exceptionally smart, sweet and feminine.

I simply stopped bothering with Western girls because they are too masculine and I simply don’t click with them. I am sorry but I care about how feminine, stylish and how much general knowledge you have of the world and not how many genders you can tolerate.

I really reconnected with my Russian-culture upbringing by dating Russian girls. I wouldn't date a Russian girl if she was Pro Putin or homophobic but most are not.  


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15 minutes ago, Vrubel said:

I am sorry but I care about how feminine

That can turn into a trap because "feminine" will correlate a lot with Blue.

But hey, do you.

Edited by Leo Gura

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No! Feminine energy, it’s something magic

Edited by Vrubel

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@Vrubel Ask yourself why these girls have more feminine energy vs American girls.

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@Leo Gura I did contemplate it a lot. It has to do with historical Slavic culture and genetics. Traditional peoples like Asians and Latinas are not nearly as feminine. Though Latinas are my second favorite, they have other qualities.

I am not talking about something conceptual but about a concrete “magical” feminine energy you can feel/observe.

Something that is pretty rare in Western women but much more common in slavic women.

Edited by Vrubel

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Guys come on.

There is some truth in both POVs. (and yes, I travel and dated women from all continents, so Im talking from experience).

Is easier to get girls from Latin America, Asia, Eastern Europe, Africa... thats why horny guys go there. It even has a name now lol: passport bros.

Is also true that a lot of women from those places are more feminine, sexual and less pain in the ass, BUT thats for short term flings. For long term relationships it may flip.

Go read stories of western guys married to Japanese, Russian, South American women. Not good.


17 hours ago, Leo Gura said:


And what EddieMurphy said is right. Girls have lower standers in less developed countries.

Thats why a lot of guys if they want to marry they stay in the country of the woman.

If she comes to America/Western Europe, she will raise her standards!


Also understand that most passport bros and low tier in the attractiveness spectrum, and orange at most, so they are ok with more religious, traditional woman.





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On 16/01/2024 at 7:15 PM, StarStruck said:

Girls from the south are warm hearted. 

Having interacted with lots of people from Northern/Central Europe, including when I was already in high school, they are globally less "energetically twisted" than French and Southern Europeans, and this is especially true for women.

It's subtle.


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2 hours ago, Vrubel said:

@Leo Gura I did contemplate it a lot. It has to do with historical Slavic culture and genetics. Traditional peoples like Asians and Latinas are not nearly as feminine. Though Latinas are my second favorite, they have other qualities.

I am not talking about something conceptual but about a concrete “magical” feminine energy you can feel/observe.

Something that is pretty rare in Western women but much more common in slavic women.

Latinas and Far Easterns are the most feminine ethnic groups.

You mean you like sweet, ""“innocent”"" (so to speak) women. ? :ph34r:

Edited by Schizophonia

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@Schizophonia I am talking about raw energy.

In my opinion Asian girls are not that feminine and its kind a cringe when they are trying to be cute.

Latinas are really open and pleasant people that are physically beautiful but again they don’t have that raw feminine energy of Russian women.

I also think that protestant inspired cultures like in Western/Northern Europe put a lot of value on plainess, “social normality” and self containment. Because of that stark gender polarity and deep femininity is not really fostered. 

Edited by Vrubel

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2 hours ago, Squeekytoy said:

Speaks volumes to me that he has no qualms with someone saying that you can either use a girl for sex or use her for spiritual work, but when someone says they're actually in it for love he has objections.

In Leo's Alien-Consciousness eyes, the former is the human [bullshitter] being honest while the latter he'll always call out for it's human bullshit and not being the Absolute Love he thinks everyone should strive for, whatever that means.

Edited by lostingenosmaze

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