
I think everything is BS ,help me please

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3 minutes ago, vibv said:

Granted. I understand that you talk about ending the so-called illusion (maya) of personal experience.

What I'm saying is: It's not a bug, it's a feature.

Then don't cry when your "fun" will be over, remember "the feature" and move on. Because people only want and desire the good things from "the feature" and they reject suffering. Suffering is a part of "the feature" and it is important to remember it.

Edited by Galyna

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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1 minute ago, Galyna said:

Ignorance is the big issue.

Ignorance about what? What's your perception of yourself right now, from which perspective is it you're talking? 

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2 minutes ago, vibv said:

It's travesty to think that it's about ending it all. It's honestly insulting towards life. Good thing it doesn't care about it.

How i see this is that, yes, there is core aspect of you that will end - particularly, a core aspect that has been detrimental. For example, a tragic breakup with a partner you deeply cared for. Maybe this was your 10th breakup, and you couldn’t figure out why your relationships always end. But the difference is this last breakup was the camel that broke the straw’s back.

With deep contemplation and insight, you can use that tragedy as a launching pad to rebuild your life and approach life in a brand new direction. This inevitably will change the entire trajectory of your life in positive ways


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Just now, Galyna said:

Then don't cry when your "fun" will be over, remember "the feature: and move. Because people only want and desire the good things from the feature and they reject suffering. Suffering is a part of the feature and it is important to remember it.

Exactly. And the only real suffering is resistance.

It's about loving even that.

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1 minute ago, vibv said:

Ignorance about what? What's your perception of yourself right now, from which perspective is it you're talking? 

You can go to my profile and read about "my" perception of "myself". I write about it very often.

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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2 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

How i see this is that, yes, there is core aspect of you that will end - particularly, a core aspect that has been detrimental. For example, a tragic breakup with a partner you deeply cared for. Maybe this was your 10th breakup, and you couldn’t figure out why your relationships always end. But the difference is this last breakup was the camel that broke the straw’s back.

With deep contemplation and insight, you can use that tragedy as a launching pad to rebuild your life and approach life in a brand new direction. This inevitably will change the entire trajectory of your life in positive ways

Completely agreed.

And now apply that to the whole of humanity. We're in that breakup right now – presenting itself as crisis. The question is just: What are we gonna do next? Are we finally ready to go beyond our past?

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23 minutes ago, vibv said:

Are you trying to do that? Is it working?

What do you mean by carousel of life? If you mean the emotions which you choose to create that may be unpleasant. Then yes, it’s possible to resolve that split and choose to no longer create the carousel, choose to live in flow and harmony. If we are talking about the ever changing life, with all its challenges and the need to be fully responsible and engaged and creative, then no I would say that does not end until death. 

Edited by Lyubov

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1 minute ago, vibv said:

And now apply that to the whole of humanity. We're in that breakup right now – presenting itself as crisis. The question is just: What are we gonna do next? Are we finally ready to go beyond our past?

Focus on kicking ass in your own personal life. The worries of humanity as a whole will begin to diminish as you begin to realize how ridiculous all of it really is. Instead of rejecting humanity for all of its BS (which you will initially do), you now play the game more flexibly -  less resentment and more spontaneity.

Start by bringing something new to the world in little ways… you’d be surprised what big impact that can make as you do that consistently in the next 5-10 years.

But, also, respect the BS. As Mr. Gura has said before:



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Worrying about humanity is a waste of time. All I can do is live my best life and do what I believe is honest and truthful and has integrity. Thinking about how complex and deep all these humanity issues does nothing for the world. Living in harmony and flow and choosing to not create painful emotions by un aligning   from false beliefs is the best thing anyone can do for the world. 

Edited by Lyubov

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@Galyna Maybe we don't even actually disagree with each other :P

I read a bit in your "ice has broken" thread and can thus far only agree. What I'm talking about is the development of this earth and humanity. This is more important than anything else – even if exploring no-mind, no-self etc. can certainly help with that, I don't say it doesn't matter. But it's not the be-all end-all.

Love & Evolution.

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@vibv The problem here is that you think that words point to something in the real world, but there is no real world.
There is no consciousness that exists and can be spoken of.

Words only point to created concepts, to themselves! 😊❤️

There are two levels of understanding: conceptual and factual. 

There is nothing but perception that lies in your direct experience (this is a fact not a concept!), the rest is the conceptual understanding. In the context of the dual thinking we can say " there is a perception of (any) experience, and only this "thing" aka perception creates the illusory idea of reality.

Unfortunately, I fail here to express it with the human language.

Edited by Galyna

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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On 1/7/2024 at 9:42 AM, Zeroguy said:

I think everything is BS in life.It destroys my motivation for life.I can't find any purpose or meaning.

Since the community is focused on unravelling self-deception, it's essential to consider that the language you employ might be another layer of evasion for the ego , preventing a deeper exploration . The structure of one's ego often establishes a comfort zone , and the current frustration may arise when venturing into uncharted territories . Frustration can be viewed as a signal to the mind, indicating a need for structural change to adapt to and master unfamiliar domains. Therefore, the present frustration suggests a difficulty in the task at hand, signifying that a more profound exploration is required to align with the purpose and meaning in life that you seek .

Can you write , what have you done so far to discover your meaning or what is meaningful to you ? . If everything in life is bulshit . Then that is  statement of absolutism . You are saying I have seen it all but you haven't . There is still life out there , experiences out there , not contaminated by the bullshitting symbiote , may be that is your purpose or meaning , to move beyond that which you find bullshit oriented . But you can't do that unless your call yourself out for the bullshit .

Either way , beyond the bullshit , I think there is liberation and fulfilment . If you know this and you experienced a bullshiting life , you know it's not fulfilling. 

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29 minutes ago, Galyna said:

 words point to something in the real world, but there is no real world.

@Galyna Are you aware what this mean?

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32 minutes ago, Galyna said:

@vibv The problem here is that you think that words point to something in the real world, but there is no real world.
There is no consciousness that exists and can be spoken of.

It's a matter of perspective and on what level we communicate.

There's a real world and there isn't. Words point to something and they don't. Consciousness can be spoken of and cannot. etc.

It's all perfection. It can't be improved and it can't be diminished. And at the same time Evolution exists! In fact Life is Evolution. It is absolute perfection in its unfolding.

Edited by vibv

The Secret of this Universe is You.

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The opposite of BS is SB.

Oh shit… you know what that means…



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@Amit Of course, otherwise I wouldn’t write it, correct? You are just a pixels on my screen. There is no me or you, no others.
Remember what we are doing here: deconstructing reality! 
I will post about my 1h 52 atma vichara I did yesterday.

don’t switch the channel…

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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1 minute ago, Galyna said:

There is no me or you, no others.

And at the same time there is ;)


Remember what we are doing here: deconstructing reality! 

And at the same time we're constructing it :D

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4 minutes ago, vibv said:

It's a matter of perspective and on what level we communicate.

Perspective, levels, us, world - conceptual thinking. Period. Your mind creates is right now, you are just not aware of it. Right at this second.

There is only ONE thing that exists, and this thing is YOU ( call it perception) 

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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Just now, Galyna said:

Perspective, levels, us, world - conceptual thinking. Period. Your mind creates is right now, you are just not aware of it. Right at this second.

There is only ONE thing that exists, and this thing is YOU ( call it perception) 

That's true but also very reductionistic. Reality can't be reduced. It's all me but me is also ALL.

The Secret of this Universe is You.

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2 minutes ago, vibv said:

And at the same time there is

Conceptually, yes, there IS!

Factually, no, there are no others. Period!

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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