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Eminem and the white rapper problem?

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   This sounds like a solid take from this guy:

   Systemically speaking he's on the right, don't know if the specifics and how he communicates this is that accurate. At least this intuitively feels right to me given the Eminem STANS, and YouTube rap and reacto9r culture/communities lately, him as a mythological cultural phenomenon, a gate opener for the young, white, straight male demographic to mix in with various other demographics in Hip Hop at that time made sense IMO. You r thoughts?

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   A bunch of nothing burgers from this YouTube 'news' for Hip Hop:

   Dr. Umar Johnson, I can agree he's a bit racist, he still has a point about the whole white paradox of rap, and marketing/business of rap and hip hop music, like the above video:

   So IMO it's complicated and based on many developmental factors like value systems, cognitive patterns, morality, stages of ego development, personality traits, individual to societal domains per line of development, and ideological beliefs indoctrinated by culture and society programming, family upbringing, and information ecology we consume to make sense of our worldviews, which big corporations and businesses have a monopoly over, and manufactures consent from the masses with. People like that stupid, simplistic 'news' videos are just fucking reactionaries that only focus on sensationalizing these news and events, disregarding careful deliberate understanding of just why someone like Dr. Umar is talking like that, just bad faith smear him and sweep under the rug what he's REALLY POINTING TO!

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