
Significant Increase in Self-Love months after the my first psychedelic trip

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6 hours ago, Ishanga said:

@Scholar You only want Love because it is pleasurable, you avoid pain because it causes suffering over time, non pleasureable, Peace is 0 on a scale of 0-10 on the pleasure scale of intensity, Love is about 7, Bliss is 9, Esctasy is 10, devotion is above Love, its 8 I would say:)

It's not like that, you don't love yourself because it's pleasurable, you love yourself because loving yourself is the truth, it's what you are, your substance. that is awakening, and not knowing how reality is structured. 

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17 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

It's not like that, you don't love yourself because it's pleasurable, you love yourself because loving yourself is the truth, it's what you are, your substance. that is awakening, and not knowing how reality is structured. 

why do  you want Truth? Why do ppl want to go to Heaven, or post on this forum, or do anything in life?

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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4 hours ago, Ishanga said:

why do  you want Truth? Why do ppl want to go to Heaven, or post on this forum, or do anything in life?

Truth because it's what I am. Be something else is a shit, because its false. All of us have falsehood inside, we try to remove tu open to the truth, it's the path that leads you to yourself, the opposite path leads you to hell. The other questions, why post here? by communication. We are people who have this topic on our minds, the truth, and as is inevitable we want to talk about it with others

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21 hours ago, SeaMonster said:

"Huge assumptions" = well-known effects on brain chemistry after a trip.  You're not some special case.

The point of my post is that the effects fade, so you better capitalize on making changes while they haven't.

You're not the first person to experiment with psychedelics, so don't lash out just because you're insufficiently realistic about what can be expected from trips.

If my tone is negative (in general on this forum) it's to balance all the unrealistic mf'ers here.

You're overthinking and try-harding my dude. Relax.


8 minutes ago, Squeekytoy said:

@Scholar are you saying you're still like this 4 months after the trip? I've had these love breakthroughs (without psychedelics) but alas they never last (means there's more shit to shovel).

I didn't have a breakthrough at all, it was a subtle shift in consciousness and a resolution of certain psychological structures within me. I didn't feel like this during the trip nor after the trip, it took a few months to manifest.

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1 minute ago, Squeekytoy said:

I'm no psychonaut, I don't mean what they mean by breakthrough. I mean more general dictionary definition of breakthrough, which sounds like what you're describing.

What I meant to ask is whether this was a lasting shift or not? Or has it not been that long yet? Longest I've had was maybe a week or two.

I'm not sure, I suspect there has been a lasting change to the structure of my mind. It's possible that I could revert to prior structures, not sure.

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Just now, Squeekytoy said:

I'm sure it's a lasting change even if the love goes away. Just means that it made room for more stuff to surface, which will cloud things up again until processed. That's been my sense of it at least.

The love I speak of is a relationship, not an emotion. The emotion of love I can conjure if I focus on it, but that I have practiced for most of my life so it's not that hard for me.

This relationship is still present when I am suffering, it just becomes harder to see.

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On 07/01/2024 at 5:34 PM, Ishanga said:

@Scholar Love is about 7, Bliss is 9, Esctasy is 10, devotion is above Love, its 8 I would say:)

I see your bet and I put Infinite Nothing at 11 ;)

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52 minutes ago, Scholar said:

didn't have a breakthrough at all, it was a subtle shift in consciousness and a resolution of certain psychological structures within me. I didn't feel like this during the trip nor after the trip, it took a few months to manifest.

The energetic structure we create throughout our lives is a real, solid energetic pattern. It is how our mind, our existence, manifests. The work we do is supposed to be modifying that pattern so that it allows the maximum possible opening, perhaps even erasing the pattern and there is only opening, although I believe that this will always be momentary, psychedelic, etc.

But a partial opening supposes a greater filtration of the pure substance of what we are, this substance is life, it is constantly flowing, and it is the same as what is called love. It is not love for something, it is life that flows without obstacles, or with fewer obstacles

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58 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

Truth because it's what I am. Be something else is a shit, because its false. All of us have falsehood inside, we try to remove tu open to the truth, it's the path that leads you to yourself, the opposite path leads you to hell. The other questions, why post here? by communication. We are people who have this topic on our minds, the truth, and as is inevitable we want to talk about it with others

Like You said here, the opposite path leads you to hell, what is hell? Hell represents suffering, Truth represents Bliss, or intense pleasure, pleasure not in the sense of eating a ice cream cone or having a favorite meal, Pleasure in the sense of feeling fulfilled, complete and intensely alive. There is one equation in Life, gain as much Pleasure/Joy/Bliss vs avoiding as much pain and suffering as you can, most all your choices come from this fundamental. You respond to posts because not responding is more unpleasant, this equation is happening every second for every decision you make, just try it now after reading this post, observe your reaction to it and see what need comes up in your mind in how to respond, then resist it, see what happens...

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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10 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

I see your bet and I put Infinite Nothing at 11 ;)

when I posted that I was referring to experiences and feelings/ things that have qualities, anything below 0 is disempowering for You, anything at 0 (peace) or above 10 (Ecstasy) is empowering for You, infinity is not relevant here, as infinite is not an emotion or thing you can feel or has a quality...

Edited by Ishanga

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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8 hours ago, Ishanga said:

the opposite path leads you to hell, what is hell? Hell represents suffering, Truth represents Bliss

9 hours ago, Scholar said:


Hell means being veiled to yourself, and there are different degrees of this. If you are very veiled, the anxiety will be great and you will probably be an addict as a strategy to be able to live so far from the source of yourself, but you can also suffer in other ways. If you ask me, what do you prefer, the next 24 hours to live in an opaque and anxious state, or to spend them in a state of openness, but at 15 degrees below zero with little warm clothing, I will tell you that I prefer anxiety, I know that will happen and I can tolerate it without a problem, I have done it for years, and I know that it will pass without physical consequences such as frostbite, losing fingers, etc., which can occur in the other case. That is why humans have chosen anxiety instead of openness and living naked in the jungle for example.

8 hours ago, Ishanga said:

You respond to posts because not responding is more unpleasant

There are two mechanisms for this. One is that you are in a state of anxiety and do things like answering posts or sex, or have a glass of wine, to momentarily get out of that anxiety, projecting yourself forward. another that you are in a state of openness and do things for the pleasure of sharing and communicating.  

If you act out of anxiety, the action will seem to relieve the anxiety, but it becomes an addiction and creates more anxiety, there is no escape. If you act from a open state, you are complete by acting and not doing it. Obviously there are gradations of this, you tend more towards one place or another. We try to place ourselves in the openness because the closed anxious state is a sick state.

Edited by Breakingthewall

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10 hours ago, Scholar said:

You're overthinking and try-harding my dude. Relax.

OK, "my dude." Will see if you're still "hugging and cuddling" yourself in a few years. 9_9  Some people need to learn the hard way.

On 1/6/2024 at 7:39 PM, Scholar said:

I could just hug and cuddle with myself, in an embrace of self-love. Oh man, it's like I am outside myself, and I can look myself in the eyes and truly love my self, like a brother, or a child. It's more intimate than that, and now I recognize how much of my life has always revolved around trying to attain this love.

Would responding "bitch, you're high" not be overthinking it? xD

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The highest form of self-love is Radical Acceptance.


Ra, ra ah-ha-ha!



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