
How do I stop arguing with people in my head?

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Hello everyone or whoever is reading this, it seems like I am using someone else's resistance as a coping mechanism to feed into my pride and I don't really know how to change it. It seems like my plan is to detach from it while being in a futile conversation that doesn't change the other person's mind especially about religion even if the other person doesn't detach from resistance instead of resisting resistance. It wasted hours of my day just thinking about some argument that serves my pride until I went meta on my thoughts and thought about this and would like to find a way to go meta whenever I need to if possible since meditation is just a temporary solution and that I may not always be in the right state of mind for that.

I can even be arguing with Leo about him being a hypocrite about "new-age bullshit" and is judgemental since the term is self-serving like "the Word of God". I also criticize in his head about how he knows the Sunnis and Shites but ignores Christian denominations and thinks he can call Jesus whatever he wants by making a generalization with religion without realizing the power of the concept of an idol which would be offensive to all Christians which is against the Bible and he just referred to different religious entities as idols and generalizing Catholics as all Christians when he says they pray to marry in the video of his worst psychedelic trip.

He also shows no knowledge about the Trinity and brings up a seemingly contradiction as a silly objection that he should have thought Christians are aware of about Jesus not being God but the Son of God (in some other video I forgot about). I'm not that triggered by the Christian ideas themselves, but the problematic result of not doing any research and making stupid objections on camera.

Even if I were to be making objections about @Leo Gura I want him to know about this because of how problematic this is, thank you. Come to think of it, maybe he wanted to shut off my discussion thread because he didn't like what I say to him even though I trying to be nice to him:

Please do not take this the wrong way. I believe that you are trying your best but that there can be some sort of discussion on the forum designed for preventing these silly mistakes whenever you try to speak to a specific audience.

Here is the video I was referring to (keep in mind that all the information I mentioned about Leo isn't all in a single video but this is the video that brought it to my attention):

Edited by Sincerity

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@AndylizedAAY Sorry to be so blunt and boring but meditate for an hour every day at the very least, this is how my awareness went into autopilot mode and blocks these tangents in my head right when they begin, even if they do actually begin in the first place, your resistance to true meditation is your only enemy, also a clean keto diet has helped my thoughts become way more efficient without all the extra noise... 

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give more space in your texts, I make the readability tiressome and to be honest i will not even read.

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10 minutes ago, Max1993 said:

@AndylizedAAY Sorry to be so blunt and boring but meditate for an hour every day at the very least, this is how my awareness went into autopilot mode and blocks these tangents in my head right when they begin, even if they do actually begin in the first place, your resistance to true meditation is your only enemy. 

@Max1993 Why can't I detect resistance to true meditation? How come some days I can meditate for a long time but not others? Did I say anything wrong about Leo? Don't just say that I'm projecting because that would be too vague. 

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Hey, I edited your thread so that everything is in the initial post.

^ Regarding the closing of this thread, it was closed by a fellow moderator probably because we've had many threads asking about videos/courses/the book already and they're really not adding value. Be patient! And don't worry about the user in your thread being rude, it's the internet. :)

Edited by Sincerity

Words can't describe You.

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@AndylizedAAY Don't worry, don't feel guilt, you seem like a nice person, stick to the basics, sometimes even a poor diet can create negative thinking, when I switched to keto it was a game changer... 

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You need to lean into your "who cares?" side.

Honestly, who cares what Leo thinks about religious issues? He is not an expert on the fine points of various religions, he's a content creator with opinions and a relatively small following.  

You can only "go meta" when you know enough of the particulars to abstract/generalize.  Otherwise "going meta" is "going bullshit."

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Don't try to stop. Keep arguing. But this time observe the whole process. 

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this is ego's play book, constantly thinking of

those who get me and these i seek and love

those who grate me and these i avoid and hate

it is a never ending story while one is an ego

the answer is to see that everyone is the same and doing the same thing and just wanting to love and be loved

just love that is to forgive them and to bless them, you need no words only egos do

everyone you meet is fighting a war and doing the best they know how

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