
I don’t want to feel misogynistic but I can’t help if sometimes…

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5 minutes ago, Chosen144 said:

I’ll be honest with you, I went through all of this in my head. But this feeling is less rational and more emotional, it stems from trauma, jealousy and bitterness and I’m trying to find a healthy way to heal it.

I know it’s not all black and white, blackpill incel community like to over simplify and go overboard with a lot of their agendas. So I only take it with a grain of salt. But yeah, it’s really a feeling you can’t get rid off. I’ll check out that vaush guy you recommended 

You can deal better with the feelings with some knowledge too. The trauma is the root of the feeling. Work on it as hard as you can.

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16 hours ago, Chosen144 said:

I’ll be honest with you, I went through all of this in my head. But this feeling is less rational and more emotional, it stems from trauma, jealousy and bitterness and I’m trying to find a healthy way to heal it.

I know it’s not all black and white, blackpill incel community like to over simplify and go overboard with a lot of their agendas. So I only take it with a grain of salt. But yeah, it’s really a feeling you can’t get rid off. I’ll check out that vaush guy you recommended 


as you said you need to heal and process your emotions, do not let a sophist like Vaush fill your head with his lunacy. They try to recruit emotionally vulnerable people, be careful who you let influence you when you’re in a vulnerable state on the cusp of major development.


Edited by Raze

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@Chosen144since you’ve already to this posted this. Then u have come to the decision that it is bad to rape a woman. Then you need to hold onto the will to set you free. Make a commitment to yourself that you will work on yourself until you’re totally free of the desire. look at the filth, the rot, the evilness, the darkness that is coursing through your whole body from these desires. (If it’s there) darkness, is the direction to the light.

By the way, whatever you do to anyone will always have the consequences come back to you.

If you would ask me this specific way to transcend, this desire it is to totally change the way in which your brain functions. The only way I know of doing this is by being 100% present all the time. Now, obviously you can’t do that right now and even if you try for a couple weeks you won’t be able to do that no matter what. But if you hold to your commitment, then you will get this, and then this desire will simply just fade into nothing. in fact, if you’re able to be totally present for long enough, then the only thing that you act through is love. 

Anyone who says they’re enlightened on this form in anyway is not, except me I am. 

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Go talk to women more with no expectations whatsoever. Do a lot of that. It'll put you in reality and out of your conditioning quicker. The important part is, you having no expectations, except maybe a conversation.

Then when you've done that for a while, and socialized with the opposite sex, like the thousands of generations before you did, before computers/phones made all your interactions cerebral rather than EVERYTHING ELSE + cerebral. That's body language, that's voice, that's environment, light touch, emotions, harmonizing with the group, smell, apperance, group dynamics, personal dynamics, that's relating to the person/people you are talking to, listening, filing the silence, humor, developing the art of conversation etc etc etc.

Then try to do what some people are advising you.

Don't feel bad. Purely cerebral electronic communication has broken a lot of people, most of a generation at this point.

Edited by BlueOak

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On 1/17/2024 at 11:15 AM, BlueOak said:

That's body language, that's voice, that's environment, light touch, emotions, harmonizing with the group, smell, apperance, group dynamics, personal dynamics, that's relating to the person/people you are talking to, listening, filing the silence, humor, developing the art of conversation etc etc etc.

Sounds like a hell of a lot of extra crap to keep track of when we should be able to just approach, have a fun interaction, get a date, and there you have it. But no. Instead it’s: “Oh you forgot about the touches/didn’t do them properly, you forgot about the group dynamics, you forgot about the personal dynamics, you didn’t harmonize enough, you let there be too much silence (this one is particularly oppressive because when you’re trying to fill in the silence because you ran out of stuff to say, that’s the quickest way to end up saying something that gets u blown out) you didn’t develop the art of conversation enough (which basically means you started talking about something they don’t wanna hear, at which point you won’t know to reverse this unless you’re very skilled at reading body language and faces, and it gets even more confusing because they usually won’t show you that you’re losing them or offending them because they don’t want to be rude) you used the wrong type of humor (this one is tricky because you can’t just ask what type of humor they’re ok with from the start because that makes you seem weird and overly cautious of them, so all you can do is roll the dice)” 

On 1/17/2024 at 11:15 AM, BlueOak said:

Don't feel bad. Purely cerebral electronic communication has broken a lot of people, most of a generation at this point.

Well there you go. You just said it yourself. Social media and smart devices have zombified everyone to the point where most people think you’re weird if you randomly approach them and try to strike up a good old fashioned human to human, authentic interaction. Girls especially will put up an obligatory front of politeness upon being approached by a man, when deep down they’re like “who tf does this weirdo think he is just walking around like he owns the place and knows everyone. If he wants me he can talk to me on my snap chat or discord like a normal, civilized human! SMH!”

