
Can one escape his karma ?

7 posts in this topic

Okay I speak as a 27 years old man who has been more or less suicidal for the past 3years. 
i do not want to spread beliefs or dogmas but just to share some intuitions about the Idea of karma. I have to attach to some Idea as I live in despair. I often was about to kill myself but always was very afraid. And I think that more powerful than the fear of death was fear of Hell eventhough I do not believe in Hell, this is not religious dogma. I have the deep intuition that I will not escape from my karma no matter what.  I do not know how to explain it but it seems that I HAVE to suffer. I’m sure in the eye of an external person, my suffering is very well justified and they understand well why I’m suffering.  And If I do not chose suffering over this long period of time which is life, then the suffering will concentrate and I will be in Hell. I have no proof for this nor have I experienced anything. This is just my intuition. I have the intuition that even if you have chronic pain that makes life unbearable and you chose to kill yourself still you will not really escape the pain and it will just take on another form and maybe it is actually a wise move to kill yourself and make it take another form but you won’t escape from anything. Anyway that’s just thoughts. Would be glad to hear what you think about.

Also I wanna contemplate despair as I’m in a good position to and ask myself why despair ? I think if you want the best understanding of yourSelf. Despair is unavoidable. I think that anyone who has some commitment to the Truth will taste desperation. I think that is why even after Awakening, Jesus was put on the cross and certainly lost his connection with the Self.

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42 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

Why not try to find a way out of suffering? This is what the game is about.

Andrew Tate must be playing the game really well then

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@thierry The ONLY way to escape karma is to know WHO you are at all times.

Everything, and i mean EVERYTHING in your experience that is not You, is something that is NOT yours and you are not forced to pick It Up.

This includes:

All your mental impressions, beliefs, ideas, memories ...etc.

All that comes from your Mind, as well from your energetic blocks, is something that you have Picked Up from your Mind.

Is NOT YOURS. You can drop It in a second, but you have to know WHO you are.

Everytime a depressed shitty thought comes Up, just realize THIS IS NOT MINE. None of this is mine.

You need to know WHO YOU ARE. If not You Will be constantly picking Up everything your Mind accumulated, as well as even energetic blocks from your ancestors.


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There is no hell or heaven after you die. When you die, you die, that's it. If you want to be less depressed - you need to ask who is depressed? Is it you that is depressed or is it your body? It is your body that is depressed. You are not your body. Then who are you? You are not. You do not actually exist. When the body realizes it, then it lets go of it's belief in a seperate self and alongwith it goes your depression (and you).

Instead of doing something stupid like committing suicide, if you have a great deathwish... then use all that energy to engage as much as possible in SELF INQUIRY.

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By doing Wu Wei 

You do not aim then shoot, it’s all one action.

If you’re going outwit the devil, it’s terribly important you don’t give him any advance notice.

Hear that.

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4 hours ago, Jahmaine said:

By doing Wu Wei 

You do not aim then shoot, it’s all one action.

If you’re going outwit the devil, it’s terribly important you don’t give him any advance notice.

Hear that.

The devil can only see as deep as he is anyway

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