
Spirituality Looks Like Schizophrenia?

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@Scholar I am trying my best here, not to answer everything with a non-duality insight. Otherwise we would have nothing left to talk about here, and everyone would repeat infinitely, "it is not happening now, truth is truth, you are pure perception itself."  

But alas, you are right at the core of it. But i also don't expect every mental disorder to be cured by enlightenment. Everyone would leave mental hospitals as buddha's, wouldn't that be great, imagine all the buddhas? Offcourse everyone already is the Buddha.   As for truth, there is truth here, truth to the body. It's real, if it's hungry it's hungry, if it's in pain it's in pain, if it's thinking about something tomorrow that is what it's doing. 

@electroBeam So, going into the non-duality preaching anyway :) 
If you are pure perception, then stop thinking about truth or not and just perceive the thinking about truth. What @Scholar  means I think, by truth is just thoughts, is because the concept of truth is a mental label. To perception, there is just reality as it is right now, perception doesn't label things. Perception doesn't really do anything, it just perceives, it's effortless. Why do we even need to label or judge everything?
The mind is real, but it's not you. It's like your perceiving a loved puppy, stumbling in the grass, doing all sorts of funny shit. Don't give it weight, it doesn't need to be taken seriously. If you don't give it so much attention, it will relax, like a real puppy, otherwise it will keep playing with you.

The only thing we need to do, is perceive. The body will judge and think and worry and hurt, but we are just the perception of those events.
What is infinite is where all these perceptions arrive. You can feel it while meditating, being this enormous emptiness and stuff just enters into it.

Perception is infinitely large and infinitely small. Imagine yourself on the earth, the earth in the solar system, the solar system in the galaxy, galaxies in the universe. Mentally,  keep expanding it, there is not end to the size of its expansion. If you try you will see, you can keep going further, and then further still. 
Or imagine yourself sitting behind your desk, and imagine billions upon billions of electrons and protons spinning around, making your keyboard. Every key is bigger than the visible universe. This way the mind can narrow down infinitely. Keep going deeper and deeper, there is no limit really.

These are just mental images, but it's a way to get a sense of the space there.

It's like we have some strange formless infinite empty space, thoughts are displayed in it, vision is projected on it, hearing fills it, the body with its sensations hovers in its center seemingly. But we are actually the empty space, not the contents of it. The space is the essence of what we are, the size of our perception, which is without size.

So i wonder, where does perception begin, and where does it end?

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19 hours ago, Martin123 said:

"The Heart centered spiritual path, is the most direct one"
- Matt Kahn

what a lovely quote! it feels right, it feels good

Stellars interact with Terrans from ÓB (Earth’s Low Orbit).!

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