Rafael Thundercat

Bell Curve Book- Inteligence levels defined by Genetics

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Well, for me this was aways so clear. We have people for example that are just born beautifull, not subjectively beautifull, considered beautifull for any obsever. Same with inteligence, why would be different with inteligence? There are people who since kids seems like endowed with great levels of insigth and even better if is a winner in the sperm lottery. So, why the system is so structured as everybody was born with the same capacity? We have schools for disable people why not have different education systems for people with less advantages in the intelligent level so they could get a leverage from where they are instead of needing to compete in vain with others who arbitraly were born from lucky wombs? 

No, is society would admit it it would need to deal with it and find ways for the less able to have the same possibility to reach high level inteligence, for exemple to check if some kids would  need nootropic support like lions mane mushrooms and other plants to give them them the extra brain boost to be able to level up and have more chances in the Bell Curve. Everyone need to pass in the Bell, but not everyone are equiped to pass it smoothly. 


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@Rafael Thundercat

Actually the German school system has a bit of a system like that where kids go to different schools  depending how good their test results are.

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20 minutes ago, Rafael Thundercat said:

We have schools for disable people why not have different education systems for people with less advantages in the intelligent level so they could get a leverage from where they are instead of needing to compete in vain with others who arbitraly were born from lucky wombs? 

Even those schools lack in diversity and genuine understand of the conditions that they are trying to treat.

Categorizations of people are only as intelligent as the system/structure in which they are based upon. 


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