
Choosing healthy sun screen

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I just noticed some redness on my face I realized It was probably because benzoyl peroxide made my skin more prone to sun damage, I think I heard before that sunscreens are usually full of toxins. Unfortunately, I don't know squat about sunscreen and I don't feel like I need to study every part of human physiology, nutrition, and chemistry. So what are some great options? I trust Bryan Jonhson's protocol more than anything and he uses this one:,beauty,202&sr=1-1&linkCode=sl1&tag=blueprint03d-20&linkId=55281f927fdacab9793b39f1914dc9f6&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl

But it's very expensive

Edited by MarkKol

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My face is always reddish even without sunscreen. I just learned to accept my face looking unique.

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You don't need to use expensive sunscreens.  Zinc Oxide sunscreens are fine if you don't mind leaving white residue everywhere. I find they last longer and take water better than chemical sunscreens. They can also be used to deodorize shoes and as underarm deodorant in a pinch.  I pick them up end of season when stores clearance them often for under a buck a bottle.

If you want to buy a chemical based sunscreen in the US, just pick up a large tub of generic Wal-mart brand. Spending more on fancy products is not required.  This one has all the chemicals needed for semi-decent protection but no octinoxate.

That said, better sunscreens are approved overseas where they are classified as cosmetics rather than drugs. The US is still using rather ancient sunscreen technology compared to say "P20 Kids" sunscreen or other options available in Europe/Asia.  The main issue is insufficient UVA protection.

Careful about believing about all these "toxins" in everything. It borderlines on conspiracy theory, just like the anti-vaccers. Most of it is in your head. If it's generally recognized as safe by major government agencies in multiple reputable countries, you can sleep (mostly) fine at night.

Edited by sholomar

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I like Cerave, it goes on really nice and seems safe.  I dread reapplying greasy or sticky ones. A stylish brimmed hat is probably the best.

Edited by Devin

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10 hours ago, Yimpa said:

My face is always reddish even without sunscreen. I just learned to accept my face looking unique.

I wouldn't even think about using them either, but if you use any acne medication you will get burned in less than 30 minutes just standing in the winter sun, that's literally what happened to me. It doesn't sting, but the feeling is equivalent to having 4 hours of sleep. Then again I have very weird skin, It's very resistant to drying from usually very drying chemicals like benzoyl peroxide and retinol/adapalene but very sensitive to sun burns, shampoo, fragrances, perfumes, and shaving cream.

9 hours ago, Jason Actualization said:
9 hours ago, Jason Actualization said:

That product is comprised of 7.5% octinoxate, a known endocrine disruptor.

Two brands I would recommend are Ethical Zinc and Shwally, here is a link to the latter:

I'll probably get that one, do you have any shampoo products too?

Edited by MarkKol

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Coconut oil and aloe vera are great for sun protection. 

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On 1/3/2024 at 3:55 PM, MarkKol said:

I wouldn't even think about using them either, but if you use any acne medication you will get burned in less than 30 minutes just standing in the winter sun, that's literally what happened to me. It doesn't sting, but the feeling is equivalent to having 4 hours of sleep. Then again I have very weird skin, It's very resistant to drying from usually very drying chemicals like benzoyl peroxide and retinol/adapalene but very sensitive to sun burns, shampoo, fragrances, perfumes, and shaving cream.

I'll probably get that one, do you have any shampoo products too?

I actually don't use anything in my hair, which many people find hard to believe unfortunately. We live in an age in which we are sold shampoos, so we'll turn around and buy more conditioner. At least for me, personally, I'd rather not strip my hair of its innate oils, that way I need neither shampoo, nor conditioner, nor hair product for that matter (my hair just holds itself in place naturally).

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