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The world is a hallucination -Leo, Jesus, Apostles, Ramana, Mooji

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Leo, just like Jesus, calls the world a hallucination. It's the same as saying it's a solipsistic dream. 

If Jesus, the Apostles, Leo, Ramana, Conws with God and Mooji say that our experience during the day and during the dreams at night is identical, then perhaps we can finally accept that it is so? And if our enlightenment exepriences reveal that everything is our Self, then can doubt win against that?

Some words from ACIM regarding this:

³What if you recognized this world is an hallucination? ⁴What if you really understood you made it up? ⁵What if you realized that those who seem to walk about in it, to sin and die, attack and murder and destroy themselves, are wholly unreal? ⁶Could you have faith in what you see, if you accepted this? ⁷And would you see it?

8. Hallucinations disappear when they are recognized for what they are. ²This is the healing and the remedy. ³Believe them not and they are gone. ⁴And all you need to do is recognize that you did this. ⁵Once you accept this simple fact and take unto yourself the power you gave them, you are released from them. ⁶One thing is sure; hallucinations serve a purpose, and when that purpose is no longer held they disappear. ⁷Therefore, the question never is whether you want them, but always, do you want the purpose that they serve? ⁸This world seems to hold out many purposes, each different and with different values. ⁹Yet they are all the same. ¹⁰Again there is no order; only a seeming hierarchy of values.

9. Only two purposes are possible. ²And one is sin, the other holiness. ³Nothing is in between, and which you choose determines what you see. ⁴For what you see is merely how you elect to meet your goal. ⁵Hallucinations serve to meet the goal of madness. ⁶They are the means by which the outside world, projected from within, adjusts to sin and seems to witness to its reality. ⁷It still is true that nothing is without. ⁸Yet upon nothing are all projections made. ⁹For it is the projection that gives the “nothing” all the meaning that it holds.

10. What has no meaning cannot be perceived. ²And meaning always looks within to find itself, and then looks out. ³All meaning that you give the world outside must thus reflect the sight you saw within; or better, if you saw at all or merely judged against. ⁴Vision is the means by which the Holy Spirit translates your nightmares into happy dreams; your wild hallucinations that show you all the fearful outcomes of imagined sin into the calm and reassuring sights with which He would replace them. ⁵These gentle sights and sounds are looked on happily, and heard with joy. ⁶They are His substitutes for all the terrifying sights and screaming sounds the ego’s purpose brought to your horrified awareness. ⁷They step away from sin, reminding you that it is not reality which frightens you, and that the errors which you made can be corrected.

(ACIM, T-20.VIII.7:3–10:7)


The fallen from grace. 

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The real question is: does the hallucination exist for a reason? What is its purpose?


Why does god create a universe of duality?


To understand this, one must understand Yin and Yang. To master this, one must understand alchemy.


The illusion exists so that light can overcome dark. It is not enough to recognize the world for what it is. We must work to transform it.

Edited by Metapath

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The world You and I perceive is not an Illusion, or Hallucination, but what You think about what You have Perceived is heavily filtered and influenced by your Karma (residual actions & effects that you have done thru the Physical, Mental, Emotional and Energetic systems), Cultural atmosphere, Teachings exposed to, personal experiences in past and judgements about it, etc. In basic terms the Color Red is the same for You and I, they've proven this, but how You think about the color Red may be different btwn the two of Us, its the same with simple perceptions and complex ones. As well there's a bit of a paradox with this one, All Your experiences Happen within You, no where else, so in one sense you are the center of the Universe, when your in deep sleep the world does not exist in your perception, when you awake then it does, so most everything is Subjective, but we know that there is an Objective world, other ppl, places and things out there whether we exist here or not, the tree does make sound when know one is around to hear it. So the paradox is everything is Subjective but the Objective exists as well, the key to Life is getting to a point where You have absolute Clarity of Reality, this is done via the Yogic practices, you then realize You are not the Body or Mind, and then another form of Perception opens up (3rd eye per say), and reality is now perceived with absolute Clarity.

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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19 hours ago, Metapath said:

The illusion exists so that light can overcome dark. It is not enough to recognize the world for what it is. We must work to transform it.

Yep, and I find that surrendering and flowing with life is the deepest transformation possible.

19 hours ago, Ishanga said:

The world You and I perceive is not an Illusion, or Hallucination, but what You think about what You have Perceived is heavily filtered and influenced by your Karma 

Have you arrived at a place in your understanding in which there is no doubt about the nature of life? Leo and other masters I mentioned say that life is a solipsistic dream, an illusion or hallucination, and it aligns with my experiences and conclusions. 

