
What is the quickest way to advance in the spiritual life without psychedelics?

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I want to know what is the quickest way to grow and become enlightened.

So far besides psychedelics  i found strong determination sitting to be the most efficient but are there other ways?

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Self love. Loving everything for what it is and what you are. This is what all life is returning to.

Cultivate a spiritual practice that you do daily. Whatever that is, if you need examples: ex Third Eye Work, Meditation, Astral Travel, Past life regression, A form of Yoga, Taoism with Mantak Chia, Spiritual Ninja practicing ninjitsu etc. Whatever it is, its the ritual and selfess dedication to it that's important.

Listen to some of the people Leo gives as examples in this thread:

Shunyamurti, Thomas Campbell, Yoda, David Hawkins, Ken Wilber, Shinzen Young, Deepak Chopra, Stan Grof, Osho, Mooji, Ramaji, Rupert Spira, Eckhart Tolle’s A New Earth, Yogananda, Martin Ball, Terence McKenna, Carl Jung, Sri Aurobindo, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Ervin Laszlo, David Loy, Alan Watts, Wim Hof, Matt Kahn, Dalai Lama, Sasha Shulgin, yoga, holotropic breathwork, The Holographic Universe, Akashic Records, noosphere, opening the 3rd eye, pineal gland, out of body experiences, samadhi experiences, siddhis, paranormal abilities, clairvoyants, channels, mediums, Bashar, Aleister Crowley, Rudolf Steiner, alternative healing systems, Maya, psychedelics, 5-MeO-DMT, StarTrek: The Q, Rupert Sheldrake’s morphogenetic fields, Dean Radin’s paranormal research, Gandhi’s ideas of pluralistic harmony, Gaia, biocentrism, Monroe Institute, Esalen Institute, transpersonal psychology, Jung’s collective unconscious, quantum field theory, sacred geometry, reincarnation, opening chakras, saints, sages, mystics, prophets, etc.

Listening is enough, spending time with them is better. For me it was Sevan Bomar, Almine, Teal Swan, Mooji, Sadhguru, Daniel Winter, Marko Rodin, Carl sagen, Carl jung, Alan watts, Leo Gura,  Don Miguel Ruiz etc.

I've had the benefit and privilege of listening to some of the finest minds on this planet, have you? No, then go do so!

*Sorry this double posted before I was ready, nice case of duality :D

Edited by BlueOak

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Quickest way is to use established practices that have been around for thousands of Years, that basically clear your mind, karma/conditioning and tendencies habits that are making You not realize reality as it is, I use Isha Yoga, other Yogic systems work very well coming from True Teachers/Guru's, Buddhism works well, find a method that appeals to You on some level, not one that You necessarily enjoy, but one that on some level your attracted to, make the decision to do it consistently, then do it for at least a Year, check if You are more healthy, joyful and more vitality, etc, then Your on Your way. Don't think Enlightenment right off the bat, think baby steps, be Peaceful within Yourself naturally no matter what is happening around you, each moment, each day, then go from there...

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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If you do extreme practices, you will get extreme results.

Psychedelics are just one example of an extreme practice. Yes, blasting off to other dimensions should be classified as extreme.

Other such practices include rigorous breathing and yoga techniques, and meditation retreats. Imagine if you meditated for 7 days straight, you'll get some serious spiritual growth from that.

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Why you trying to rush

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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consistent prolonged sessions of self enquiry every day would be my go to. I think one of the quickest way to get to truth without substances is to question all of your assumptions about reality. Of course you do this on psychedelics as well but they sort of force it upon you.

Every time your mind doesn't want to go somewhere, that's exactly where you need to be looking.

