
Why YOU can't be GOD.

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16 minutes ago, Max1993 said:

@ivankiss You are right. You got the validation that you seek. Just reduce your insistence on always being right, some people will simply always have different semantics on what God is exactly... 

Spiritual self - righteousness is our favourite sport here. I hear you though, thanks.

@Thought Art I can't agree with you on everything you're saying, I'm sorry, I just can't. But I feel like we reached some sort of a common ground.

In any case, I exhausted my efforts here. That's enough running in circles for a while now. 

All the best to you all.

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All of us are (ideally) learning and growing and expanding our understanding of what truth is. Which, I think is Good

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2 hours ago, Inliytened1 said:

Yes but if I told you reality was atoms or a giant atom we would have a problem with that. 

When we talk about God we are not referring to reality in general, but rather that reality is an infinite mind that deliberately does things, creates dreams, for reasons, love, boredom, whatever. I believe this is wrong, it is an erroneous understanding in which the ego has taken part. 

Reality is not a dream of God, reality is God, and it is not created, it exists without option, it cannot not exist given the absence of limits, and given the laws of the infinite, it exists exactly as you see it, but to perceive it in all its perfection you must erase all meaning. Even so, it is difficult to go deeper and understand, there are many traps, and I believe that one of them is: I am God. since I is interpreted as the center of experience, which in the case of the ego is the recipient of the experience and in the case of God is the creator of the experience, when reality is the experience, and no one creates it, its substance is the totality given the absence of limits and the perfection with which it is organized is the inevitable balance between yin and yang that occurs in infinity, since what is not balanced cannot exist, and this is also called infinite intelligence

Edited by Breakingthewall

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@Breakingthewall Yeah I get it.  But also you have to remember even the ego is just God in a state of consciousness.  God is a tautology.   It's true no matter what form it takes .  You can't go wrong about One thing or Infinity.  The part is also the whole and the whole is also the part.   It cannot escape itself.

Edited by Inliytened1


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@Inliytened1 Except God is consciousness which is sneaky. God realization is a radical state, but God is also normal states.

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5 minutes ago, Thought Art said:

@Inliytened1 Except God is consciousness which is sneaky. God realization is a radical state, but God is also normal states.

Well that's what I was saying.


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10 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

Yeah I get it.  But also you have to remember even the ego is just God in a state of consciousness.  God is a tautology.   It's true no matter what form it takes .  You can't go wrong about One thing or Infinity.  The part is also the whole and the whole is also the part.   It cannot escape itself.

Exactly so! This is what I was unsuccesfully trying to get across to the topic starter. This one blind spot he was not seeing, like some dust in your glasses. When you realize ego is also God, for the first time you love yourself and make peace with your own humanity. War ends, God is seen everywhere and everywhere is just God. 

Surah Al-Baqarah (2:115):  "So wherever you [might] turn, there is the face of Allah. Indeed, Allah is all-encompassing and Knowing."

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty.  We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes Wise, Virtuous and AWAKE. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life GOD is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, because The Sun shines through All: Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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4 minutes ago, Davino said:


Surah Al-Baqarah (2:115):  "So wherever you [might] turn, there is the face of Allah. Indeed, Allah is all-encompassing and Knowing."

Powerful - it gave me the bliss of enlightenment :)



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48 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

But also you have to remember even the ego is just God in a state of consciousness

The ego is simply a superficial focus, and i think that saying: I am god dreaming reality, is also a limited focus. It is limited by the subject who performs an action and obtains a result. unlimited focus transcends that, and you realize that what is left is unlimited impersonal existence, absolute freedom, you could say that you are that, it may seem the same but someone who has realized this would not say "I am god creating the world", it implies center, and creating reality implies will and duality. this is limited. An omnipotent God is a limited vision, it's a creation. 

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@Breakingthewall I do kindly disagree. 

You could say you are God dreaming the world. Many people who realized this do say this. Including the Aztecs, 

It doesn’t imply duality at all. How would an omnipotent God be a limitation? 