Of course sometimes you aren’t even given the grace of politeness. They’ll either outright tell you to fuck off or give you the gray rock method. 



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On 1/17/2024 at 11:15 AM, BlueOak said:


I do love the smells though. And boy do I! The best is when she has just worked out or had a long day at work before showering. It is so intoxicating! Life will be perfect the day smellovision gets invented to accompany the fapathons.  


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On 10.1.2024 at 10:36 PM, Chosen144 said:

Really related to this post I found. Exposed my raw feeling about women. How do I heal this feeling of misogyny?

I can't help but to sometimes feel misogynistic either. Remember how many times you've heard to watch your mind like a hawk? These are the moments you need to do so the most.

Our mind is quick to put all women in the same becomes easier when you start to see women as human beings, you simply don't relate to all of them. Likewise, not all women relate with other women.

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You are highlighting the exact problem! Dating or socialising was never entirely in your head like dating has become. I'd venture 10%-20% was intellectual before, even less was analytical. 

Everything you just talked about is experiential, as in it is something we would have, in eras past, been doing all our lives. It'd be as simple as breathing, and sure some would be better than others at it, some people are more charismatic than others. But right now, it's becoming uncommon to find many capable of socializing naturally, let alone being good at it.

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On 1/12/2024 at 5:25 AM, Snader said:

Haha it's funny to observe people in public and notice how they secretly try to get a peek of an ass, especially when when they try to keep their gaze as long as possible. And the improvising they do after that to demonstrate that they were not watching the ass.

I have started to catch myself quickly but still, if it’s out in public I’m gonna look. 👀 

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4 hours ago, meta_male said:

I can't help but to sometimes feel misogynistic either. Remember how many times you've heard to watch your mind like a hawk? These are the moments you need to do so the most.

Our mind is quick to put all women in the same becomes easier when you start to see women as human beings, you simply don't relate to all of them. Likewise, not all women relate with other women.

I’ve struggled with misogyny towards other women and my own self being one. It’s a feeling of resentment towards someone for doing what’s right for them because you wanted them to do what was right for you.


Who’s to say she needed a healthy relationship at that time in her life, maybe she needed to learn. Women are interested in personal development and sometimes that comes through poor decision making.


I empathized with fighting off those bitter feelings but also you can transcend your own need for other people and at a certain point it will actually come full circle and you can buld community or sexual relationships with women.


Two things can be true at once, we can still be working through feelings we know are toxic at the core while managing our own behavior to reflect our ultimate values.


I know a lot of yall think women just get what we want all the time but I’m not a super hot chick and this is coming from direct perspective of a former “femcel”. A very niche psychology in a way…


If I can get women to like me without money or a big dick I swear anyone can do it because I’m a nerd with no game and literally no dick… don’t be bitter, be better. 🫶



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Also, this conversation seems to be lacking an acknowledgment of sexual trauma that many women experience.


If you haven’t bothered to look into what that does to people, you may not understand a woman’s psychology because most of us would rather not speak on it and especially not with men because they will likely assume we are exaggerating or seeking attention rather than be a safe space.


Some women aren’t being overdramatic about our physical responses to men. It’s a nervous system issue and knowing that can help alleviate some of this anger at women in general. 

I’ve had women ruin me psychologically but men have put my actual life liberty and the pursuit of happiness at risk. I take responsibility but you can’t fix that stuff overnight and if you want women to give you grace I advise you do the same. 🤔

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7 minutes ago, AmandaPanda said:

Also, this conversation seems to be lacking an acknowledgment of sexual trauma that many women experience.


If you haven’t bothered to look into what that does to people, you may not understand a woman’s psychology because most of us would rather not speak on it and especially not with men because they will likely assume we are exaggerating or seeking attention rather than be a safe space.


Some women aren’t being overdramatic about our physical responses to men. It’s a nervous system issue and knowing that can help alleviate some of this anger at women in general. 

I’ve had women ruin me psychologically but men have put my actual life liberty and the pursuit of happiness at risk. I take responsibility but you can’t fix that stuff overnight and if you want women to give you grace I advise you do the same. 🤔

And I don’t want to hear about how women are interested in the rapists and that it’s their fault because while as adults it’s on us to find discernment, sociopaths make their living on tricking people and most of us don’t recognize that someone is a rapist until behind closed doors where they have all the benefit of the doubt and we have the societal belief that women accuse men falsely in droves just because we need attention and pity so badly.


Edited by AmandaPanda

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2 hours ago, AmandaPanda said:

Two things can be true at once, we can still be working through feelings we know are toxic at the core while managing our own behavior to reflect our ultimate values.


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