
Why YOU can't be GOD.

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@Davino I live a very ordinary, down to earth life. I don't float around, walk on water or perform any kind of magic. Got the 'being human' part covered - no worries.

That is precisely why I know my place, I know where I begin and end, and I do not walk around believing I'm God.

If someone was to stab me (classic argument btw) there would be pain, blood and all that. Does not make me any less or more self - realized.

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"I am God" might be true at a certain level of realization, but for 100% of the people posting on this forum, IT IS NOT USEFUL. It is a trap.

If you're still posting on this forum, telling someone "Hey dudeski, YOU ARE GOD" is at best pointless, and at worst damaging to their own path and practice. They may disregard is as "just another concept", or they may go down the rabbit hole of conceptual constructions getting false ideas and calling those insights into the true nature of reality.

Same as "You don't exist" can be a major trap that has a good chance get someone stuck for years. 

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Sneaky dualist 

You know, 

Ultimately what I am trying to say it… You exist right now. Would you like to learn more about what reality is? Because you are reality. So, it may be useful to understand what that is. 

We are not in the game of constructing beliefs, thinking we are better than other people, building idealogy,  Self deceiving ourselves, going off the deep end, etc… we are in the game of figuring out what is true. Focus on what is true for you in your direct experience. Look at your hands and the room around you and really question what that is and how it is possible. Where did it come from? What is it made of? How is it so perfectly executed?

You are reality, and reality isn’t separate from itself. You are in this finite form right now as a human. But, all the aspects of your mind are made of God’s mind. Because of this, because you are what you are made up of you are made of God therefore you are God. 

God is a dreamer, who dreams infinite dreams. Dreaming it is human. This is well known in many religions and ancient mystical traditions from various native groups, the Aztec, the Taoists etc

God is a Noun and a Verb. It’s both a thing and a happening, a process. You can’t actually be separate from God. God is what is the case. This, now! 

Everything Now!


Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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When I had my first full blown 'god - realization'... way before I joined this community... way before having an understanding of all this enlightenment biz... Well, I threatened several cops and paramedics to jump off of the balcony, yelling that I'm God, that it's all just a game and that I cannot die. I wasn't suicidal one bit, ever, before it after that night. It wasn't about me wanting to die. What was revealed to me was simply way too much for me to comprehend. There was no way I would not misinterpret everything, especially in that moment, being high on psychedelics. So I did misinterpret everything, instantly. I fell into THE trap. I fully believed in that moment, that if I was to jump, I wouldn't die. Because, well, I'm God, I constructed all of this, there is nothing above or beyond me. Everything was shown to me precisely and exactly as it is. It all came apart and right back together, layer by layer, right in front if my eyes - if you will. That night the Truth was completely reveled, without any warning. Nothing could've prepared me. 

After the event, which I luckily survived, I went through your usual cycle, believing I was God and that it's all in my mind and so on. Thankfully, it did not take me too long to realize that I was in hell. I understood that even the highest of realizations and deepest of insights can become a prison. In fact, if one is blind and careless enough, they most certainly will end up in a cage.

Many or most of you, especially newbies, are nowhere near to being equipped enough to comprehend or handle what it really means when they say 'You are God'. You are simply incapable of even beginning to understand what that actually means and implies. I guarantee.

When I say 'You are not God and will never be', I am provoking the solipsistic belief, the spiritual ego - if you will, the god complex. Because let's not joke around... God has no need to believe in itself, or make others believe anything. God has nothing against someone saying there is no God. God has no issue with having no identity. You know who does? You. You have an issue, pretty much with everything. You know why? Because you believe this and not that.

When I say 'You can't be God' it's for a very good reason. Not because I did not have my realizations or insights or because I'm not awake enough or whatever. It's because I understand something you don't. God is not an identity. It cannot be pointed towards. And YOU is a pointer. A fat ass label. A cage.

Cannot put God in a cage, no matter how big or small.

You can try, yes, but I guarantee it's gonna be ugly and it's gonna hurt as fuck. Sooner or later.

You could be having the most enlightening enlightenment experience of all time, realize God on alien steroids, and that's all cool... but the moment you think it's you... you're fucked.

Not to mention that if you really are a hardcore, committed Truth seeker, and you really take the notion of 'I am God' all the way... I guarantee you're gonna end up losing it. Jumping off of a bridge or whatever else. Cause chaos and mayhem in some way or fashion. 

It's a thought, you fool!

'I am God' - is a thought, ultimately. If you believe in it, you gonna have a bad time, trust me.

You simply have to snap out of it. Let fucking go. Just be. Be free.

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Reality is far more than even the most enlightened and awakened masters. Did you know that even the sound of a hammer striking a nail is God?


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It’s definitely risky business. 

Make sure you go slow and stay grounded. 

But, the Truth is what the Truth is. You’ll have to figure that out.


Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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@ivankiss It’s good you share your warnings. 

There are however others here who have gone very deep who live stable and normal lives. Which, should be the goal of a well balanced spiritual/ personal development work. 

