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Is This Still a Hero's Journey?

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So, the hero's first journey was challenging, but his calling, the mentor, and his impeccable ability to go inside the belly of the whale provided him with so much quality fuel. He was able to defeat the threshold guardians and the dragon, with a lot of effort no less, but was entirely stoic in the process due to the three sources of fuel mentioned. He discarded the false Holy Grail and basked in and appreciated the real Holy Grail.

But then, one day, something/someone stole the Holy Grail from him. He doesn't know whether it was one of the threshold guardians who survived, or a woman as a temptress.

In any case, the general path and Holy Grail are still the same as his previous journey, but the threshold guardians came back much stronger and with newer members. There are more women as temptresses, and the dragon is also stronger. However, he feels that once he gets a hold of the Holy Grail once more, this will be his definitive grasp of it, and it will no longer slip from his hands ever again (fingers crossed lmao).

Once again, the journey is much more intense: the threshold guardians are on steroids, the women as temptresses have enhanced their makeup and undergone butt and boob implants, and the dragon has grown thicker scales. On the other side, the calling is less powerful, the mentor is leaving him, and the belly of the whale is much bigger and thicker to get into.


1.) Is it a hero's journey if the hero lost the holy grail and have to retireve it again?

2.) Does this scenario still make sense as a hero's journey, in general? If not, do you think I mislabeled certain parts of the journey?

Edited by Sincerity
ALL-CAPS title

I corporate now. No more jokes or I report, yes?

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What are You talking about?

Please no ALL-CAPS titles.

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2 hours ago, Sincerity said:

What are You talking about?

Leo and those who did the life purpose course will know.

I corporate now. No more jokes or I report, yes?

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@Zigzag Idiot 

Nope hated it. This is just the GIST of what the hero's journey is. It doesn't answer my specific questions. 

I corporate now. No more jokes or I report, yes?

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12 hours ago, EdgeGod900 said:

Leo and those who did the life purpose course will know.

I know what the hero's journey is, I'm just wondering why You're talking about some weird repetition of it.

The hero's journey is your life. Nobody can steal your Holy Grail from You after it's complete.

Words can't describe You.

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4 hours ago, Sincerity said:

I know what the hero's journey is, I'm just wondering why You're talking about some weird repetition of it.

That's the question, if its possible.


The hero's journey is your life. Nobody can steal your Holy Grail from You after it's complete.

Idk if i'm retarded or not, but from my knowledge a hero can embark on multiple journeys. I'm prolly just retarded 


Just lock this post. Its useless.

Edited by EdgeGod900

I corporate now. No more jokes or I report, yes?

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1 hour ago, EdgeGod900 said:

Idk if i'm retarded or not, but from my knowledge a hero can embark on multiple journeys

It depends how You look at it I guess. 🤷🏼‍♂️

Locking as per request.

Words can't describe You.

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