Kuba Powiertowski

Why Love is the key?

7 posts in this topic

You will find Love and Compassion at the core of all mystical messages and teachings. You can be sure that if anyone says otherwise, you are following a false prophet. And there is no rational concept of love here. Unconditioned, Pure Love is Absolute Consciousness, it is Infinite Intelligence. Here everything is One. It is not a matter of reason or mind. This is the very Essence of Existence. Until this Eternal Flame bursts forth within you, please wait for it to burst forth. Breathe deeply to ignite it. Because it is always flickering in you and never goes out. This is what You Are. This is your True Nature. Nothing else.

Enjoy these messages below. Love is Joy:)


From 29 minutes Rupert reads a beautiful poem by Meister Eckhart. I will quote a fragment:

"(...) I shine in the mind as I, I shine in the heart as You, I shine in the world as It, but I only ever Am, and know mySelf alone (...)".


Let the quotes below serve as a commentary:

"When I don't know who am I, I serve You, when I do know who I am, You and I are One"

"I am Loving Awareness"


This one is about real miracles.


James Tunney - my recent discovery.


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Beautiful. Thank you for this post. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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5 minutes ago, Kuba Powiertowski said:

@Princess Arabia Thank You for being who You Are💗💗💗🙏


What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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Love doesn't do anything, Love Is.
Love never ends, never ceases.
Love Is a Universe all life-encompassing, all life-embracing.
Love is the Never-Extinguishing Flame of Hope illuminating the deepest darkness.
Love is care.
Love is sharing, although It knows no divisions.
Love is the Way.
Love is Truth.
Love is Freedom.
Love is Life.
Love is Fearless because It is the acceptance of everything as it Is.
Love doesn't fight anything.
Love is Infinite Patience and Peace.
Love is all you need because everything that Is, You, Me, and the entire Universe - Is Love.

The moment Love hits you, you remember It - is the end of you. There is me no more. There is only the Cosmic Dance that You Are. No words can describe it.
You already are It - that Love, all of You, at every moment. There is no way You could be anything else;).

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We live in different Worlds; We love as the same Universe.


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