Rafael Thundercat

Instead of Asking Leo for more Content what about Study the Structure

16 posts in this topic

Well among other readings I am doing these days and making art and editing y new commom book, I want to share that I am taking time to make my own summaries of the Videos I most like, not in a particular order, just the ones that I fell conect with some insigth that vibes with my daily life topics

Since I was imersed in my Commombook builting I remembered to check the video about it and also the video about Content vs Structure. 

this one  below : 

So what i think is nice to do is to make a summary for yourself. why? because maybe I f I would make to someone else I would have the tendency to adapt it to capture most of the examples he gives in the video, I personaly dont need all the content of one video. sometimes what really get are one or another highligth 

I will of course not post in the forum all summaries I do . I just sharing this just to give one ideia :

my Summary end up filling a small page in I will post here. Probably some videos are unsummarizable (for example the video WHAT IS ACTUAL) because are more a guided meditation and not a explanation of conceptual ideias , my guess:


Content /Structure


  • Dvd disc (Structure) vs Data on it (Content)
  • English Language (Structure) Stuff writen or thougth is Content built with English structure
  • Event (Srructure of it ) vs (Contents of the Event)
  • Dreams (Structure) vs (Houses,people, dogs…)
  • Movies (Structure) vs (Content )

"You can wake up from a dream by changing content withing a dream, by going to talk with people, catching books, buying a house.. You break up from it by realizing that there is a metalevel in it, you see something so weird going on that you shift attention from the content and you realize the structure and then you BING, ah I am dreming!! And you wake up"

Going Meta is needed to see the structures, a steping back to see better the dimentions of it

The ideia is be able to see the Underlining Structure of Things, not getting wrap-up in the content


  • Going Meta on Science: Seeing the Structure of it
  • Going Meta on Religion: No see the content but underline structure of all religions (Ideology,Dogma, Authority figures)

Reality is Nested Structures

Differences in content distracts from seeing the sameness in the structure

Examples of this point:

  • Christianity and Islamism (different contents but same structure)
  • Atheist and Theist (Both belive they are rigth and the other is wrong)


Start Studying the Structure of Consciouness and dont get lost in Content. The content if a Infinite Sea. Like a fish in the ocean not able to go Meta and undestand the Whole Stucture of the Sea


  • Projection
  • Denial
  • Ideology
  • Clinging to Ideias and Beliefs
  • Confirmation Bias
  • CheeryPicking
  • Paradigmes
  • Question Begging
  • Self-bias
  • Justification
  • Moralization
  • Group- Think
  • Conformity
  • Cult-psycology
  • Judgement
  • Demonization
  • Ego
  • Emotions
  • Meaning making and storytelling
  • Roles you play
  • Posing


You biggest problem is Happiness (it cant be solved on the level of content since all you can add as content will not make longlast change

Happines is a Structural Problem, Go meta here and change the Structure of your psyque. Even a Psycadelic brings Bliss Content but after with no change in your structure the effects fade away and you are back to your default structure. Psycadelics is to show the Structure so you go and do the Work on the Structure so you get the fruits.

Whatever you go there you are, you take your structure with you, your mindset, habits all..


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I've just started to pay closer attention to this Content VS Structure concept/model, whatever it's called. Like an end-result can be the same but the contents are different and that is determined by your state of being. I would like to watch that video again to better understanding of it. I'm seeing how this is noticeably different (the contents) depending on how the mind operates, how ire it is and it's level of consciousness. Thanks for posting as it reminded me.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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Well, this is just a fancy shmancy way of saying abstract reasoning, which is what smart people do anyway.

The problem with studying the structure of your mind is that the ego typically blocks/resists that kind of self-analysis.  You need either serious psychedelics or serious hypnosis and even then, you are only going to get bits and pieces at a time.

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@SeaMonster  out with this same blablabla of just being able to do work on heavy psycadelics bro. i have ayahuasca with me and 5meo. One cant just wait to do inner work triping. It is a daily life work. Sorry if I sound rude but one get tired of this same tone in all member of this forum, this same history like one neeed to trip on and on. if you cant do work in you baseline you are over, since most part of you life is lived not triping.

I have amazing insigths,sometimes not during the high trips but weeks after the trip. Yoi go high and in the fall down you keep refining the insights. Here in the daily life. 

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@Rafael Thundercat Love the energy, stay hungry king. I watched that content vs structure video a couple of years back but it didn't resonate with me. Your post convinced me that its worth taking another look

Mental masturbation: Infinity, paradox, content vs structure. How are they connected? Structure is envoloped inside of content, which means that structure is content and content is structure, this is why its a paradox. If a paradox is infinite and content and structure are the same thing, and content vs structure is a paradox, then content vs structure is also infinite. What does it mean to be infinite and a paradox? It means that it goes on forever and ever, but it is all enveloped in one thing, which makes everything one

Edited by Spiritual Warrior

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@Spiritual Warrior if you just pay attention on what is rigth in front of you every second there is no need of mental masturbation. Masturbation is for those who dont have ACTUAL sex, Direct experience is ACTUAL sex instead of masturbation. As some masters say: The more they think ablout it far they go from the Truth. Infinity serching for Infinity, oh what a redundance. 

