
Of course our true being can suffer

91 posts in this topic

7 minutes ago, Max1993 said:

@Javfly33 You did not do the work! 

Before enlightenment: “My annoying master keeps telling me, “Do the work, do the work!!”

After enlightenment: “My students… do the work, do the work!!”


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Suffering is a feeling, same as pain and hunger, it is real(ative).

Maybe you see god as the present moment devoid of interpretation.

Then we have a duality of real senses/feelings/emotions and unreal interpretations and projections.

In that case, you see the projected world as a dream but root sensations as reality.

But you see, those might be "more real" as in being a lower level of the holarchy that emerges the rest...

But all layers of the holarchy are equally holons, some are more fundamental but they're all made from the same stuff

Which means there are ever higher levels of illusions but even the ground is illusory. God is really just nothing.

Suffering is an appearance as real as every other appearance, maybe more fundamental but its as real as all else.

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2 hours ago, Yimpa said:

One thing is true: I Love You

I love you too. 🙏

1 hour ago, Max1993 said:

@Javfly33 You did not do the work! 


58 minutes ago, Keryo Koffa said:

Suffering is an appearance as real as every other appearance, maybe more fundamental but its as real as all else.

I agree

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In the nicest way I remember you posting similar stuff to this years ago. 

Are you happier since your spiritual journey? 

If not, may be time to change routes. 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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1 minute ago, LfcCharlie4 said:

In the nicest way I remember you posting similar stuff to this years ago. 

Are you happier since your spiritual journey? 

If not, may be time to change routes. 

I don´t feel much happier, but I feel something big is being deconstructed. 

The spiritual device take time to deconstruct all karma one has inside... If you happen to have a faster one...I´m all ears. 

Edited by Javfly33

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@Javfly33  My honest recommendation is to work with a teacher you trust / love 1-1 if you can, its the thing that helped me most. 

I love this forum, but a lot of it is mental masturbation. 

Think of it like this. 

If you join the gym- you can learn training, nutrition, sleep yourself, of course. 

But you get a coach and suddenly you have a training plan, a diet plan & someone keeping you accountable. 

Its no different with this work IMO. 

In fact, its potentially even more important, as someone else's questions are not yours, and can confuse you even further and send your mind into overdrive. At least it did for me. 

A 'Spiritual Coach' was the best investment I ever made. I was quite literally going mental beforehand due to seeking lool 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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3 minutes ago, LfcCharlie4 said:

@Javfly33  My honest recommendation is to work with a teacher you trust / love 1-1 if you can, its the thing that helped me most. 



@LfcCharlie4 I´m working with a teacher since 1 year ago or so. 

Things take time though! 


I love this forum, but a lot of it is mental masturbation. 

I don´t use the forum as a spiritual device. I use the place to talk about insights or just for fun. 

Edited by Javfly33

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@Javfly33 I agree, and glad you found a teacher! 

And same, but I was generalizing and I know I used to use it as a bit of a crutch

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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Just now, LfcCharlie4 said:

@Javfly33 I agree, and glad you found a teacher! 

And same, but I was generalizing and I know I used to use it as a bit of a crutch

@LfcCharlie4 I use it as a crutch but in the same way I use reddit, YouTube, o etc...

I know it means 0% in terms of spiritual progress. haha (in case you were saying to me because of that) 


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On 7.1.2024 at 0:01 AM, Javfly33 said:

Is two things. But the pointer is, the only Real and Alive thing is Awareness.

So now you're saying that awareness and suffering are two different things? That kind of contradicts your earlier claim that there is only awareness, doesn't it?

Anyway, imo all of this mental abstraction and counter-abstraction doesn't really get you anywhere. It's basically a fight against windmills. Just leave the windmills be and move on.

PS: Good to hear that you are working with a teacher. May I ask who he/she is and what exactly they are providing for you?

And PPS... happy belated new year, brother. ;)

Edited by Bazooka Jesus

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2 hours ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

So now you're saying that awareness and suffering are two different things? That kind of contradicts your earlier claim that there is only awareness, doesn't it?

Anyway, imo all of this mental abstraction and counter-abstraction doesn't really get you anywhere. It's basically a fight against windmills. Just leave the windmills be and move on.

