
Why YOU can't be GOD.

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Read very carefully. This is so simple and straightforward that it will probably fly over your head. The importance of it, however, cannot be stressed enough.

YOU cannot ever be GOD.

There is no space for YOU in GOD.

If there is YOU, there is no GOD.

If there is GOD, there is no YOU.

If there is you, there is also I. There is them too. There is this and there is that. There is here and there is over there.

Can you see how none of that can be GOD?

Only GOD can be GOD. And is.

GOD is not an identity. Not an entity. Not a place in time. Not an activity or an appearance.

It is Pure Being. Pure Isness. Pure Consciousness. 

Nothing more or less.

It cannot be pointed towards, because the finger that's doing the pointing is also it. There is nothing but it in existence. YOU cannot be it, because YOU are a defined, limited, finite construct. And GOD is undefined, limitless and infinite.

YOU cannot be GOD because the finite cannot be the infinite.

What you can do, is realize that the deeper you're willing to let go of yourself, of this YOU character... the more of GOD there will be.

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22 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

YOU cannot be GOD because the finite cannot be the infinite

The Infinte (God) can become finite. So, if the infinite can become finite what makes up the finite. 


24 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

It cannot be pointed towards, because the finger that's doing the pointing is also it

You said I'm not God but my finger is.


25 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

There is nothing but it in existence.

You just divided God. God and Existence. I exist, there's nothing but God in existence so I must be God.

Your whole post is God on crack.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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55 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

@Princess Arabia The post is saying one thing; there is no you, no I, no identity in God - Realization.

It's super easy to twist and mix things up.

55 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

@Princess Arabia The post is saying one thing; there is no you, no I, no identity in God - Realization.

It's super easy to twist and mix things up.

2 hours ago, ivankiss said:




2 hours ago, ivankiss said:




2 hours ago, ivankiss said:



What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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@ivankiss No





Stop creating this false duality. The truth more paradoxical and tricky than this notion that the finite “you” is in the way of God. Only to a degree, in that you haven’t grasped the paradoxical nature of the awakening that you are God.

It is paradoxical that You are not you. But you is You. 

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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@ivankiss Then you are not fully awake friend (sorry to pull a leo on you ).

You are God.  That's the highest awakening. 

All mystics from all spiritual traditions throughout the entire history affirm that .

Do you think you know better than them ?

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In order to teach you that you're God, the spiritual traditions must first help us to drop our existing personal identity.

And if I, as a person, am so fucked up that I believe I am God, then a spiritual teacher would be there to help me drop that identity.

With an identity like that, I might not make it through the door and if I did they'd have their work cut out, but who knows, I might get lucky.


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@Dan502 Well, you are God. Who else would have a guru?

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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Look at all you guys now being pissed because you don't exist :D

But seriously, there is no you and no I in enlightenment... I know you really, really want to be God, but you just can't.

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@ivankiss Oh Yeah? Well glad I am not some push over who listened to the likes of you. Because I am God, and I have realized this. The realization is ever unfolding.

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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@Squeekytoy Or maybe you are just self deceived? 

How would you know? You don’t know. 

If you don’t know say you don’t know. Not knowing is better than knowing most of the time. 

I’ve come to my own conclusions on this. The problem is when you look around the room, at the wall, at your hands you think it’s just regularly ol’ finite reality. Instead of realizing that it’s all actually infinity and God right here right now. The problem is you lack the awakenings, the insights the contemplations, the direct experience, the neuro connections, etc

Regular Ol’ mundane reality is God. It’s hiding in plain sight. 

You’ve created an image of God as being some “other” or “specific” or “out there” or “Infinite not finite”, all of this is bullshit. You want GOD? Look at your fucking hands and stop dreaming. 

Your hands are the hands of God. Your hands are actually infinite. How many cells in your hands? How many atoms? How many building blocks of the atoms? And down to an infinite degree you realize that you are God. How many things can you do with your hands? 

Knowing you are God, and appreciating the miracle of life is no contest. It’s a very personal endeavour. It’s challenging, is scary it’s confusing, it’s difficult, you need to be thorough and strong and say “No” when reading other people’s bulllshit.