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@Spiritual Warrior, Look I dont know you background so dont mind my impatience but with time one gets very tired of this mental masturbations that get one nowhere. Just as context to this impatience, I am 42 and doing psycadelics retretats since 35 years old, so every year maybe every month doing work and listeniong all kind of trips and sharings from participants, and there is a point one just feel satisfied with the present embodiment of waht one is. All the struggle to figth or trying to desemesh reality is a lost game, you are the thread you are trying to unravel, you can keep going forever, you can drink all ayahusca available, one guy I know drank 1 liter of it, a big guy so he was able to go for it, but he realized that this thing have no end, no end.. So live you life, go Slow in the Masturbation, dont quit but accept that will be long and have fun in the way, because in the end we lose, and when we lose we lose nothing we just gain everything, there no way to escape reality. 

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The mental master station is in your Mind.

I AM not nothing

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@Spiritual Warrior, very weird that I was just watching a Video named "Healing the Divine Warrior, the guy say some stuff I dont resonate but if you catch the main message you gain a lot. 

Is about being engaged present in reality, Embodyed Presence.. Embodyed Presence is what more help me in my deep trips, Being in the Mindsturbations is counter-productive

Amazing Video 


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 Sorcerers' aspirations are to reach infinity, and to be conscious of it. The task of sorcerers is to face infinity. They plunge into it daily, as a fisherman plunges into the sea. It is such an overwhelming task that sorcerers have to state their names before venturing into it. In this manner, they assert their individuality in front of the infinite.
      What makes human beings into sorcerers is their capacity to perceive energy directly as it flows in the universe. Human beings are not only capable of seeing energy directly as it flows in the universe, but they actually do see it, although they are not deliberately conscious of seeing it.
      "Awareness" is energy and "energy" is constant flux, a luminous vibration that is never stationary, but always moving of its own accord.

Carlos Castaneda’s The Active Side of Infinity- 

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For me the best from the LEO video is this :

"You biggest problem is Happiness (it cant be solved on the level of content since all you can add as content will not make long last change"

If you look to nature in the horizon, all around, all ready here, contained, complete. Will you accept you completeness?

  • "Your Human troubles help you to discover your divine nature." - Mooji
  • "As long as we grab at our divinity and push away our humanity, we aren't free. If you want to be free, you can't push away anything. You have to embrace it all." - Ram Dass
  • "It's absolutely essential that you become at ease with your humanness." - Adyashanti "
  • Acceptance means you allow yourself to feel whatever you are feeling at that moment... You can't argue with what is. Well, you can. But if you do, you suffer." - Eckhart Tolle


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18 hours ago, Rafael Thundercat said:

out with this same blablabla of just being able to do work on heavy psycadelics bro. i have ayahuasca with me and 5meo. One cant just wait to do inner work triping. It is a daily life work. Sorry if I sound rude but one get tired of this same tone in all member of this forum, this same history like one neeed to trip on and on. if you cant do work in you baseline you are over, since most part of you life is lived not triping.

I literally said you can do hypnosis also.  Anyway, you need to do SOMETHING that bypasses the ego filters, otherwise you're just mentally masturbating.  

Contacting the shadow is a heavy thing, bro.  Most people are VERY unsettled by it.  The ego provides a lot of comfort (even if it's a comfort laced with suffering.)  You don't really understand why you act the way you do until you get in touch with the unconscious; you're just speculating, and even if you guess correctly it will be a dissociated kind of thing that won't touch you at your core.

I guarantee you most people here have NOT done heavy shadow work because it's really disturbing, and it helps to be enlightened so it's easier to do it.

Edited by SeaMonster

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@SeaMonster When you say Contacting the shadow is a heavy thing it implies you had passa there. So in this case was your insigth? What had you learn about yourself from the Shadow work you did?

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8 hours ago, Rafael Thundercat said:

@SeaMonster When you say Contacting the shadow is a heavy thing it implies you had passa there. So in this case was your insigth? What had you learn about yourself from the Shadow work you did?

That I get too curious (read too much) and too cocky and whenever I overindulge those parts of myself I take mini L's in my life as compensation ( as injury, illness, losing possessions or sleep disturbances.)

In other words the unconscious compensates by creating "negative" events externally/physically: whenever something "bad" happens to me, it's completely my doing and responsibility.  I believe this is generalizable to everyone, it's just that many people don't see it or don't want to see it.

Edited by SeaMonster

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