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Keryo Koffa

Suffering is Weird, it's not any thing but is inside every thing

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The following text is flow. To break it into paragraphs is like breaking up a river so I didn't

Bad is a subset of suffering, badness is a projection of suffering onto dualities. Suffering is undersirable, more, it's undesirableness. What makes the undesirable undesirable? Preference. What is preference? One state of anoner. Based on what? Homeostatic drive? Evolved sense of unease and a physical and psychological drive towards change when in a threatening environment for survival's sake. But what is threatening? That which stimulates pain? Pain is a sensation, a pointer towards damage. Damage is counter to survival. Death. Death is threatening. The threat of death isn't itself anything, but it causes fear. What is fear? A mechanism that enforces behavioral avoidance, elevated attention and discomfort. It's really the discomfort that bothers us. What is discomfort? Opposite of comfort. What is comfort? Being fine. What is fine? Being present without needs, being playful, calm, a feeling of being in love? In love with what? Existence. But it can be projected onto a duality as well and separated. Being is love. Discomfort with being is suffering. Suffering is not being content with being. But suffering is part of being, an energetic form of anticipation, an active drive to change. But change too is a subset of being. An interpretation, a configuration, the river is change. It always flows. But it doesn't suffer. It just flows. Flow is not suffering. Fear is an emotion but not itself suffering. Pain is a sensation but not itself suffering. Change itself is not suffering. Discomfort is not suffering. Suffering is only ever itself. But what is it? It's not seperate from anything else, it's an emergent property, a mindset, an interpretation, an intuition. But we clearly feel it, otherwise there'd be no word to reference it. Suffering is not wanting things to be the way they are, that feeling itself. Loss is loss but it can also be suffering. Pain is just pain but we can associate it to suffering. Love is love but we can suffer the fear of losing it. Attachment is just attachment, but it can lead to suffering, for reality is ephemeral. Attachment is preference is desire to remain is resistance to change. Inability to uphold it can cause suffering. Repression of desire causes unrest and can lead to suffering. Desire is already attachment, any thought is already attachment, any relationship is already attachment, any way of existing is already attachment, but we have the control to be able to let go of it. Letting go is a preference and bias that causes suffering if one is unable or represses truth by holding onto it as a belief. Suffering is in the fabric of existence, but we can change its intensity. To live is to survive and explore, to make decisions, to have preferences, to want not to die. Life is suffering. But it is equally love. Conditional love and suffering are a duality that determines our identity. What half of reality we want and don't want, what does and doesn't make us feel content. We determine that, we learn and decide to associate it. We decide what is and isn't fine. We may have preferences, but we can flow and channel our energy, to create, explore and dissolve dualities. Life has that property. And we can learn to be fine, unconditional love, but living is being a perspective. It's a journey. This all builds on suffering being undesirable, but is it even. It drives us to change, to become its opposite. To grow wise abd ascend, to realize. Resistance is suffering but is resistence even bad, is discomfort bad, is badness bad? It all exists infinitely connected but we don't have to suffer if we don't want to. We do it subconsciously, so we're fed up with suffering but I wounder what would happen if it was a conscious choice. Could one even suffer when one desires to suffer? Or would not suffering be suffering? But then it would make one content which wouldn't be suffering. Suffering is a force of dualitiy, separation, ego, and existence, it keeps our A.T. fields up, it's the opposite of gravity, but it's also relative and self-created and it's not bad and itself a subset of infinite unconditional love because its a form within it. The duality of conditional love and suffering dissolve in the unconditional love. Suffering enables form and existence, identity and understanding. Suffering is weird.

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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Suffering is Unwillingness. Bliss is willingness. Learn to love discomfort but don't make an identity out of it.

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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Suffering is a part and parcel of life. It can be mitigated sometimes, and for some folk with right techniques and attitudes through longterm practice --- significantly reduced.

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Suffering "shouldn't" exist because it self nullifies, therefore all there is is "love/bliss", since that clearly is not the truth since anyone alive does experience suffering it means that suffering exists only because of love not in spite of it, suffering cannot exist on it's own and does not, love does exist on it's own at least as an "imagination" that it is drawn from.

Because love can exist on it's owns it doesn't need something "more", or more quantity of it or to evolve.

Therefore this love we are experiencing is the horror of extra infinity, the creation of an "extra love", the possibility of impossibility, in other words one of the only things that are impossible are occurring here, an infinity that goes beyond infinity, which by definition is impossible yet we suffer, suffering does not exist by itself it's always mixed up in love.

Perhaps it's this extra love which hurts the "other" loves, quantity and time are the manifestations of extra infinity/love, since having and being more than infinity is an impossible concept, extra infinity comes in and grants us the impossibility which is called suffering, while it's true it cannot exist on it's own, when "mixed" with love it forms the connection from one love to another different love, when you have "two" loves the suffering has done it's job as if it never existed in the first place as suffering is likely the product of "pure" conceptual difference between to initially different types of love.

Then likely comes EXTRA extra infinity because if everything was just being assimilated "perfectly", or one to one, one at a time, so 1 love and another love mixing and creating suffering out of their attempt at connecting and becoming "more" than love, "more" than perfection which is also impossible this creates a more than 1 suffering at a time situation.

Therefore it is not only possible to have more than "one perfect love" it is possible to have more than one love and more than one suffering at a given time therefore creating not just a difference in forms but also time which then explains both infinity, forms, quantity, types, stories, dualities, asymmetries and finity.

I realized people like/understand the word suffering much more than pain, my bad since English's my second language I didn't realize it was so strongly associated with bodily suffering because I've only recently came out of a 15 year long chronic bodily(and emotional) torture that started round 15 years of age, getting "unfairly" tortured by life in several different ways without actually dyeing while continually regenerating from it while being "spiritual" and actually trying to understand reality and what's happening to you works as a pretty powerful "psychedelic" energy wise, this of course is just another story, suffering isn't needed, for now, I'll wait for the ultimate infinite impossibility where suffering is somehow truth, probably already the case, at least the form of suffering but not it's feeling.

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