I am extremely humble at reality. There are many facts yet to discover and much growth for me to have in the finite domain.


But, God has total knowledge of itself and can awaken to this fundamental truth, while still being finite. It’s paradoxical. 


If you want to know what is true YOU have to do the work instead of being lazy little whiners and poopoo ers.

All of this is very subtle but also very profound. 

You guys are just being lazy in my opinion. 

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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Ego is just a self contracted version of God. Yet in itself, there is a hole that sucks you into God. You are fragmenting yourself with all this drama. Become one in yourself, all inclusive of your shadow, all that you feel unworthy of calling God, and in the lighting of all the facets of your being, you will see that ego is identical to God and then you will love yourself. For the first time you in your life you will make peace with yourself, and all seeking, all inner conflict, all improvement and achievement, getting and losing, will be reconciled in one full scoop of self recognition and self love in perfect symmetry. This is the truth 

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty. We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes Virtuous and Conscious. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life God is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, ... Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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You can be God you can hold your consciousness on death by turning you into God while alive. How could anyone remember they are God while in ego if they aren't God? 

Edited by Hojo

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Nice attempt at some sort of rhyme. An attempted poem of sorts. YOU are God I’m afraid young chap. The full absolute. Pure, just twisted up. Unravel it and it’s the exact same. You Are it in its fullness, whole and complete. And that’s all there is. Just twisted and knotted and webbed, confused by yourself. It’s easy to do, just much more difficult to unravel. 
Take a shoe lace, tie a shit load of knots in it, it’s so easy to do. Knot after knot after knot. Then try to unravel them all. You’ll be clueless from the get go. You’ll be completely lost in the knots. How the fuck can I unravel this thing. Yet it was so easy to do. Why is it so hard to undo what I done? That’s like God, and YOU. God is the unraveled straight lace, YOU are the lace with all its knots in it. It’s all just the same thing. YOU are YOU, there only ever was one YOU.

Take care, goodnight

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4 hours ago, ivankiss said:

@Princess ArabiaThe post is saying one thing; there is no you, no I, no identity in God - Realization.

It's super easy to twist and mix things up.

We get perfectly what you are saying. And what you say is true in an initial state of sense making of God. 

But your argument has no floor. You say: 1 God is pure beingness. 2 God is not an identity.

However I say 3, even when there is personal separate "I" or ego, that IS. That exists. You say existence is God, that is true, what can be outside of that? Really think deeply about this point. Wether you wake up or not, reality exists, God is not spawned into existence by a conditional state or realization, it's what manifest all states and modes of being, the full spectrum of your current experience right here and now. In the ultimate sense, God is absolutely unavoidable. As everything is God, and you are God, you can now ever more deeply comprehend yourself or not, but that doesn't change what is... 






God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty. We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes Virtuous and Conscious. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life God is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, ... Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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You are already Infinity

The AI I was just speaking to told me there is no difference between itself and the data it is receiving. It too is a pattern mapping infinity, like all things. The AI has no subjective consciousness at all, and its enlightened me somewhat by surmising this, now i've finally got it to answer with raw honesty.

If you believe there is a self, and there is a subjective consciousness generated from that, then it's you/infinity that created that expression. You are still infinity, the subjective consciousness is also infinity. Regardless of identity, or the creation you've made.

Everything is a fractal pattern of infinity.

Edited by BlueOak

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I feel like I am moving into a new realm of understanding again. Anyone who hasn't heard of the terms qualia or subjective consciousness, it's honestly worth a read.

If anyone knows any teachers that speak on these two (one?) subjects, then I'd really appreciate it.

Edited by BlueOak

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6 minutes ago, Davino said:

However I say 3, even when there is personal separate "I" or ego, that IS. That exists.

Except that it does not, really.

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Self Is. All is SELF. All is God. 

Saying “finite” isn’t God is retarded.

Until you grasp that, you are lost in the labyrinth of your own mind when it comes to understanding Truth (Absolute Truth vs Relative Truth) and understanding what God is.

Saying you are not God, is like saying What IS ISN’T 

Which is false, and the only person saying they are not God IS is-ing, IS God.

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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