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The best movie ever made

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"Even though the horror gave me physical pain, to stop watching it was not an ethical option with something so truthful" - a german review.


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32 minutes ago, UnlovingGod said:

"Even though the horror gave me physical pain, to stop watching it was not an ethical option with something so truthful" - a german review.

That sounds like a very German thing to say, lmao.

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3 hours ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

That sounds like a very German thing to say, lmao.

And a very Russian Movie. It's such a brutal movie, because there was no artistic freedom taken. When they showed the movie in East-Germany to got some reactions before releasing it, one Wehrmacht soldier said, it was exactly like that and even more fucked up, they couldn't just depict the horrors of this pure evil genocide 100 percent. The Cameramen was one of the Partisans at that time. The Director had to flee from the hell's of Stalingrad. A quarter of the Belarusian population were just eradicated, genocide as if it were a fun party. Every other movie just seems to be so trivial after you've watched this movie. And for a blink moment you come in touch with absolute hate that this fascist, racist blueprint in the human counciousness has to be erredicated.

Edited by UnlovingGod

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