
How come people claim to observe and experience the same torments in hell ?

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" I knew instinctly i'm a sinner and deserve to be here"

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@Squeekytoy Pointing out this social game is not producing direct consciousness, whether an agreement is reached or not.

Edited by UnbornTao

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16 minutes ago, UnbornTao said:

@Squeekytoy Pointing out this social game is nothing, whether an agreement is reached or not.

Wilber, Eye to Eye. The three strands of knowledge.

-> All valid knowledge is similar because it entails 1) a prescription for attaining the knowledge in question, 2) the actual attainment of the knowledge, and 3) social consensus as to the validity of the knowledge attained. These are the "three strands" that constitute all knowledge and science.

And yes, point two IS the generation of actual data. In our case, gnosis, Rigpa, Satori, or however one wants to call it. "Speaks" for itself, doesn't need any external validation. But if its the same for all beings (UNIVERSAL UNCHANGING (Unborn Tao ^_^) Infinite Consciousness/Reality), the outcome of the path walked to the end shouldn't be too different... And that is point 3.

And if I read any text any culture any century any tradition, I know exactly what they are all pointing to. Actually, I am it. And you too. 

Water by the River



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You can surely imagine how to get out of hell if you can imagine how you ended up in hell.


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2 hours ago, Squeekytoy said:

This wasn't a little chat with two people sharing opinions and felicitating eachother on how much they agree or not. It was about pointing out critical flaws in what Leo "teaches".

Assuming any of us really knows what's he's talking about. Seems to me like a chitchat and exchange of beliefs. Giving assertions about the nature of reality while not acknowledging the real possibility that they are believed to be true. I'm judging the way it comes up as it stinks of intellect. In this context that might not be useful, may even be a hindrance. But then again, one might know what he's talking about and being honest about it.

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1 hour ago, Yimpa said:

You can surely imagine how to get out of hell if you can imagine how you ended up in hell.

If God was an imagination and you claim to be God, you still wouldn't be able to imagine a single grain of salt into exsitence.

The people God showed hell to knew it was for all eternity, like the Holy Bible states.

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2 hours ago, Squeekytoy said:

And you know what you're talking about? 

For damn sure we know what Leo isn't talking about.

Doesn't matter what it stinks of to you. How about you judge what's being said on its own merit, rather than your assessment of whoever says it. What the fuck do you care about them anyway. You just barge in ridiculing the conversation without even knowing what's being said or why, and now you're making excuses for it. Wanna guess what that stinks of? 

I'm judging where I assess you're coming from, which sounds to me like hearsay and intellect, no interest in engaging in this. I'm saying, if it's the case that direct profound consciousness is lacking, then conclusions and parroting cosmologies is of no use, so better be honet about that. It's entertaining, but looking for agreement or validation for what is essentially a belief is looking in the wrong place, but have at it.

Edited by UnbornTao

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10 minutes ago, UnbornTao said:

I'm judging where I asses you're coming from, which sounds to me like hearsay and intellect, no interest in engaging in this. I'm saying, if it's the case that direct profound consciousness is lacking, then conclusions and parroting cosmologies is of no use, so better be honet about that.

"Typically this term refers to a rhetorical strategy where the speaker attacks the character, motive, or some other attribute of the person making an argument rather than attacking the substance of the argument itself."


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@Water by the River You might as well convincingly parrot enlightened individuals as much as you want but without the essential direct consciousness that sourced such communication in the first place, that's basically pretending. Unless you in fact are talking from direct consciousness which doesn't sound like it.

2 hours ago, Squeekytoy said:

That's exactly what wasn't going on.

And it's none of your business where I'm coming from. I didn't ask you a damn thing. 

"Coming from" as if your stance on this which looks like an adopted cosmology. I'm pointing out that it sounds like no one here knows his nature deeply, and that it's easy to confuse dialogues like this as resolving that fundamental condition. Or you are directly conscious of your nature and I'm being unnecessarily obnoxious.

Edited by UnbornTao

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On 1/23/2024 at 4:43 PM, Leo Gura said:

Read the books Conversations With God. It explains how consciousness after death works.

Particularly his book "Home with God, in a life that never ends"

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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Just now, Squeekytoy said:

Really, Leo?

Fuck you too then. Isn't that what you want? A reason to ban me? I'll make it easy for you. 

Take a breather

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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42 minutes ago, UnbornTao said:

@Water by the River You might as well convincingly parrot enlightened individuals as much as you want but without the essential direct consciousness that sourced such communication in the first place, that's basically pretending. Unless you in fact are talking from direct consciousness which doesn't sound like it.

Yes to the first part, and for the second part: Selling Water by the River. 

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1 hour ago, Squeekytoy said:

I do rebel against the bullshit being peddled about this work. What I don't do (unlike Leo) is presume to "help" anyone who didn't ask for help.

Why the hell would I even want to keep posting here when every other post someone is telling me that it stinks of intellect? Uhh go fuck yourselves? What, I'm not good enough for you? 

You spiritual egos are fucking disgusting. 

I'm basically saying be honest (about what you're conscious of or not), not that it is bad not to know oneself. Notice I haven't claimed to be enlightened either. Contribute as much as you want.

Also it's good that you feel angry, something in you might have been threatened in relation to what I said. If it's not true or as true as possible and it's dropped, that's progress.

Edited by UnbornTao

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Just now, Water by the River said:

Yes to the first part, and for the second part: Selling Water by the River. 

Does it get delivered to Spain?


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9 minutes ago, UnbornTao said:

Does it get delivered to Spain?

Maybe some time in the future. But I agree with you, it is very difficult to judge someone (especially the state in which the person in in) only by text/internet and not by presence.

And I also agree with you that in certain situations it makes sense "to shake the tree a bit" and see which fruits fall off from it, so to say 9_9. But also have some mercy, nobody likes to be suspected to be less than truthful.

For me its ok if you stay "agnostic". With style of course xD

But yes, Spain is beautiful, and sometimes the River flows there, but not for selling Water, more for holidays or business ^_^

And everybody be nice to Squeekytoy. I mean, just look at the profile picture! Who could ban a rubber ducky?

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On 1/21/2024 at 6:18 AM, Ishanga said:

take some dmt and You trip into Heaven and Loving experience, trip on something else and it brings you to Hell experiences

Dmt can easily take you to hell realms. It’s just more likely to show you heaven than say something like salvia, which is more likely to show you the hell side of things from what I’ve read. Either substance can show you either one or anything in between but some are more likely than others to produce certain experiences 

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18 minutes ago, Emotionalmosquito said:

Dmt can easily take you to hell realms. It’s just more likely to show you heaven than say something like salvia, which is more likely to show you the hell side of things from what I’ve read. Either substance can show you either one or anything in between but some are more likely than others to produce certain experiences 

You are still alive when tripping. We are talking about hell after death. Eternal punishment for sinning against a Holy God and rejecting His mercy.

Edited by MellowEd

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