It’s good to warn people of the dangers. 

But, it’s also important to not project your own traumatizing experience on to others journeys. 

Some people have gone very deep into their realization and have matured into it. 

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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@Thought Art Those who went 'very deep' or even 'all the way' are perfectly clear on there being no identity in god - realization or enlightenment.

I am not projecting my trauma on anyone. I am just using my experiences as an example of what can happen. Because, well, I am someone who took things quite deep. I know where the traps are and how to get out of them. 

I am warning you, yes. And I'm also letting you know that you're wrong, absolutely speaking. There just is no I or You in enlightenment. No identity in God.


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@ivankiss Thanks, 

I’ve never claimed there is identity in God. 

Stay safe everyone.

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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Awakening is the opening to the now, setting aside the psyche and letting reality alive to be. I don't know how far this can go or what mental conclusions it can bring, but an important condition is to completely empty the mind of structured content on spirituality. It has to be diaphanous, completely open to what is, without the word god, or infinity, or anything.

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40 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

There just is no I or You in enlightenment. No identity in God.

The few times I have had an openness let's say almost total, my realization is that it is completely impersonal, completely free and completely alive and unlimited, and the fact of being impersonal has made me laugh for 5 minutes , not because of something funny, but because of the total freedom of the unfathomable depth that lives. This is not thinkable, whoever thinks it is limited, the mind cannot. and the phrase: I am God creating reality, is wrong

Edited by Breakingthewall

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44 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:: I am God creating reality, is wrong

So what is correct?

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I think no one can teach someone else the truth .

Truth must be discovered personally. And since we are different persons in different places on the spiritual path..it's normal that our truths vary .

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1 hour ago, Thought Art said:

So what is correct?

I would say, with the possibility of change this vision in the future, according to my perception now and remembering moments of opening, which are rare and difficult to achieve, that what I am is the flow of reality. Reality flows because it is, it cannot not be, it arises from the empty abyss, since this abyss is unfathomable, therefore, reality, what I am, is there, since everything is there, in fact, the abyss is what I am. It is life, reality is alive, and it flows, and it does so perfectly since its seems to be intelligence unlimited. aligning with that intelligence in the extent that is possible is one of the goals of this work , the other is being open to the substance of reality .  

It is strange and difficult to understand why now I am not completely aware of everything, since I am now, what prevents me from opening completely all the time to reality without limit? What is the objective of this situation? Why reality is how it is? This must be deciphered. Maybe the solution is : because I'm god creating the reality, but I'd say that it's a deception. Something is deeply wrong in that conception. There is not someone or something creating a dream, it's more like the limitless substance that is reality being, ordering itself creating the greatest possible beauty in a delicate balance that being breaks and re-emerges again and again, and It can't be static, since it has no limits 

Speculating more, I would say that I am not open to myself because what I now am, what has now emerged from the substance that reality is, is this structure, and to have emerged it has done so over other structures, over an infinity of other cycles, and Its flow is in the direction of openness, to create increasingly conscious cycles but with a structure, and this structure is what is being cooked now, this is the movement of reality. To achieve what? Seems that Just be more deeply , but if it's infinite, it already happened infinite times, so who knows why, probably because it can't stop, it's movement . 

Edited by Breakingthewall

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You are sending mixed messages. It's either you are or you're not. No ,"you're not, because you might can't handle it and create harm for yourself" and "it's not like I haven't  had my realizations but".

Some people could realize this Truth and become a better version of themselves because of it. Some might not jump because they realize it's not necessary or that they aren't really suffering because God doesn't suffer and it's just a creation of the egoic mind. Some might even use it to go deeper into the quest for Truth and to stop engaging in ludicrous nonsense because they want to do something better with their lives that can expand their capacity to love or be Love. 

Why dont we start to teach and show people what it really means to be God or to have that God essence inside of us instead of just sending out fearful warning signals and messages or telling them they are not it or not what they think is it. Nothing can steer you away from Truth if that's what you truly seek or want dearly from the heart.

Yes, some can use this realization to unconsciously try to hurt others or themselves but the flip side also is a possibility and will Trump any other earthly egoic desires if it's paired with good intentions.

What is the Truth. Each one will have to come to that realization on their own but not out of fear of harming oneself but for Truth's sake.


Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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Really, focus for most of us should be to create a profound balance in mind body and soul. Balance your entire life: career, finances, relationships, and spirituality. 

Don’t go running naked down the street screaming “I am god!!!!”

No. and if you did forgive yourself for being a fool. 

Awakening can be very dangerous and can lead to physical, psychological and social consequences.

Focus on BEING DEEPLY mature, DEEPLY patient, DEEPLY, kind, loving, and truth seeking.

Become leader in mature spiritual things.


Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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5 minutes ago, Thought Art said:

Don’t go running naked down the street screaming “I am god!!!!”

At least put some clothes on first.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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@Princess Arabia Take 10 years and put it in a song 😉


 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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