
My Dream Project is Me

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My life purpose is to become as conscious, in flow, aligned, awake, moving with God, as possible. 

This requires (in my case) many hours a day dedicated to solitude and contemplation, reading and of course bringing that into social realms and sexuality


Im fortune to have money to do this, for a few years at least. 

Here is my statement. God consciousness. 

I must eliminate porn and alcohol my two greatest vices. 


I must not veer off, for the path has given me more than I could’ve imagined. I’m now 30, and it’s time fully dive into even deeper into God 

Lions Heart is my YouTube Channel- Syncing Masculinity and Consciousness

Lions Heart YouTube

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I've eliminated both of those bro, four years for me for alcohol and I used to be a black out drunk. I actually just made a full thread about how I finished Leo's course and now I want to create a community helping others with those addictions. If you want to chat, let me know. 

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Yeah man it’s a real mother fucker. I appreciate the offer I will DM you if so. Thanks brother. Way to go, quitting and all 🔥

Lions Heart is my YouTube Channel- Syncing Masculinity and Consciousness

Lions Heart YouTube

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