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epistemological relativism

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imagine the difference between an amish kid, and a child growing up in a queer family where he's not taught the existence of men and women, let alone God or the Bible. 

Great example of how your mind shapes reality; to accept technology your mind has to be open. Which a lot of amish aren't. In fact all of them. 

The education is different, their relationship to materialist science is different, i imagine they're creationists, meaning they're in denial about evolution...

Also the hierarchy: God above men, Men above women, Women above children. don't go thinking they're vegan or feminists. i imagine they're homophobic as well. 

The amount of kids they have : 7 kids... 

Edited by Majed

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While on a family vacation a decade ago, my dad accidentally drove into a person’s driveway because our GPS was very confused. A few minutes later, an Amish person came out of the house, walked up to our car, and was actually super chill with us. He even pointed us in the right direction to go.

All of this while the man’s wife was standing at a distance, right outside their front door. She was holding her baby as she stared at us in a mesmerizing way, as if she was witnessing an alien spacecraft for the first time.

Suffice to say, the Amish were much more helpful than the GPS in that moment!

Edited by Yimpa


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15 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

While on a family vacation a decade ago, my dad accidentally drove into a person’s driveway because our GPS was very confused. A few minutes later, an Amish person came out of the house, walked up to our car, and was actually super chill with us. He even pointed us in the right direction to go.

All of this while the man’s wife was standing at a distance, right outside their front door. She was holding her baby as she stared at us in a mesmerizing way, as if she was witnessing an alien spacecraft for the first time.

Suffice to say, the Amish were much more helpful than the GPS in that moment!


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1 hour ago, Majed said:

imagine the difference between an amish kid, and a child growing up in a queer family where he's not taught the existence of men and women, let alone God or the Bible. 

Great example of how your mind shapes reality; to accept technology your mind has to be open. Which a lot of amish aren't. In fact all of them. 

The education is different, their relationship to materialist science is different, i imagine they're creationists, meaning they're in denial about evolution...

Also the hierarchy: God above men, Men above women, Women above children. don't go thinking they're vegan or feminists. i imagine they're homophobic as well. 

The amount of kids they have : 7 kids... 

  It's complicated, but great lessons based on many developmental factors like Spiral Dynamics stages of development(by Don Beck and Clare Graves), cognitive and moral development, personality types/traits, 9 stages of ego development(by Jane Loevinger), Architypes(by Carl Jung), Integral Theory's other lines o development in life and societal domains(by Ken Wilbur), and other ideological beliefs indoctrinated by social and cultural programming, family upbringing, and many information points in this information ecology we consume like mainstream/alternative news, videos, books, radios, social media platforms like Tik Tok, and many more that big companies who have Neoliberalism/capitalism as their ideology will manufacture consent from the masses and indoctrinates conspicuous consumption.

   Also science and rationalism are guilty of dogmatic beliefs in their ideology too, blindly believing that science works, rationalism leads to truth, and that technological advancements are great and will save us all. Those are dogmas, nothing new here.

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