
How come people claim to observe and experience the same torments in hell ?

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Be careful what your beliefs are you could very well make this like Mr. Gruguer's dream world. I still never understood why there were sheep in his boiler rooms and whale sounds. Anyway, when I last saw the so-called devil it ran back like a little biotch back to what you would call Hell. If you come across my oompa loompa demonic friend say hello from me. And....



Edited by Jehovah increases

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1 hour ago, Squeekytoy said:

You mean the game where I don't agree with you.

No, I mean your snarky attitude.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 million cells in the human body die every second.

Do cells experience hell..?!


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1 hour ago, Squeekytoy said:

You make a business out of misleading millions because of your own ego.

There are people out there who are worse then him.

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@Frenk great share. I have experienced stage 1 when I got choked out playing with my olde brother

Stage 2 is consistent with what I have experienced lucid dreaming and doing astral projection. It is a mechanism that works without a mechanism. You directly and instantaneously control the present moment with the mind, whatever you think of materializes . Whatever backstory you confabulate becomes true.

So that's pretty cool.


About the "hell not existing unless you create it" statement, id like to point out that aparently salvia specifically sends you into that state of consciousness that is inclined towards creating whacky realities that are prone towards suffering ( from what I've heard)

From what I've experienced, sleep paralysis consistently created that state of consciousness where you experience psychological fear and perhaps even physical pain. And ofc there are nightmares where terror and suffering happens but you always are capable of editing the dream through mental willpower. Escaping the sleep paralysis requieres more effort and struggle but nevertheless it's always possible.

I've had where I escape a sleep paralysis and get a sense of relief and then I notice I'm actual still in it and the terror goes on LMAO it can happen a few times in a row. It's so trippy its comedic

Edited by mmKay

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On 1/22/2024 at 1:38 AM, MellowEd said:

True, stealing something, even if it's small has a huge ripple effect.

Even the wildest hellish nightmare wouldn't even detect down in the pit.

God gave me visions of what He has saved me from. Hell is designed according to your trangressions against God. I would not wish it upon my worst enemy. There is no blessings down there and it is forever. Life after death feels much more real than this. 

Do not be deceived for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.


This testimony of hell is  thought-provoking, describing the pit as being perfectly designed according to her transgressions against God. She also goes in great detail about her soul being pulled out of her body. 

It sounds like more than an acid flashback. 


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This guy was also a non Christian who experienced the same torments in hell.


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Maybe restraining yourself a little bit before meeting God would be a good Idea ? 

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13 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Read the books Conversations With God. It explains how consciousness after death works.

thanks for mentioning that.

And for a very similiar perspective not from a channeler, but a first hand Out-of-body explorer of these afterlife-realms: The books of Jürgen Ziewe.

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@MellowEd If you really need to have a hell in the world as a way of being released from guilt/shame/sin etc. then maybe that will be granted to you. You can envision all those who wronged you and mocked God being tortured for eternity as punishment. Does that bring you a deep satisfaction? What makes you think God requires torture for justice to be served?

Sounds like a very human idea.

Edited by TheAlchemist

"Only that which can change can continue."

-James P. Carse

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On 23.1.2024 at 2:32 AM, MellowEd said:

Thanks for sharing. I hope George Carlin accepted Christ after mocking God on stage for all those years.

Dude... if George Carlin is not doing stand-up in hell, then I'm not going there.

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1 hour ago, TheAlchemist said:

@MellowEd If you really need to have a hell in the world as a way of being released from guilt/shame/sin etc. then maybe that will be granted to you. You can envision all those who wronged you and mocked God being tortured for eternity as punishment. Does that bring you a deep satisfaction? What makes you think God requires torture for justice to be served?

Sounds like a very human idea.

Since God is only good He is also righteous. We must be judged, not only for the good we have done but also the bad. If I am in court for murder and tell the judge about my good deeds that won't help me, as I would still be a murderer. God is merciful and has provided a perfect sacrifice. I can choose to accept His sacrifice and walk out of the court or take the punishment myself. Our actions have ripple effects so my crime would have a big impact on the world. 

I would not wish it upon my worst enemy to be held accounteble for his actions or words. I hope and pray that the people who have abused me repent. 

If I tortured your child, would you sacrifice youself for me? How would you justify torture? 

The Lord takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked. For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life.


Edited by MellowEd

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3 hours ago, Squeekytoy said:

It's important to note that all of that is still part of the dream. None of that is actually happening, all of that is imagined/hallucinated in the same way as everything else.

The ones who truly understand nonduality aren't necessarily saying that there isn't a sense in which the individualized soul is on a journey that encompasses more than just this life or even this reality. What they're saying is that all of that is still only illusory, not ultimately real.

So Leo thinks he has a bigger picture than true nonduality, but it's actually the other way around. Mind you however that most or all of what passes for nonduality in the spiritual marketplace is NOT the genuine article. So in that sense Leo is right. Just not final. 

Agree on all points. Even the soul-game is an appearance, ultimately not real. But equally real or unreal as ones car, for example. And endures death, which the car can not claim when the scrap press comes along...

"How wonderful it is that in the infinite ocean of myself the waves of living beings arise, collide, play, and disappear, in accordance with their nature" 2.25 Ashtavakra Gita

And for (not true/full) Nonduality: Also agree. Nonduality is most often a merging/unity experience, where the separate-self/individuality can still be well and alive, and hijack the nondual unity-state. "I realized nonduality/Reality", "I am pure awareness", "I am God", "I am whatever", "I realized *whatever*". And what triggers most likely a unity/nondual-state with the separate-self still well and alive, later interpreting the experience in a way that doesn't kill/transcend but boost and extend the lense/filter/illusion of the separate-self to God-like proportions? What could that be? :/^_^

Or (true) Nonduality, to truly realize that one has ever been, always is, and never can not be Infinite Reality itself. That Reality is impersonal, groundless, empty and infinite, absolute potential, no separate-identity left, no inner-blabla-talk of any(!) kind still believed and not immediately cut off, seen as illusion arisings within ones True Infinite Self. The illusion is seen through.... Pure groundless Being is realized, containing this and any possible world/apperance. That (and only that) can end the suffering/(aka resistance to what is) which is the essence of what any separate-self is at its core.

"There is no one subject to samsara, no sense of individuality, no goal or means to the goal in the eyes of the wise man who is always free from imagination and unchanging like space" 18.66 Ashtavakra Gita

"When the sage has realised that he himself is in all beings, and all beings are in him, it is astonishing that the sense of individuality should be able to continue" 3.5 Ashtavakra Gita

And even something with imagination and God and realization is in the Ashtavakra Gita: "Recognising [Realizing] that [all] things are just constructions of imagination, that great soul lives as God here and now". 18.28

The only thing I didn't find in the Ashtavakra Gita is Alien & company. But since its quite hard to contradict that Alien & company are also imagined and merely appearing illusions arising in the Reality of ones own True Being...

But hey, what does Water by the River know? NOTHING. But that quite profoundly. xD

Selling Water by the River


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