Rafael Thundercat

Kundalini Activation Retreats- For Ones Who feel need to Open Up Bit

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I never did one of this Retreats but my experience with Kundalini is from working for years with Ayahusca that have a big connection with Snakes, the indigenous even call it the Medicine of the Boa Constrictor, and if you ever did a ceremony with it or will ever do, you will understand why it have connection with Snakes, even the Vine from where it comes is a Vine that grows around trees, so int have this Spiral Up spirit and inside of you Blood it manifest as very powerfull energy up , and sometimes vibrating and maybe vomiting if there are blockages to be released.

In case one can or dont want to go to Jungles to drink it , there are also the possibility to do a retreat with practicioners who will use probably Breathwork to Activate the Energy and it will manifest.

I would recommend it specialy for people who want to have an Embodied Experience insteasd of staying  to much in th Mind and later not bein g able to emobdy into real daily life :

Would help many intelectuals here 


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I can't say anything good or bad regarding this particular retreat, but I wouldn't advise to a close friend of mine and show other sources and activities they can do that are working in this field.

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