
Ways (besides psychedelics) to reach god realization

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8 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

meditation, yoga, self inquiry, etc.. It will take you x100 more time though

More time but more stable, clean, awakening 

Lions Heart is my YouTube Channel- Syncing Masculinity and Consciousness

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6 minutes ago, BlessedLion said:

More time but more stable, clean, awakening 

Definetely. In fact at this point i dont consider psychedelics useful anymore. They save my Life at one point when i was Deep in ego close to killing myself. I had a Sort of ego death for 3-4 months straight after my first lsd trip. That was like a angel came from Heaven to save from the hell hole i was.

But as with all chemicals i used them to a point they didnt evolve me anymore . Now as you said my Focus is stability and clarity.

As you said at one point they can be useful. At another you see their clear limitations, as with all external substances.

Edited by Javfly33

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@BlessedLion And i would add i have reached more ectstatic blissful and Perfect states of consciousness without psychedelics that with them.

People do not appreciate that psychedelics come with a certain energetic inbalances and Mind disturbances. Is imposible to ectstatic explosions of dissolution with psychedelics. They wont take you there. They are limited.

Which is why leo and most people here Keep repeating the Word Love in their Awakenings or about reality.

Love is definetely not the higuest facet or expression of God/Being. There are states and expressions higuer, but psychedelics cant take you there because they have a certain limited configuration (their molecule does what It does, It can not do any other thing).

Is not a coincidence that most psychedelics do trigger Love energy, and then guys that Only try psychedelics go say love is the Truth or god is love. Hehe...turns out you completely got Influenced by the psychedelic filter. There are more facets than Love. And higuer and more clear ones.

Edited by Javfly33

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interesting points, and I mostly agree. 

however even without psychedelics I would say Love is still the highest teaching, the point and the Truth

Lions Heart is my YouTube Channel- Syncing Masculinity and Consciousness

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On 5/1/2024 at 5:34 AM, ActualizedJohn said:

Smoke a shit ton of weed and watch this vid 



As they told you... Beware of what you may find!


PS: I read you have mental health issues in your family.

Proceed with caution. It can get freaky.


Edited by koops

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Build up to a kriya yoga routine slowly, start with mahamudra and kriya pranayama (spinal breathing), start with very low number, focus on quality and very long breaths, build up to a routine like the one in santatagamana book, or you could use the book by j.c stevens, or ennio nimis.
What I do is, Kriya yoga to calm the mind and raise kundalini, then at least 10 minutes in the end of self inquiry
Once your mind is calm by using kriya yoga, your self inquiry will get 10x more efficient, and at some point you get really proficient at the kriya techniques, you will lessen the quantity and still achieve the same state, so now you can do more self inquiry.


after you have basically got the max you can out of kriya yoga (full kundalini awakening), you can continue with normal meditation, things like "do nothing" and vipassana retreats, and you can start getting more into psychedelics if you wish
thats my plan anyways


  1. Kriya yoga + self inquiry, until full kundalini awakening is achieved, and I am sure I will get to experience a lot of non dual states by the self inquiry
  2. the point of kundalini awakening, is to resolve all your karmas, egoic conditionings, etc. so when that is achieved, now you can finally meditate, and the highest meditation once your mind is calm, is non dual meditation, this includes the do nothing technique, and also self inquiry
  3. you could map out awakening as a dance between expansion (do nothing, letting go, etc.) and contraction (concentration, vipassana, etc.), so a daily practice of do nothing meditation, for like an hour everyday + 2-4 solo vipassana retreats per year + psychedelics in a balanced amount = bruh  


for kriya yoga, read on the spinal breathing, start practicing that, start with 12 times per session, but really focus on quality, each inhale and exhale should be at least 20 seconds long, and of course there is the visualization aspect and the ujjayi breathing, try to build up to 108 pranayamas, slowly.
And do mahamudra, simple thing too, you could also add in yoni mudra.
in the beginning since your pranayamas will be little, your sessions will be fairly short, try to sit motionless after your session for at least 10 minutes, this is where you practice self inquiry.

at some point you would get to:

  1. 3x mahamudra
  2. 108x pranayama (once you get here, you could switch to santatagamana version of pranayama, it takes less time imo)
  3. 1x yoni mudra
  4. at least 10 minutes of self inquiry
  5. (bonus) kechari mudra

then you could add in kriya supreme fire, and increase its amount, and as you do that, reduce the pranayamas to 72 or even 36 breaths, and switch to the more potent variations in gamana's second book


Ok I know this was a lot, just read the kriya yoga books, i would recommend the 3 gamana's books, along with ennio nimis and j.c stevens 


P.S I haven't achieved everything here, I am just saying my plan that I am currently going through

I believe in the religion of Love
Whatever direction its caravans may take,
For love is my religion and my faith.

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But if you want to understand reality and your mind you need psychedelics. No way around this. There is no one who has done psychedelics that will tell you there was nothing in there.

For basic enlightenment no need for them.


nowhere in the bio  @VahnAeris 

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