What exists is unlimited Mind, infinite mind. It’s consciousness. So, it has infinite will. It can sub divide the will and artifially limit itself. Here you are as a human.

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I’ve experienced states so radically different from normal human reality that… what we are speaking about is… infinite and it’s alive, and it’s intelligent, and it’s not random. It has no limitation except the one it wills. 

It’s the only thing that exists, and is utter perfection. Because of this the only thing for it to do is dream, and explore, and enjoy the dramas that it creates for itself. 

You whole like is the mask that God is wearing. All your limitations are actually your will. Not the human will, but God’s will. 

It’s like God designs video games for itself .

Edited by Thought Art

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1 hour ago, Thought Art said:

@Breakingthewall I do kindly disagree. 

You could say you are God dreaming the world. Many people who realized this do say this. Including the Aztecs, 

It doesn’t imply duality at all. How would an omnipotent God be a limitation? 

What exists is unlimited Mind, infinite mind. It’s consciousness. So, it has infinite will. It can sub divide the will and artifially limit itself. Here you are as a human.

reality exists and not by its will, it is inevitable, this is a limitation. What we are is absolute freedom, joy, love, whatever you want, but not a playful god playing at being you, but the incessant and wild flow of existence, which synchronizes the infinite perfectly since this is its nature.

Infinity is both freedom and prison, it is prison because it will never escape this moment, and it is freedom because this moment has no limits. The ultimate nature of what we are is glory, you can call it love maybe but I think that is a limited word. It is glory because it is everything, without limit, and the sum of everything in a singularity is absolute glory, but it does not flow by will, but rather inevitably, and the flow is cyclical and evolutive. at least that is how I have seen it every time I have accessed states without limit

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1 hour ago, Breakingthewall said:

The ego is simply a superficial focus, and i think that saying: I am god dreaming reality, is also a limited focus. It is limited by the subject who performs an action and obtains a result. unlimited focus transcends that, and you realize that what is left is unlimited impersonal existence, absolute freedom, you could say that you are that, it may seem the same but someone who has realized this would not say "I am god creating the world", it implies center, and creating reality implies will and duality. this is limited. An omnipotent God is a limited vision, it's a creation. 

Yes but the focus itself is God...you see?  You have a sense of self - and a collection of memories...that's what makes you what you are - but if your consciousness should expand it would blow this out - and you would be Infinite.  So what was it but a change in state?  Consciousness itself was always there.  That's what you are.


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35 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

Consciousness itself was always there.  That's what you are.

Consciousness also implies duality, and duality creates the self. me being aware of reality. The truth is that I do not understand the ultimate structure of reality, for now it is enough to try be open the essence of the unlimited, I am only saying that limits can block that essence, and I would say that: I am God dreaming reality, it is a limit.

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@Breakingthewall How does consciousness imply duality?

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26 minutes ago, Thought Art said:

@Breakingthewall How does consciousness imply duality?

There cannot be duality without consciousness.


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There relative duality in the non-duality

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5 hours ago, Yimpa said:

There cannot be duality without consciousness.

Consciousness is a duality. Consciousness does not exist without an object. Conscious of ________. Without an object consciousness and all of the ongoing worlds of beings and activities ceases entirely. At least this is what significant portions of eastern spirituality have discovered. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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8 hours ago, Thought Art said:

@Breakingthewall How does consciousness imply duality?


The word consciousness implies being conscious of something. Consciousness is really nothing, there can be no existence without consciousness, nor consciousness without existence. When Leo says that you are imagining reality, it means that you are conscious of reality,  being conscious is creating, you are the uncreated cause that creates reality. I see this as deeply wrong, but maybe I am the one who is wrong, you never know. I think the correct thing is: reality is what I am. 

The only cause, the only creator, is the absence of limits, and it does not really create anything, since given the absence of limits, everything already is. That is God, and it isn't something, it's just no limits. 

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