
Gore videos

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For your average person watching it deliberately and consistently is probably not a good self-actualization technique, though a certain degree of exposure can be helpful to disabuse some of particularly naive worldviews.

I used to watch tons of gore a few years ago as a sort of challenge to myself, just to see how I'd react. Even spent hours tracking down the particularly obscure ones. Whatever you can name, I've likely seen it. Curiously, none of them induced any sort of reaction, not disgust nor excitement, just indifference. Got no regrets about doing this, it was a phase like any other and now it's over.

Looking back, I can see how it affected me in both positive and negative ways, which are really two sides of the same coin. On the one hand, being so desensitized means all the shit going on around us that we see on the news daily – wars, mass shootings, plane crashes, what have you, doesn't affect my mood in the slightest. However it also means my capacity for connection/love with others is greatly reduced, which is fine by me as I'm deeply introverted, but would be a great detriment to most. I noticed how I can resonate fully with "the universe could blow up right now and it wouldn't bother God at all", but struggle with "God is Love", a sort of selfish spirituality, which you could argue is an inferior form, but I'm currently happy with it and will change if & when the need to is felt.

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30 minutes ago, jimwell said:

This is the best post you've ever made. It hits the target and is useful. Congratulations!

Well, even a blind hen sometimes finds a grain of corn, as we say in German. :P

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@Growly Of course there are no benefits. You just make yourself more desensitized that's it. And also do you see gore when you are living your life? Probably not. So stop it, it's not reality if you watch them on the phone or computer. Understand this - reality is your waking life, without any videos or movies. That's why viewing instagram/facebook etc. is stupid, because that's not reality. Photos doesn't show you reality, even if it might seem so. This is very subtle and a lot of people can argue with what I said, that's fine, you can do so, but if you ACTUALY realize what I said then it changes how you view stuff online. You probably rarely see sexually dressed woman in society while walking in the city, but you can view so much of them online. It's not "REAL". Same goes to gore/porn videos.


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11 minutes ago, inFlow said:

And also do you see gore when you are living your life? Probably not.

That's kinda naive (no offence).

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@meta_male Oh how could you......!!!! :D:D

I understand that you can argue with my idea. There are a lot of objections that one can say, but you need to ignore those and just take in what I said. ;) no need to make a point out of what I said, because it's very abstract and we could go on forever about this.


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1 hour ago, inFlow said:

There are a lot of objections that one can say, but you need to ignore those and just take in what I said.

But you taught me not to believe anything online 🥺

I get your point, still there are just doesn't sound pretty. It's a sensitive subject and can rob people of their sense of security.

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@meta_male of course, I had my fair share of time online watching gore videos when I was a teenager. Then I thought that it hardens you, like a MAN! But watching this for extended periods can make you feel bad.

My friend once told me he was watching a netflix series "How to get away with a murder" (it has a lot of murder themes as you can tell :D) and told me that in two weeks of watching it, he had experienced depression, a mild one, but it had a impact. He discontinued to watch it after he noticed this.


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@inFlow And of course there's always the psychopathic kid at school who can't get enough of these videos and needs you to see it.

9 minutes ago, inFlow said:

He discontinued to watch it after he noticed this.

Wise man, it took me way longer to notice.

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@inFlow Well, I watch it whenever I feel anxiety towards some situtation to break out of  my delusion of overthinking

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19 hours ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

Well, even a blind hen sometimes finds a grain of corn, as we say in German. :P

:D Cheers!

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Yes, ive watched  thousands of these videos when i was a teen. You will give yourself a form of ptsd, and will be like a zombie. I stopped watching it for many years, but now i do again. When i watch it now while being highly conscious i just accept that its part of me and god, god contains everything within itself. I watch it with love and interest and don't have any sociopathic or stress symptomes. The more conscious you become the more accepting you will become of what you are.

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I used to watch them for a couple of months to make myself face reality but then I noticed it is not a healthy thing to do. We shouldn't be focusing on bad things in life, we are here to enjoy. 

"Say to the sheep in your secrecy when you intend to slaughter it, Today you are slaughtered and tomorrow I am.
Both of us will be consumed.

My blood and your blood, my suffering and yours is the essence that nourishes the tree of existence.'"

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On 11/01/2024 at 10:30 AM, Growly said:

@LSD-Rumi Being deattached from emotions is the best way to live

No, it's still polarized.

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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2 hours ago, Yimpa said:

Go watch some GOREdon Ramsay!


Powerful eGOREmunication 😂

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I only ever stumbled on gore when browsing social media during the early 2010s. You'll eventually stumble onto something, then you can't look away. The imagery is haunting, even after all this years I can still remember vivid details.

My life hasn't been improved in the slightest from that stuff. I think it is really just a rush to people and its gross to make other peoples suffering your entertainment.

Edited by Basman

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On 05/01/2024 at 8:16 PM, Hojo said:


It is good tool to lower your vibration.


Dam right.

Anyone who says they’re enlightened on this form in anyway is not, except me I am. 

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Feeling inward and exploring what gore is directly is more productive than entertaining stories and ideas about gore.

Stories and ideas motivate you to feel inward.

Edited by Yimpa


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