
Where do you socialize, make friends?

5 posts in this topic

It may sound like a silly question, but where and how exactly do YOU socialize with other people? Do you meet people through hobbies or is it spontaneous like a club? I plan to do some radical socializing after I'm done with my MA degree so I'm trying to gather some perspective. Another question: Do you have a lot in common with the people you hang out with?

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Posted (edited)

Some ideas for you: 

  • Yoga class
  • Dance class
  • Toast masters class
  • Work a job that requires you to be social like a restaurant or a coffee shop
  • Join a sports team
  • Go out to bars and clubs

And overall, just go out into the world more, nowadays with everything online, we as humans tend to fall into ruts where we aren't leaving our house. 

To answer your second question, yes I have a lot in common with the people that I hang out with, mainly bonding over sports, fantasy football, and just being goofballs. I went to grade school with all of my closest friends and we've all put in the time and effort to develop strong, meaningful bonds with each other. 

Edited by Spiritual Warrior

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for me it went like this : Move to semi big city . Go to free events regurarly. you regurarly see the same faces. you eventually become friends after minimal interaction each time. in two months i met more people than in my entire life, specifically going to bachata dance classes.
Pick your thing

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Everywhere I go pretty much, including just seeing girls on the streets and malls when I am passing by (romantic friends).

But I intentionally go to clubs to meet people. 

Connect with me on Instagram: instagram.com/miguetran

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Posted (edited)

coed sports, meetups for coed sports, facebook groups for local sports(tennis, beach volleyball, or climbing partners), volunteering(facebook groups of your interest occasionally do volunteer projects, parks departments facebook pages, politics, petition signature gathering events, protests,..)

Edited by Devin

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