PS: Good to hear that you are working with a teacher. May I ask who he/she is and what exactly they are providing for you?

And PPS... happy belated new year, brother. ;)

Im doing the yoga path of Sadhguru, I learned from one of his teacher another process recently so nowdays i put about 2 hours at least of "real Spirituality" so to speak each day!

Like i said to Charlie i use the forum to pass time/entertainment, is not meant to be a place to grow.

Happy new year too! You still in india i suppose?

Edited by Javfly33

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40 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

Like i said to Charlie i use the forum to pass time/entertainment, is not meant to be a place to grow.

@Javfly33 The forum isn't a video game so please don't treat it like one. That would be unfair (a distraction) to others that Are here to do the real work.

By your own admission you are breaking forum guidelines.  What's NOT Allowed: leeching off the community (using it to pass time/ entertainment purposes only).

So, consider this a friendly warning. If it continues points will be issued.

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41 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

Im doing the yoga path of Sadhguru, I learned from one of his teacher another process recently so nowdays i put about 2 hours at least of "real Spirituality" so to speak each day!

That's very good.

Do you also have someone with whom you can talk about your emotional and mental processes, i.e. a true spiritual mentor who can regularly "check up" on you and make you aware of possible traps or blindspots?

50 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

Like i said to Charlie i use the forum to pass time/entertainment, is not meant to be a place to grow.

Yeah, I agree... as questionable as some of the stuff is that is being purpoted by certain folks on this forum, it is (still) a pretty cool and entertaining place for exchanging ideas, expressing yourself and shooting the sh!t; but no online forum can replace real life interactions with real people who give you real face-to-face feedback, truly challenge you and actually hold your butt accountable. (Which is of course exactly what the overwhelming majority of members of this forum try to avoid like the plague, and the main reason why they like it here so much, heh.)

1 hour ago, Javfly33 said:

You still in india i suppose?

Sure am! I am currently staying in the lofty, green and misty hills of Kerala, enjoying some much anticipated & appreciated time in nature. 🌿

(If I may give you a tip for possible future trips to India: Try to avoid the big cities. They're all noisy, messy, dirty, smelly, run down and chaotic... and frankly they all look exactly the same, lol. The (South) Indian countryside on the other hand is very beautiful, especially where there is a lot of green. 9_9)

It looks like I might even be able to get my hands on some fresh shrooms around here... wish me luck! ;)

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@cetus ok you can lock the topic it got too derailed I didn't meant to say it in a bad way. my apologies. 

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Locking this topic isn't the point. Being more mindful of why the forum exists in the first place (it's intended use) is.

What if everyone used the forum in the manner you described? What if that was allowed? It would be a freakin circus around here.

So, let's share ideas, grow together and have some laughs along the way. All while maintaining an air of respect for the place. Fair enough? Thanks

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3 hours ago, cetus said:

It would be a freakin circus around here.

Which it clearly isn't. xD

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On 1/2/2024 at 10:26 AM, Javfly33 said:

There is this belief going on our true being cant suffer, that is always at peace, that is the true happiness, that is beyond everything 

That is the most shit ive ever Heard. If one ever awakens clearly enough one Will realize ONLY our being is capable of suffering. An object can not suffer. A body can not suffer and a mind can not suffer. They are not subjects or beings, they are not something "Alive" in the sense our being Is.

Therefore, of course God/You/Truth can suffer. Is actually the ONLY thing capable of suffering. Your ego or Mind can not suffer because is not real or sentient awareness. They are objects, as a machine or a car. They dont care if you suffer for 1million years. 

It is only the ego or finite mind that suffers.   An Infinite Mind is Absolute Love and Bliss. 

But the finite mind grasps for infinity - that's why it suffers.   This is exaggerated in the mental disorder OCD which is a need for certainly. 

You aren't wrong- the finite Mind IS God.  It is God in finite form. 

God suffers when it is masquerading as finite.  But in its purest form - infinite- it cannot.  All states of Consciousness are God - but God is in its most pristine state as just pure Infinity.   And then it breaks itself down into lesser forms.   That's how it goes.

Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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