
Give me the best strategies to learn sales.

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The Futur

Great content

I forgive my past, I release the future, and I honor how I feel in the present. 

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Make the devil envy you. This by far is the best. Basically explains all the influencer business.

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I’ve actually been asked to give a speech about this at our company’s new year kickoff next week — I’ll share it with you, once I’ve figured out what I want to say.


Edited by Nilsi

“Did you ever say Yes to a single joy? O my friends, then you said Yes to all woe as well. All things are chained and entwined together, all things are in love; if ever you wanted one moment twice, if ever you said: ‘You please me, happiness! Abide, moment!’ then you wanted everything to return!” - Friedrich Nietzsche

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The best way to learn sales is through repetitions but it helps to have a strong theoretical background of basic psychology when it comes to being effective. Zig Ziggler has some good books, more modern Alex Hormozi seems to have some good content.

It all starts with you - do you believe in the product, are you feeling confident that what you're selling is a good value proposition to the client? If not it will be harder. For in person sales you need to convince people that you believe in the product and then convincee them. Generallly before you "pitch" a prospect it's helpful to know who you're talking to, establish a raport and identify if they are an "upside" or "downside" (offense/defense)

Jordan Belfort has the "straight line" technique (free on his YT, despite being an ex-con the guy knows how to sell) You take one of two approaches depending on the customers mentality (offense/vs. defense) for offense people you sell the upside (its going to be great! provide value!) and to sell to defense you want to talk them out of their negative loop "Its going to save money, prevent problems, avoid problems in future..."

Getting a "feel" for who you're talking to, wanting to actually help the person as opposed to view them as some number, trying to get as many "pitches" in (to maximize odds - see the law of averaes) and just putting in the reps and you'll improve over time.

Good luck my friend

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Learn to fuck people.
That’s what business is all about, isn’t it? :)

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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Need to turn the volume up on the second.

These are two small intros, longer videos below:

This one doesn't embed, it's another of tracy's. 



Just listen to these men a lot. Tony Robbins and Brian Tracy. Go download their programs, or see their youtube series. Though be aware they will be trying to sell themselves to you :D. They are your financial guru's.

Its essentially learning stage green well enough that orange can be sold to without much effort. Human needs, emotions, behaviors, social groups etc. 

I feel ugly whenever I think about selling to someone's bias, I can't even use stage green and say 'just make their life better', because that's still me deciding it. Anyway, if you don't have my hangups or moral quandaries, good luck/good life.

Edited by BlueOak

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Be you-nique. And notice how the entrance of grocery marts starts with bouquets.

Edited by Yimpa

I AM reborn

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