The fallen from grace. 

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4 hours ago, CoolDreamThanks said:

Have you arrived at a place in your understanding in which there is no doubt about the nature of life? Leo and other masters I mentioned say that life is a solipsistic dream, an illusion or hallucination, and it aligns with my experiences and conclusions. 

Not yet in an absolute state, have had glimpses for sure..I've researched many masters, consider myself a disciple of Sadhguru, have sat in his presence many times, gone thru a few of his courses with him present, they don't all say life is an illusion or hallucination, they say the way You are understanding it may be. I don't think in an ultimate way we can Understand what Life is, its too complex, too layered and organized, too much intelligence is present in Life, but we can experience it, our limited minds will never be able to understand it all...

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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Can’t ground this stuff in authority figures. 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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Just now, Thought Art said:

Can’t ground this stuff in authority figures. 

Yes, Truth is the Authority, Authority is never the Truth, they can only guide us, all of the practices available today are just guides, they allow us to see/experience for ourselves what is Truth, the Guru''s primary role is just that, it is not about them in a personal way, just someone that is already there, making it easier for anyone willing to strive to find it too..

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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Saying that reality is an illusion implies that I am real, I am dreaming reality, which is unreal, a dream. I think it is a profoundly wrong conception. I am the reality, the flow. There is no difference between me and reality, I am not dreaming, I am not a creator, no one is, but reality itself, what I am, is intelligence and is organized cyclically, inevitably, in cycles within cycles that tend to unity, to begin again the total cycle of the cosmos, of unimaginable dimension, over and over again.

Reality does not need a creator, since it cannot be created, but it is inevitably given the absence of limits. For me, only I exist since I will never, in eternity, leave my unlimited now, but infinite nows in other dimensions are separated from me, converging towards one, since they really are the same. It is the nature of infinity, difficult to understand but perhaps understandable, which is a single being in eternal rotation, alive and of infinite complexity, unimaginable beauty, but which cannot escape its infinite nature.

Edited by Breakingthewall

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1 hour ago, Breakingthewall said:

Saying that reality is an illusion implies that I am real, I am dreaming reality, which is unreal, a dream. I think it is a profoundly wrong conception. I am the reality, the flow. There is no difference between me and reality, I am not dreaming, I am not a creator, no one is, but reality itself, what I am, is intelligence and is organized cyclically, inevitably, in cycles within cycles that tend to unity, to begin again the total cycle of the cosmos, of unimaginable dimension, over and over again.

Reality does not need a creator, since it cannot be created, but it is inevitably given the absence of limits. For me, only I exist since I will never, in eternity, leave my unlimited now, but infinite nows in other dimensions are separated from me, converging towards one, since they really are the same. It is the nature of infinity, difficult to understand but perhaps understandable, which is a single being in eternal rotation, alive and of infinite complexity, unimaginable beauty, but which cannot escape its infinite nature.

for me step 1 is see the world is rubbish and dumb step 2 it wants to move more in that direction step 3 it's me who makes the mistake to make it this way step 4 i myself can turn it all around and move it back to love and i do that by changing not one single thing in the world step 5 just do it and acim is one way to do so

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7 hours ago, Ishanga said:

the Guru''s primary role is just that, it is not about them in a personal way, just someone that is already there, making it easier for anyone willing to strive to find it too..

Wait til you experience no difference between You and the Guru. A beautiful mindfuck indeed..

I AM reborn

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2 hours ago, gettoefl said:

for me step 1 is see the world is rubbish and dumb step 2 it wants to move more in that direction step 3 it's me who makes the mistake to make it this way step 4 i myself can turn it all around and move it back to love and i do that by changing not one single thing in the world step 5 just do it and acim is one way to do so

The hard part is realizing what the fluid of reality is, and it's the same whether you win the lottery or the Hutus cut off your penis and make you eat it. 

Let's say that on the surface there is a clear difference between good and bad, but underneath this, the reality is always the same, and that is what you are. 

Edited by Breakingthewall

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6 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

The hard part is realizing what the fluid of reality is, and it's the same whether you win the lottery or the Hutus cut off your penis and make you eat it. 

Let's say that on the surface there is a clear difference between good and bad, but underneath this, the reality is always the same, and that is what you are. 

i paint the good i paint the bad all in an attempt to confer my meaning ... my work is to withdraw this meaning and let reality have its way

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