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Find a teacher, if you're truly serious about the spiritual path a teacher will welcome and guide you with open arms

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3 hours ago, Ishanga said:

Quickest way is to use established practices that have been around for thousands of Years, that basically clear your mind, karma/conditioning and tendencies habits that are making You not realize reality as it is, I use Isha Yoga, other Yogic systems work very well coming from True Teachers/Guru's, Buddhism works well, find a method that appeals to You on some level, not one that You necessarily enjoy, but one that on some level your attracted to, make the decision to do it consistently, then do it for at least a Year, check if You are more healthy, joyful and more vitality, etc, then Your on Your way. Don't think Enlightenment right off the bat, think baby steps, be Peaceful within Yourself naturally no matter what is happening around you, each moment, each day, then go from there...


A steady path might not initially be so fun, but the point is to build a ladder, little by little, milimiter by milimeter each day. So that one day you will actually get outside the prison. For good.

Psychedelics or other momentary experiences are Ok to see that there is indeed something outside the fence. But is like a trampolin. You can see for some moments above the fence, you get a smile on your face. Then you go down again.

You saw something, but thats about It. At some point one must realize "enough seeing, im actually getting out of here".


Edited by Javfly33

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Here’s another perspective.

The biggest pitfall is believing that you’re not someplace that you need to be; that you need to be someplace outside of your current experience.

Here’s an exquisite metaphor, with the help from ChatGPT:


Imagine you're in a forest, looking for a rare flower. You keep thinking it's just beyond the next hill, so you keep moving, never really seeing the beauty around you. The rare flower you seek might actually be blooming at your feet, but you've been too focused on distant hills to notice it.  Appreciate and understand your current place and experience, rather than constantly seeking something else.



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One perspective seems more important or grander than all other perspectives… from the perspective of that One perspective.

ChatGPT is on fire:


Imagine a classroom as a garden, where each student is a different type of plant. From the perspective of a towering sunflower (representing a conventional schooling approach), the garden's success is judged by how tall and uniform the plants can grow. This sunflower perspective may overlook the unique needs and qualities of other plants, like a cactus that thrives with less water or a vine that flourishes in the shade. Just as each plant in a diverse garden has its own ideal conditions for growth, each student in a classroom has unique learning needs and strengths. The "sunflower perspective" in education might emphasize a one-size-fits-all approach, overshadowing the diverse and individualized ways students learn and grow.

And just for fun:


Edited by Yimpa


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Everyone's journey is different. The quickest way is YOUR WAY. But nobody can tell You what that is for You.

You must follow your intuition. Do what your heart nudges You towards. This is the way.

And don't rush.

Edited by Sincerity

Words can't describe You.

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2 hours ago, Yimpa said:

Here’s another perspective.

The biggest pitfall is believing that you’re not someplace that you need to be; that you need to be someplace outside of your current experience.

Here’s an exquisite metaphor, with the help from ChatGPT:


If this was truth, then there is no hope for anyone, if their belief or present experience is that of suffering immensely, and that is where they "should" be right now then what is the point of anything, where is the possibility, might as well not be alive is suffering is inevitable and that is that, nothing to do about it lol.  Yes one must accept things as they are right now, if Your feeling suffering then that is the way it is, but acceptance does not mean you want it to be this way or that nothing can be done about it. Who wants to suffer, really? No one wants to suffer, we are designed to live at higher levels of Pleasureable experiences, everything about us works better when in a pleasureable state like Bliss, so that is the point of it all, one may never get to a point of Bliss, but at the minimum they can be at Peace within themselves as a natural experience, compared to suffering every moment of the lives like many are doing now...

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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Cry for God and drown in a pool of tears

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty.  We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes Wise, Virtuous and AWAKE. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life GOD is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, ... Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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The quickest is to walk backward.

Only when you're the most stupid you'll be intelligent 

nowhere in the bio  @VahnAeris 

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5 hours ago, Yimpa said:

One perspective seems more important or grander than all other perspectives… from the perspective of that One perspective.

ChatGPT is on fire:

And just for fun:


I wish my teachers knew about this sunflower analogy/metaphor

i‘m more of a fern

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