Rafael Thundercat

Are Digital Nomads harming our host countries?

7 posts in this topic

I don't think it's inherently the nomads who are at fault. The problem is that the neoliberal system does not invest the extra tax revenue from rich nomads into the local community. In the end only a small circle of landlords and business owners (often foreing owned) make huge profits, from them, while all the locals get are low wage hospotality jobs and higher rents and food prices. 


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Modern monetary theory and perpetual low interest rates pushing consumption and speculative behavior naturally drives wealth up to the top 10% because they take more risks and the loose monetary policy drives asset bubbles giving them greater rewards. They then use this wealth to buy up assets pricing them out of affordability for those in the middle. Thus the phrase, "the top and bottom suck from the middle."   Our capitalist system doesn't have enough checks and balances to prevent speculators and scammers from using loopholes built into the system for their own benefit, namely bankruptcy laws, using multiple LLC's, tax writeoffs, bankruptcy laws, charities being run by their donors, private equity doing leveraged buyouts, running companies into the ground while running taking the money and running, etc. If we could get more laws into place keeping people honest, the system would work better.

I believe individuals shouldn't be able to use corporate entities to shield their assets, that a person's bad behavior should directly affect their own net worth. Run a company into the ground, your entire net worth gets confiscated. Private equity has become a parasite within the system.

Edited by sholomar

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@sholomar do you have links ,books or sources where I can study more on the things you said? I know is pretty obvious but for all threads I open I also open a space on my commombook to add studies so I can keep a record of the things I got aware of. Thanks

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8 minutes ago, Rafael Thundercat said:

@sholomar do you have links ,books or sources where I can study more on the things you said? I know is pretty obvious but for all threads I open I also open a space on my commombook to add studies so I can keep a record of the things I got aware of. Thanks

Nice! This made visualize this forum as its own collective commonplace book.


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@Yimpa  disclousure, I even copy and paste some of the best insigths from members and add to a file specific fot this. But to be honest there is not so much 

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14 minutes ago, Rafael Thundercat said:

But to be honest there is not so much 

Quality over quantity ;)


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