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High-Quality Learning Resources?

1 post in this topic

Hello there.

My goal is to build a successful business centered around my life calling and my passions so that I can 1) love my work, 2) become financially independent so that I can quit my wage slave job and be free, and 3) buy all the nice things that I want.

I'm 20 years old and I have technically built an online business before and made around $150 just to experience that it is actually possible (I sold consulting sessions on personal branding/audience building and built a following of 1500+ on Twitter and had 100+ newsletter subs), so I have some knowledge & experience with business and marketing.

Now I want to get serious though and start something that I can scale to >$10.000/month.

What are some amazing resources that you recommend?

Topics: Business, entrepreneurship, sales, marketing

Resources can include:

  • Books/audiobooks
  • Courses
  • Seminars (keep in mind I live in Germany, not in the US)
  • Workshops (keep in mind I live in Germany, not in the US)
  • YouTube channels
  • Magazines
  • Blogs
  • And so forth...

Some more specifics:

  1. This is likely gonna be a one-person business, but it's not 100% set. It could also be the case that I decide to partner up for this, for example if I should decide to pursue music. So keep that in mind.
  2. I want to build a small business, not a huge corporation. Might scale to employees at some point, don't know yet, but it's probably gonne be just me for the first couple of years, or a few partners at most.

Thank you :)

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