
Pet Play

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I recently stumbled across this. I had no idea what it was so I searched it up. It's not just a fetish, it can be but it doesnt even have to be. For many it's just a way to play and relax. It's about acting like a dog without human thoughts and responsibilities. I find that really fascinating. It's like humans are so sick of themselves they rather play as dogs instead. If I didn't stumble across spirituality and its potential for transcending experiences maybe this is what I would have done.

I dont have a good opinion of this yet. Maybe this is a setback. A way to make your mind lazy. Dogs are a lot less conscious than humans probably. 

Or maybe not and it's the ultimate mediation exercise. A way to connect with being directly. A way for humanity to transform by deconstructing the human identity with fun. 

What do you think?

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If it's not a transformative experience it has little value. I doubt it's transformative, it's just escapism. I see the appeal of it tho and dropping the roles and expectations of yourself you have is a spiritual exercise. If you only let yourself let go like that during pet play you are not transforming the ego. Then you are reinforcing the idea that you are not the one who can experience freedom.
Oddly interesting topic.

The road to God is paved with bliss.

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Those are the originals. Humans are the copies. Back to homeostasis.

Know thyself....

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On 3.1.2024 at 2:16 PM, martins name said:

If it's not a transformative experience it has little value. I doubt it's transformative, it's just escapism. I see the appeal of it tho and dropping the roles and expectations of yourself you have is a spiritual exercise. If you only let yourself let go like that during pet play you are not transforming the ego. Then you are reinforcing the idea that you are not the one who can experience freedom.

Thats a pretty deep answer. Do you think its possible to only do one and not the other?

On 3.1.2024 at 2:16 PM, martins name said:

Oddly interesting topic.


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It's not fun, it's disgusting and a lack of self-esteem.


The devil is in the details.

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1 hour ago, Schizophonia said:

It's not fun, it's disgusting and a lack of self-esteem.

Can exactly be that, can also be the opposite imo. But you can think that you do it from a pure standpoint and deceive yourself, thats certainly true. 

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@Jannes Do you know more about it though? Seems pretty judgmental otherwise..

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Posted (edited)

13 hours ago, Jannes said:

Do you think its possible to only do one and not the other?

Yes, just let go of all expectations. Just drop them. Let your mind be a blank slate of potentiality. Say fuck you to all expectations and be yourself. There is an uncomfortable knot in the middle of your head that you want to be free of. Breathe deep and slow and on the out-breath dissolve this knot and let go of who you should be. Instead, embrace who you could be.

Edited by martins name

The road to God is paved with bliss.

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14 hours ago, Jannes said:

Can exactly be that, can also be the opposite imo. But you can think that you do it from a pure standpoint and deceive yourself, thats certainly true. 

I am relatively sure that behind each strange paraphilia there is an energetic (libidinal) impulse which has difficulty projecting itself onto a more homeostatic symbolism.

My fantasies became more "normal" after understanding that I basically had whore-madonna complexe. 👍

The devil is in the details.

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I used to behave like a dog with 5 years old as a joke... if as an adult you do this...you are seriously fucked up and need help 🙏

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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@Javfly33 Yes but there is a reason why it feels good. I'd never do this but I get the appeal. There is value in reflecting on why it has appeal and if there is a way to integrate the quality without degrading oneself. 

The road to God is paved with bliss.

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4 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

I used to behave like a dog with 5 years old as a joke... if as an adult you do this...you are seriously fucked up and need help 🙏

Don't do my boy dirty.

There is nothing wrong with dog consciousness. :P

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