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Rafael Thundercat

Scam - A reminder - because the world is full of Bullshiters

4 posts in this topic

I think I will re-watch this video again. 

I almost got into a Annual Subscription faking itself as a one-time-shop

I had to cancel my Bank Card Due to this Shiters - I mean not the TrustPilot but SamCart Products

Be aware, they are on instagram making very good FLASHY stuff. The red flag is FLASHY PROMISES.


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The ultimate scammer is one’s self.

I AM reborn

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Great and important video. Worth to watch every now and then. :x

Congrats on the free learning opportunity.

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Tip: Use for all sketchy online transactions, like porn sites, etc. This will keep your real card from being stolen or overcharged. It also elimates those pesky recurring subscriptions.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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